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6: The air we breathe

I. Vocablualry

EX1: Match the word (a-f) to the correct picture (1-6)

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

EX2: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences

urban cycle pedestrianised socially and low emission renewable

forests routes zones economically sustainable zones energy

1. Some cities are planning to plant __________as well as plant more trees in streets and
parks because trees absorb a lot of carbon dioxide

2. Creating more _________ and having ___________ where vehicles are not allowed will
limit car use in the city.

3. ___________________means you can have _____________where people can enjoy

travel and commuting.

4. Buildings should be built to be carbon neutral, using only ___________ produced by

solar panels.
II. Listening

EX1: Listen to the conversation. How does Sania help her brother Nieran ?

EX2. Listen again. Who mentions each of the following? Write “S” for Sania or
“N” for Nieran

a electric vehicles f low-emissions zones

b air quality g being socially and

economically sustainable

c public transport systems h carbon neutral buildings

d cycle routes i renewable energy

e pedestrianised zones j urban forests

EX3. Listen again. Then complete the notes Nieran wrote to prepare for the

electric air quality public transport systems pedestrianisedzones sustainable trees

water health Cycle routes Urban forests

a, Make all cars and vehicles ______ to avoid burning fossil fuels, and to improve ____

b, Build good ______ ______ ______ , so that people don't need to use their cars in the city.

c, Have more _____________________ because traffic-free, low-emissions zones encourage

people to socialite and spend money. Consequently, cities are better places to live in and they
are more 'socially and economically __________ .

d, Plant more ______. They can cool cities by between 2 and 8 degrees. They absorb a lot of
________ ________, filter pollutants and particles and help to reduce flooding by soaking up
______ through their roots.

e, Children and adults can suffer when they don't have enough contact with the natural world,
so having trees and other plants in cities improves _______ and well-being.

III. Speaking: List the ways to improve air quality in Hanoi

 Work in pair
 Discuss in 5 minutes with your partner
 Answer the question : “ What do you do to improve air quality in Hanoi?”

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