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Some people believe that it is a good idea for parents to put constant

pressure on their kids to do well, others think otherwise, claiming

that such pressure from parents is detrimental to their children’s
It is argued by some that parents had better to constantly impose
pressure on their children to achieve academic goals. Meanwhile,other
oppose that this may cause disadvantages for them. In this essay, I will
discuss both opinion and give out my personal perspectives.
On the one hand,pressure is an unlackable and vital factor while children
on a way achieving goals in their life especially in their career path.
Parental pressure could motivate the kids, kids enduring pressure are
more likely to enhance crucial individual skills time by time,this will be
super vital for their future occupation.However,parents should
considerate to cause stress at a moderate level because constantly
pressure may be exhausted for both sides.
On the other hand,parental pressure is the main reason for numberous
mental issues.Children have to experience many detrimental effects
while undergoing stress from their parents.The most specific is mental
issue,insecure when being compared to their excellent peers and
continously wonder about their ability if receive any unwanting remarks.
As a result,the situation is worsen and they will get stuck in endless loop
of toxic emotion, disappointment.
To sum up,although pressure is important for good performance,parents
should constantly put pressure.Children already have many other
pressure from society, peer pressure and self-made pressure,so that
parental stress would be detrimental for them.

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