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Read this following text for questions number 1 to 6

We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. At present we are forced to look to other
bodies in the solar system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was like. Studies of our
Moon, Mercury, Mars, and the large satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence
that all these large celestial bodies had formed by collision impacts of mineral rich asteroids. This
same bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The Lunar Cycle Record indicates that the rate
of impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent erosion
and crustal motions have obliterated the craters that must have formed during this epoch.

Scientists estimate the Earth’s age by measuring the ratios of various radioactive elements in
rocks. The oldest Earth’s rocks tested thus far are about 3.3 billion years old. However, no one knows
whether these are the oldest rocks on Earth. Tests on rock formations on Moon and meteorites show
that these are about 4.6 billion years old. Scientists believe that this is the true age of the Solar
System and probably the true age of the Earth. (Source:

1. It can be inferred in the passage that the age of the earth cannot be estimated by?

A. By examining minerals found in rock formations

B. By observing the erosion of Earth’s crust
C. By studying asteroid impacts on various celestial bodies
D. By researching about the Solar and Lunar Cycles
E. By measuring the ratios of various radioactive elements in rocks

2. “… of Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence that…”

The underlined word above can best be replaced by?

A. Lacking
B. Enough
C. Amplified
D. Obvious
E. Hidden

3. “On Earth, subsequent erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the craters….”
The underlined word above has meaning in contrast to?

A. Successive
B. Preemptive
C. Afterward
D. Consecutive
E. Continuous

4. “On Earth, subsequent erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the craters….”
The underlined word above is closest in meaning to?

A. Constructed
B. Stabilized
C. Connected
D. Eliminated
E. Created

5. Which of the following statements are TRUE according to the text?

A. Because of recent studies conducted by scientists, we know exactly what is the age of Earth.
B. Earth and other celestial bodies had been hit by asteroid impacts a long time ago.
C. We can still observe many craters left behind by ancient collision because of Earth’s crust
D. There is only one way to estimate Earth’s age researched by scientists.
E. The oldest rocks on earth are about 4 billion years old.

6. What is the topic of the text?

A. The age of Earth

B. The studies of celestial bodies
C. The importance of rock formations
D. The history of Earth
E. The history of the Solar System

Read this following text for number 7 to 12

Cats, also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or
Felis catus), is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word “cat” generally refers to
a “cat” that has been tamed, but can also refer to the “big cats” such as lions and tigers.

Cats are considered as “perfect carnivore” with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first
premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a
pair of scissors to tear the meat. Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but these
traits are better developed in cats.

Unlike other carnivores, cats eat almost non-vegetable substances. Bears and dogs sometimes
eat berries, roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat – usually freshly killed prey. In
captivity, cats cannot adapt to a vegetarian diet because they cannot synthesize all the amino acids
from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of
meat and vegetables and sometimes they can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal.

Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on
the island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other
rodents from the barn where the crops were saved. Currently, cat is one of the most popular pets in
the world. Cats with lineage that is recorded officially as pure breeds are Persian, Siamese, Manx,
and the Sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in an official captivity center. The number of
purebred cats is only 1% of all cats in the world; the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cats
or domestic cats. (Source:

7. “…, but these traits are better developed in cats.”

The word ‘traits’ could best be replaced by …

A. Points
B. Parts
C. Symbols
D. Characteristics
E. Personalities

8. These following statements are true, except …

A. Cats are considered as perfect carnivores equipped with particular teeth features.
B. Dogs can adapt to a vegetarian diet especially the domesticated ones.
C. Cats cannot adapt to a vegetarian diet even if they never kill any prey.
D. Cats have mingled with human life since 3500 BC.
E. 99% cats we can commonly found around us are not pure breed.

9. “it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, …”

The word ‘contrast’ has the closest meaning to …

A. Different
B. Counter
C. Against
D. Brightness
E. Similar

10. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain the difference between cats and dogs.

