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STUDENT NUMBER : 21091010169


Modern technology relies heavily on batteries to power everything from electric cars to
cellphones. On the other hand, resource depletion, pollution, and recycling problems are among
the major environmental challenges associated with conventional battery technology. My goal in
this research proposal is to examine the possible effects of nuclear batteries as a sustainable
and green energy.

Objective :

On objective side I need to examine the condition of battery technology today and its effects on
the environment, the advancement and possibilities of nuclear battery science and the
economic effects of nuclear batteries becoming widely used. I think that I talked everything on
my previous research. On my research topic when I wrote, I included all of the objectives and
talked briefly about that.

Structure :

On the structure side firstly I did an overview of battery technology, its environmental impacts,
and also nuclear battery (is the one that can change everything). I also gathered information, did
data collection, and analyzed the information I took.

Strategies :

On strategy side, when I first tried to write the research topic, I included all of the information I
know and analyzed this technologies. How battery impacts, what is nuclear battery and so
more. Also I talked about how big countries will rally between each other because of this
technology. After that, time comes to do research deeper and getting know this technology and
its impacts better. On my research I saw that, the energy they used to provide power for devices
is very huge and it’s the one that pollute the Earth.

Sources of Information :



Criteria for Decision-Making :

Finding the sources of information was not easy at all. Because internet is full of wrong answer
and lies. For example, I trust to use the verge. There we can find every information without any
modification. And also, decision is the most important thing for doing research. Because,
otherwise if we don’t decide what we want to write and what to research, we can’t write a perfect
example of article.

Timeline :

First week : Talked about battery problems and its impacts. Also nuclear battery technology.

Second week : Doing a bit of research and expanding my ideas. Also writing more about the
how battery will affect the future.

Third week : I did a full research about my topic. Learned that the energy is the potential thing
that can destroy the Earth. Because we use huge power of energy for our devices and new
technologies. For example, AI is the must kill technology that uses most of the energy of Earth.
Also, I learned a lot about BetaVolt nuclear battery technology and the countries that racing
between each other because of this.

Process that I will follow to assess the scientific validity of your research :

The validity of research is really important. Because wrong information could not be on side of
research. Research belongs to the true information. And if I write it good, maybe on future
someone will read it and learn something from it.



In my previous writing, I talked a lot about batteries. I mentioned that batteries are very
important for science and technology. We all know that every device relies on batteries, and
batteries are a source of many problems. Global warming, recycling issues, and the gathering of
elements for production and manufacturing are all connected to batteries. If we just look at them
superficially, we might think they're not a huge issue. But upon closer examination, we can see
how they pollute the Earth. We don’t typically consider batteries as a gamble in technology and
science, but they are one of the factors contributing to the deterioration of our world, albeit
I mentioned that nuclear batteries are the solution to many of these problems. Their invention
could address global warming, recycling, pollution problems, and more. They are pivotal for us.
China is putting a lot of effort into making these batteries usable for the average user and for
scientific purposes. Actually, nuclear batteries have already been produced for use in
spaceships and telescopes in space. However, their production is not easy at all. They are very
costly and could pose problems for mass production. We need them for our phones and other
technological devices. Nuclear battery technology is currently in the testing stage. I believe they
will become widely usable in about 10 years. The battery's name is BETAVOLT, the solution
we've needed for decades. It utilizes atomic energy to produce electricity for devices. China is
leading the efforts in this area. However, there is a major business-related issue. The first
producer will likely make a tremendous amount of money from this technology. Moreover, it's
likely that the USA won’t allow China to dominate this field. This potential conflict sets the stage
for a struggle between China and the USA. They are the ones who will likely perfect it. China is
currently using nickel-63 isotopes to create a coin-sized battery, but they are not powerful
enough. These isotopes need to be stable to avoid radiation issues. However, I believe this is a
problem that can be solved. They can currently produce 100 microwatts of 3V energy for basic
plans. By the end of 2025, they have promised 1 watt of electricity. I believe this is the point at
which the USA will get involved. The USA is struggling due to an economic crisis and needs to
innovate to recover. Otherwise, if the USA falls, China will suffer as well, since many USA-based
technology companies manufacture their devices in China. China is striving for independence,
but it's unlikely to happen, as no one will grant permission for it. If China takes the lead, we
could face dire consequences.
Speaking of Betavolt, one major upgrade is its heat and cold resistance. Normal batteries die
when exposed to 50 degrees Celsius in the middle spot. Cells cannot withstand such
temperatures and deteriorate rapidly. This is their weakest point. Earth has extreme cold and hot
spots, making it difficult for people to explore these areas due to a lack of functioning devices.
Batteries degrade extremely fast under these conditions. However, BetaVolt will resolve this
issue for us. It can withstand temperatures ranging from -60 degrees to 120 degrees Celsius
without any problems.
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Research site 1.

