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4/22/24, 1:08 PM DQ Marx and Engels 10:30AM: Prescilla Pascua

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from DQ Marx and Engels 10:30AM Feb 12, 2024 4:12PM

1. According to Marx, capital requires labor and labor requires

capital for they rely on each other in order for them to exist. He
writes, "Capital therefore presupposes wage-labour; wage-labour
presupposes capital. They condition each other; each brings the other into
existence" (Marx 2006, 11). Capital cannot simply exist without there being
laborers to work for them and laborers wouldn't exist without capitalists
providing subsistence for them. For the capital to thrive, capitalists
essentially have to exploit their workers, and the laborers, who work to
sustain a life of their own, will thrive off of the jobs they are given to make
money. Furthermore, "...the interest of the capitalist and of the labourer is
the same" (Marx 2006, 12). Each rely on the other because if one fails,
both fail. Therefore, capital is a social relation of production because of
this labor-capital relationship. The bourgeoise, being the capitalists who
own the means of production, are in control of the proletariat, being the
workers. The interaction and exchange between the two classes ultimately
form production.

3. The workers in the working class of Manchester include children who

are stuck in a damp, warm factory all day and are punished if they rest.
One of the rules that all workers must follow is that, "The operatives have
little to do, but must stand the whole time. Any one who sits
fined" (Engels 2003, 2). When one stands for too long, their spines bend
abnormally and other distortions of the body can be present. Engels
knows of this because he met someone who had distortions on their body
due to the conditions of Mr. Douglas's factory in Pendleton (Engels 2003,
2). Engels' discussion, along with his observations, relate to Marx's
argument of flawed production. Marx argues that a capitalist system is
flawed due to the exploitation of workers, the proletariats, for the sake of
the capitalists. Greed is the issue, and Engels highlights how highly
immoral the production industry is when he wrote, " is unpardonable to
sacrifice to the greed of an unfeeling bourgeoisie the time of children
which should be devoted solely to their physical and mental
development..." (Engels 2003, 1). Essentially, both Marx and Engels would
argue that a capitalist system is highly flawed and promotes the
exploitation of underclass citizens for the sole purpose of production and
to satisfy the needs of the bourgeoisie while ignoring that of the
proletariat. 2/3
4/22/24, 1:08 PM DQ Marx and Engels 10:30AM: Prescilla Pascua

Q: What do you think Marx would say about the economic system that the
U.S has now?

You do realize that we still use the capitalist system in the US, yes?
Sarah R. Graff , Feb 20 at 5:52pm

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