B. To inform the readers of facts about cats.
C. To report the discovery of ancient cat fossils.
D. To persuade the readers to keep cats as pets.
E. To argue that cat is generally a better pet than dogs.

11. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Cat’s general carnivorous diet

B. Difference of cats’ and other carnivores’ dietary needs
C. Domesticated cat’s inability to eat vegetables
D. Difference of wild and domesticated cat’s diet
E. Cat’s powerful digestive abilities

12. What is TRUE according to the text?

A. Only cats and big cats has pair of fangs formed by unique premolar and molar teeth.
B. It can be said that most purebred cats are purposely bred to be so.
C. Bears also eats only freshly killed preys like cats do.
D. The ancient Egyptians also kept dogs as pets to guard their homes.
E. Cats were kept as a symbol of power and status by the ancient Egyptians.

Read this following text for questions 13 to 18

The Burj Khalifa (or how it was called until 2010, Burj Dubai) opened on January 14th, 2010. Even
before the building construction was finished, starting from 2007, it had become the highest
skyscraper in the world. Its exact height is 2,722 feet or 829,8 meters and it obviously can be seen
from any point in Dubai. The number of floors, however, is a bit fewer than some might expect: Burj
Khalifa totals in 163 floors, which is 16’2” (about 5 meters) for each floor.

Burj Khalifa looks like a stalagmite, which means it resembles vertical minerals growing from cave
floors. Stalagmites usually have a shape of a cone, and so does Burj Khalifa; if you look at it from a
distance, it will remind you of a gigantic sharp cone made of glass and steel.

The most impressive aspect about Burj Khalifa is that it had been planned to be a “city within the
city”; this means inside the tower, you can find parks, alleys, districts, fountains, and so on. The glass
of the tower’s surface always shines, because it is washed every single day, and the concrete of
which the tower was built from was invented specifically for Burj Khalifa. There are three entrances
to the tower, because it is so huge that one or two would not be enough. At the foot of the
skyscraper, there is a big artificial lake that measures up to 12 hectares.

Inside, the building is as magnificent as it is from the outside. The interiors were projected by
famous designers—for example, the interior of the Armani Hotel, located on the floors from first to
39th, was designed by Giorgio Armani himself. The air inside Burj Khalifa is conditioned and flavored
—it is said that the flavor was also designed exclusively for the tower; 57 elevators work 24 hours
each day to transport visitors between floors. (Source:

13. “Inside, the building is as magnificent as it is from the outside.”

Which one of the following words is the antonym of magnificent?

A. Excellent
B. Magnanimous
C. Elegant
D. Extraordinary
E. Hideous

14. These following statements are true, except …

A. Burj Khalifa has more than 160 floors towering over 800 meters.
B. There is a single entrance to the tower of Burj Khalifa.
C. There is a manmade lake at the foot of Burj Khalifa.
D. There is a hotel designed by Giorgio Armani inside Burj Khalifa.
E. More than 50 elevators work 24 hours each day at Burj Khalifa.

15. What is the meaning of “city within the city” for Burj Khalifa in paragraph 3?

A. There is another government specialized to govern inside Burj Khalifa.

B. There are foreign citizens living inside Burj Khalifa.
C. There are public facilities designed like typical city inside Burj Khalifa.
D. The Burj Khalifa is located in between two cities.
E. The air inside Burj Khalifa is as fresh as outside air in Dubai.

16. Where can we find a similar structure that Burj Khalifa resembles in?

A. Caves
B. Jungles and forests
C. Undersea
D. Top of the mountain
E. Deserts

17. Which paragraph primarily discusses the exterior appearance and structure of Burj Khalifa?

A. The first paragraph

B. The second paragraph
C. The third paragraph
D. The fourth paragraph

18. What is the main idea of the text about Burj Khalifa?

A. The specialized design of Burj Khalifa facilities

B. The architectural features and design concepts of Burj Khalifa
C. The economic impact of Burj Khalifa on Dubai
D. The daily activities of the residents within Burj Khalifa

Read the following texts for number 19 to 24


In 2010, researchers estimated that 8 billion kg of plastic entered the ocean in a single year,
and that number would sharply increase by 2025. When it enters the ocean, plastic waste disrupts
marine ecosystems, travels to central locations, and forms a trash island which can cover an area of
more than 1.6 million square km. These plastics never degrade, but rather break up into smaller
sizes. They eventually become microplastics that stay in the environment for hundreds of years.

