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Santos, Matthew Emmuel D.

BSIT 405

The five SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) processes that align with the sale activities on an e-
commerce platform like Lazada are as follows:

1. Sales Order Processing: When a customer places an order on Lazada, the platform
verifies product availability, checks the customer's payment information, and generates a
unique order number. This process corresponds to the SAP Sales Order Processing,
where the system receives the sales order, checks product availability, and generates a
sales order document.
2. Sales Area and Sales Organization: Lazada has a specific sales area and sales
organization structure to cater to different regions and customer segments. This structure
helps in managing the sales process, pricing, and customer support, similar to the SAP
SD Sales Area and Sales Organization.
3. Sales Document Creation: When a customer places an order on Lazada, a sales document
(order) is created in the system. This process aligns with the SAP SD Sales Document
Creation, where the system generates sales documents such as sales orders, quotations,
and contracts based on customer requests.
4. Sales Document Follow-up: After the order creation, Lazada follows up with the
customer to provide updates on the order status, including order confirmation, shipment,
and delivery. This process corresponds to the SAP SD Sales Document Follow-up, where
the system monitors the status of sales documents and provides relevant information to
customers and internal stakeholders.
5. Billing and Invoicing: Once the order is delivered, Lazada generates an invoice for the
customer. This process aligns with the SAP SD Billing and Invoicing process, where the
system calculates the customer's due amount, generates invoices, and updates the
accounts receivable records.

These SAP SD processes demonstrate how e-commerce platforms like Lazada efficiently
manage their sales activities by leveraging the functionalities provided by the SAP system.

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