Betavolt will just fix every problem we had. We won’t look back after this invention. This huge
jump will change the world like 180 degrees. We will see the huge jump on AI technology. AI is
growing slower now. We are just using the one that trained years before making it public. It
learned a lot, but used mass energy to learn every information on the internet. Again, we need
nuclear energy to produce carbon-neutral technology. Most countries need to shut down
OpenAI servers because of electric usage. It makes pollution. We can’t gather electric from
solar panels for this type of technology. We need to use instant and megavolt energy for them.
AI servers have thousands of GPU and CPU on their base. Those chips need a lot of energy to
work. We are using just watts for our phones and computers. But what about AI servers? In
2022, they used 460 terawatt-hours of energy. That’s a really huge amount of energy. You can
just light your house for 100 years with this energy. It is just one hour of energy used for these
servers. Using water, carbon, and other elements for energy, we are polluting Earth very badly,
which we can’t see. There is not a problem about global warming. Just, we are doing it for using
batteries and energies. That’s the main point. Yes, AI is a magical thing for us. But on the other
side, it will make our end. I will not talk about the problems about AI itself, just the energy is the
huge problem inside one of them. At the end of the day, all of them are just a business. People
need money, but if we die, who will use this money and for what? We are the lazy kind of
creatures that need to just rest and take profit easily. Lazy ones die faster, it is the rule of the
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Research site 2.
Now I will talk about the research of recycling batteries. They are the major problem that stands
in front of us. We can’t actually recycle Lithium batteries 100%. That’s the case that leads to a
lot of bad situations. Batteries need Lithium and Cobalt for producing. Both of them are very
dangerous, and they can explode if they get a little bit of oxygen inside. Lithium is one of the
dangerous ones. Basic Lithium fires up if it meets with oxygen and hydrogen. And we are
carrying it in our pockets without any fear. And we think that nuclear batteries are the problem?
No, they can’t do damage or explode because their isotopes are just basic atomic structure.
Phone batteries can last like 18 months at peak. And we need to change batteries. But what
about the older ones we used? Where do they go? Now that brings us to the problem. There are
huge lithium battery recycling factories that work on this project. But they can only recycle like
50% of the natural components inside. The remaining ones are just junk, and we are releasing
these gases into the Earth. Phones are just a small problem on the side. There are cars that use
2 tons of batteries inside. And we've seen exploded Tesla cars on the road. We see how
dangerous it is. Recycling this amount of batteries is not easy at all. Again for recycling, what do
we use? We use batteries, generators, and static energy. We are recycling it to show people
that we care about Earth. That is the biggest lie on Earth.

( – Research site 3.

At the end, we all know that there is just one fix. Nuclear batteries can change how the world
works. We will see technologies that we dreamed about for years. Flying cars, human-like
robots, big spaceships that can explore space and nearby galaxies. It is like a key for us. If we
open the door using this key, we will see magical worlds and a better, cleaner future for
ourselves. We can live longer if we use natural and harmless Earth components. We are the
clever ones. But laziness is ruining us. And money is the biggest potential margin. It doesn’t
matter which country will make it first. We love competition, and competition is a plus for people.
One of them (USA or China) will do it, and this country will be the richest and the top priority for
all of the world.


As my friend reviewed my writing, he said that I don’t need to change anything at all. But I will
add something to there. I don’t want to change something on my previous research writing. On
addition I will talk about the future of nuclear battery.

I think the topic I wrote is really the biggest research that everyone need to do and learn
something about it. Because, the one that could change the future is the BetaVolt ( nuclear
battery) technology. Now, China and USA is working on it to provide their best for it. And also
phone companies need better battery and new cells for their devices. Because they can’t
increase the performance of their phones. Previously, the latest Apple phone has the problem of
overheating and battery draining problem. Because they increased the performance of new
phone. But after that, with software update, they tried to slow down performance of the phone.
All of this problems is because of batteries.

I see that Cyberpunk world is near for us and we can’t deny this. With this nuclear batteries, we
can implement every technology on our body. Also, my friend’s topic he talked about the
devices that wearable and implemented on human body. All this technologies are it’s first stage
and they didn’t improve it at all. When the nuclear battery will be the public, then we will see all
of this technologies. It will probably take a decade to make it perfect. But it is near. Long range
cars that don’t need charge, homes that don’t need any energy from outside, 50 year long
working phones and more.

This research is done and I enjoyed every minute of this research. It is very fun to research and
learn about batteries and their impacts.


STUDENT NUMBER : 21091010169

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