Scientists at the University of California San Diego have invented a new biodegradable
material that is designed to replace the commonly used plastics. The material started to biodegrade
in seawater within four weeks. The team found that various marine organisms colonize the material
and break it into nutrients for their consumption.

The research of this new plastic is joined by experts in biology, chemistry, and marine
science. They have shown that it is possible to make durable plastics that also can degrade in the
ocean. Plastics should not be going into the ocean in the first place. But now, if they do, this new
plastic can become food for microorganisms and not harmful trash.


Plastic is everywhere and important to the growth of many industries, such as packaging,
building, and automotive. About 83.5% of consumer products rely on plastic in some ways. Food
without plastic packaging would spoil long before it reaches consumers’ fridges. PVC pipes made of
plastic are an essential building part that reduce leakage and corrosion to conserve water and
energy. Plastics make cars dramatically lighter, which increases fuel efficiency.

Researchers have been working to improve the plastic recycling process since it was realized
that plastic was harming the environment. Recycling plastic not only helps the environment and
reduces trash, but it also creates more jobs. The recycling sector generates up to 30 times more jobs
than the common disposal sector. In fact, Tellus Institute reports that over 1.5 million new jobs would
be created if the national recycling rate could be increased to 75%.

Modern recycling techniques can transform plastic into more useful products. Some experts
have seen the opportunity to make jet fuel from plastic. However, even a simple recycling strategy
has commercial benefits. Over 3 million plastic bottles have already been converted into pillow fillers
by IHG Hotels & Resorts. Customers are happy to sleep well and use a product that benefits the
environment, according to IHG – and it is all thanks to plastic.

19. Which of the following statements is an opinion from Text 1?

A. These plastics never degrade, but rather break up into smaller sizes.
B. Recycling plastic not only helps the environment and reduces trash, but also creates more
C. Plastics should not be going into the ocean in the first place.
D. They eventually become microplastics that stay in the environment for hundreds of years.
E. Customers are happy to sleep well and use a product that benefits the environment.

20. What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2?

A. Text 1 discusses the biodegradable material used in many useful products explained in Text 2.
B. Text 1 explains how biodegradable material can help improve the plastic recycling process
discussed in Text 2.
C. Both texts explain what scientists have done to provide plastics which do not harm the
D. Text 2 explains how new plastic material mentioned in Text 1 is recycled to create more jobs.
E. Text 2 discusses the plastic recycling process that has been improved by the research findings
explained in Text 1.

21. Based on information from both texts, which of the following statements will most likely happen
in the future?

A. Plastic waste in the ocean is unavoidable.

B. It is impossible to preserve customer food without biodegradable plastics.
C. Disposing plastic waste into seawater will create more job opportunities.
D. Marine organisms can be used to recycle plastics into pillows.
E. There is no need to completely ban plastic usage from this world.

22. What is the main focus in Text 1?

A. The estimation of plastic waste in the ocean

B. The harmful effects of microplastics on marine life
C. The formation of trash islands in the ocean
D. The development and benefits of a biodegradable plastic alternative

23. What is the main focus in Text 2?

A. The negative environmental impact of plastic use

B. The essential role of plastic in industries
C. The harmful effects of plastic on consumer products
D. The development of alternative ways to recycle plastic

