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Morcilla, Ferlyn A.

Business Ethics and Social


Quiamco, Jesse Lyndon L.

Roxas, Maelyn Ann G.

Work Immersion Experiences and Insights at Galera Reefs Travel and Tours

Our operation was more on ticketing via online booking, fetching hundreds of pax of passengers from
Batangas Port to Puerto Galera. With that, we went back-and-forth from the office to the port and vice versa
with 3-5 minutes walking distance. Under the blazing sun, we accomplish our tasks. We wore sunscreen every
second of the way. We even have our own principle: “Okay lang ma-heatstroke, huwag lang mangitim.” One
time, we guided 100 pax from Tondo Medical to their transportation to their accommodation, and one of them
got irritated and yelled at Ferlyn, “Punyeta ka!” minutes after telling Jesse “Ang daming pogi sa loob.” Even so,
we still continued the operation. We decided to not take it personally as the heat could or might have been the
reason, and it wasn’t directly at her but rather to their tour guide. But even so, as a customer or a tourist, they
must understand that handling tourists could be a little handy let alone a hundred tourists.
Our office is situated in Balatero with a low ceiling and small office. It is a newly open establishment so
there was no air conditioner, yet. They didn’t even have a generator. The area was prone to power interruption
so we felt like we were in a human oven. When there was a chance and not a work to accomplish, we would be
sent home for a half-day since it was hot in there.
We went to the office and started our day with our daily routine. Out of nowhere, without disclaimer,
our boss gave us a task that requires going to different hotels and resorts at White Beach with our own expenses.
The task was to make an advertising package through graphic designing promoting Puerto Galera. It was 43
Degree Celsius hot and we were losing energy. We even have our intrusive thoughts tell us to go jump, tumble,
and swim in the beach. Fortunately, we accomplished our task there and went straight back to the office. We got
there and fell asleep because of exhaustion from the heat and walking back-and-forth, hotel to another hotel.
We fell asleep and our boss’ assistant was so understanding and considerate that she let us sleep.
Overall, it was a tiring work that requires a lot of patience, energy, and passion. This immersion was
super memorable for us because of the mixed emotions that we’ve had. It was exciting, nerve-wracking,
stressful, scary, and sad. Excitement since another opportunity for us to experience how the real-world works,
the industry of businesses. In addition, this was the first time that the three of us had come together in a very
unplanned way. We were also excited by the plans promised to us. And of course, if there’s excitement, there’s
also sadness, all the plans such as going off-shore to another place and farm-touring didn’t happen at all. It was
truly upsetting since our hopes were up. But it was compensated with works we are blessed to comply compared
to our classmates’ status on their work immersion since some says they don’t do anything at all. Moreover, we
were so stressed because we were tasked without having any disclaimers at all like going to White Beach with us
being unprepared and no money at all. It all went so fast. It was a stressful time with our fright to not accomplish
our tasks effectively and timely. These unexpected plans might have been a shock to us most of the times, but
those were the times that we create memories and learn from it. It’s true that someday we might encounter
things like these so next time, if ever, we won’t be disappointed and be prepared even before our heads give us a
task beforehand. The three of created a bond that we never expected. It was like a sacred bond that no one
knew and will stay where it was. But other than that, we learned a lot at our immersion that we will carry in the
next years to come especially for when we apply for a job in the future.

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