24. What is the general tone of Text 2?

A. Optimistic
B. Informative
C. Formal
D. Friendly
E. Encouraging

Read the following texts for question 25 to 30


An actor creates and performs a character by using cognitive empathy or Theory of Mind (ToM). It is
the ability to represent others’ mental states. ToM plays a critical role in understanding and
navigating social situations. Reflection into the character's mental life depends on the actor’s
approach to character performance. This may be an important part of the character-creation
process. This process involves the exploration of the history, motivations, beliefs, and values of the
character. This exploration often goes well beyond the information contained within the script. In
other words, for many actors, creating a character involves a complex application of ToM, which
includes several brain regions such as the temporoparietal junction and posterior
The temporoparietal junction works in processing and judgments of self and others. According to
some studies, overcoming self–other interference and ToM is a deeply integrated process. Findings
show that simulating others has been shown to influence self-knowledge. In this simulation, trait and
memory measures become similar to a simulated other after adopting their perspective. Some brain
regions are deactivated when trained actors use the first-person fictional perspective of a character
to answer questions. This is in contrast to a situation when actors answered questions from their
own perspective. It suggests that acting may involve the suppression of self-processing. (Source:


According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their
everyday self. This implies that theatre training may have a big impact on the fundamental
mechanisms of the human brain. Researchers in this study worked in collaboration with Flute
Theatre. They created and delivered interactive productions of Shakespeare for autistic individuals
and their families. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat

The team used wearable brain imaging technologies and physiological measurement devices. They
were first introduced at UCL's Department of Biomedical Engineering. Both devices were used to
evaluate the brain activity of actors as they rehearsed scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer
Night's Dream.

The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their
response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is usually associated
with self-awareness. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when
rehearsing several times over a week. Meanwhile, when the performers were not in acting
conditions, they responded normally to hearing their own name.

According to the lead researcher, this is the first time that neuroscientists have been able to record
brain activity in actors as they perform a role. We hope that this study will help us understand what
theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre
professionals. (Source:

25. According to Text 1, cognitive empathy or ToM is ….

A. an actor’s memory of a character’s history, motivations, beliefs and values

B. a skill important for actors to suppress themselves to create a new character
C. an actor’s habit of using several brain regions to be professional performer
D. a simulation implemented by actors to answer questions from others’ perspectives
E. a state of an actor’s brain when processing information contained within a script

26. Which of the following sentences from Text 2 is an opinion?

A. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when rehearsing
several times over a week.
B. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and
to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.
C. The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance,
their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain.
D. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.
E. According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to
suppress their everyday self.

27. The results of the evaluation of actors’ brain activity when performing a character can be found
in ….

A. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 1

B. Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 3
C. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 3
D. Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 4
E. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 2

28. What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2?

A. Text 1 argues the importance of cognitive empathy for acting, which is criticized by Text 2.
B. Text 1 explains how the brain works when an actor performs a character and Text 2 compares
the devices used in the study.
C. Texts 1 and 2 explain how creating and performing a new character using cognitive empathy
can help actors to be more professional.
D. Both texts explain the mechanisms of the human brain, but they focus on different
E. Text 1 explains that in the character-creation process, an actor suppresses their self-
processing, and Text 2 further elaborates the brain mechanisms.

29. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Text 2?

A. The study was conducted by researchers at Flute Theatre in collaboration with the UCL
Department of Biomedical Engineering.
B. The researchers used wearable brain imaging technologies to evaluate the brain activity of
actors rehearsing scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
C. The findings of the study revealed that actors' response to hearing their own name was
enhanced in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain.
D. The lead researcher mentions that neuroscientists have frequently recorded brain activity in
actors during performances.
E. The study primarily focused on the impact of theatre training on physical health.

30. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to Text 1?

A. The temporoparietal junction is important for processing judgments of self and others.
B. Theory of Mind (ToM) is crucial for understanding and navigating social situations.
C. The character-creation process for actors includes exploring the character's history,
motivations, beliefs, and values.
D. Studies suggest that simulating others can impact an actor's self-knowledge.
E. Trained actors deactivate some brain regions when adopting a character's perspective to
answer questions.

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