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Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education, Mumbai

Year 2022-23

This is to certify that Roll no. of SY CO 22326 , 22336 , 22343 are of Third Semester of
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Institute GOVT. POLYTECHNIC MIRAJ (Inst.
Code; 0131) has completed the Micro-Project satisfactorily in the Subject Database
Management System (22319) for the academic year 2023-2024 as prescribed in the
curriculum by MSBTE Mumbai.

Place : Miraj
Date :

Mr. I.J.Mulla Dr. V. R. Falmari Capt. Dr. N. P. Sonaje

Subject In-charge HOD, CO Principle
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education ,

Academic year-2022-23

Program: Computer Engg. Program Code: 3I

Course: DMS Course Code :

Sr.No. Name of group members Roll No. Enrollment

1 Sarthak C Kamble 22326 2201310195

2 Vinay S Niranjan 22336 2201310205

3 Rutuja B Patil 22343 2201310211

Micro-Project Proposal

Title of Microproject: NORMALISATION OF


1.0Aim of the Micro-Project :

• To study and understand the concept of normalisation in DBMS

• Understanding various queries
• Practical implementation of data in database
• Improved processes

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed :

• To develop a base of foundation using SQL.

• To develop a database using different queries and commands.
• Creating our own logic to develop a different table and inserting values.
• Perform Normalization of the tables.

3.0 Proposed Methodology :

 1.We will decide the topic of the micro-project related to computer.

 2.After decision we will discussion the topic of micro-project.
 3.We will distribute sub-points to do by every team member as it claims
 a team works.
 4.We will look for our sub- points and collected the information.
 5.We will prepare our official micro-project .
4.0 Action plan :

Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned

No. start date finish
1 Selection of topic
2 Making of proposal
3 Code writing
4 Collection of information
5 Making final report

3.0 Resourses used:

Sr. Name of Specification

no resource
1 Hardware Intel core i5
9th gen

2 Software MS Access, Oracle

Micro-project Report

Title of micro-project: Blood Bank Management system

1.0 Rationale:

The Hospital management system feature list is concentrated on providing the details
regarding all the Entities and Attributes related to the topic. For the constant and rapid
changes to improve the efficiency of Hospital related services and satisfaction of the peoples.
The greater number of Entities and involvement of different sectors create need for proper
management .The interactions between the every element or data with each other can be
simplified for the convenience of both sides.
This micro-project helps in gaining all these targets to be done using ‘Database
Management System’.

2.0 Aims /Benefits of the micro-project:

Some of the Benefits of the micro-project are as follows:

• Management of Hospital
• Understanding various queries
• Practical implementation of data in database
• Improved processes

3.0 Course outcomes related micro-project:

• To develop a base of foundation using SQL.

• To develop a Database using different queries and commands.
• Creating our own logic to develop a different table and inserting values.
• Develop ER diagram and table to solve problems logically.

4.0 Literature review:

• The Procedures, functional, and various database objects presented in

the code above.
• The resources used are different reference books, a personal computer.

5.0 Actual methodology followed :

 We decided the topic of the micro-project related to computer.

 After decision we discussed on the topic of micro-project.
 We distributed sub-points to do by every team member as it claims a team work.
 We looked for our sub- points and collected the information regarding it.
 We prepared our official micro-project .
6.0 Actual Resources Required :

Sr. Name of Specification

no resource
1 Internet surffing Intel Core
i5 9th Gen
2 Software MS Access, Oracle

7.0 Skill developed /learning outcomes :

 The concept of project understood

 The structure and requirement of proposal and report understood
 The necessity of group work is well understood
 How to search information and use of different online tools come to know.
 Handling the database efficiently.
 Practical implementation of queries.

 Our project well addressed the limitations of the existing system. We designed
well organized database management system which is a challenging job in this era.

 We have built a database for a Hospital using Microsoft SQL Server. Before
implementing the database, in the design phase, we have explored various features,
operations of a blood bank to figure out required entities, attributes and the
relationship among entities to make an efficient Entity Relationship

 After analyzing all the requirements, we have created our ERD and then converted
the ERD to relational model and normalized the tables.

Finally, we have executed sample queries on our database to check its performance to
retrieve useful information accurately and speedily.

Normalization is the process of structuring and handling the relationship between data to
minimize redundancy in the relational table and avoid the unnecessary anomalies properties from
the database like insertion, update and delete. It helps to divide large database tables into smaller
tables and make a relationship between them. It can remove the redundant data and ease to add,
manipulate or delete table fields.
A normalization defines rules for the relational table as to whether it satisfies the normal form. A
normal form is a process that evaluates each relation against defined criteria and removes the
multivalued, joins, functional and trivial dependency from a relation. If any data is updated,
deleted or inserted, it does not cause any problem for database tables and help to improve the
relational table’ integrity and efficiency.

Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database. This includes creating tables and
establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the data
and to make the database more flexible by eliminating redundancy and inconsistent dependency.

In statistics and applications of statistics, normalization can have a range of meanings.[1] In the
simplest cases, normalization of ratings means adjusting values measured on different scales to a
notionally common scale, often prior to averaging. In more complicated cases, normalization
may refer to more sophisticated adjustments where the intention is to bring the entire probability
distributions of adjusted values into alignment. In the case of normalization of scores in
educational assessment, there may be an intention to align distributions to a normal distribution.
A different approach to normalization of probability distributions is quantile normalization,
where the quantiles of the different measures are brought into alignment.
In another usage in statistics, normalization refers to the creation of shifted and scaled versions
of statistics, where the intention is that these normalized values allow the comparison of
corresponding normalized values for different datasets in a way that eliminates the effects of
certain gross influences, as in an anomaly time series. Some types of normalization involve only
a rescaling, to arrive at values relative to some size variable. In terms of levels of measurement,
such ratios only make sense for ratio measurements (where ratios of measurements are
meaningful), not interval measurements (where only distances are meaningful, but not ratios).
In theoretical statistics, parametric normalization can often lead to pivotal quantities – functions
whose sampling distribution does not depend on the parameters – and to ancillary statistics –
pivotal quantities that can be computed from observations, without knowing parameters.
I. First Normal Form:
Eliminate repeating groups in individual tables.
Create a separate table for each set of related data.
Identify each set of related data with a primary key.
Do not use multiple fields in a single table to store similar data. For example, to track an
inventory item that may come from two possible sources, an inventory record may contain fields
for Vendor Code 1 and Vendor Code 2. Also, what happens when you add a third vendor?
Adding a field is not the answer; it requires program and table modifications and does not
smoothly accommodate a dynamic number of vendors. Instead, place all vendor information in a
separate table called Vendors, then link inventory to vendors with an item number key, or
vendors to inventory with a vendor code key.

II. Second Normal Form :

Create separate tables for sets of values that apply to multiple records.
Relate these tables with a foreign key.
Records should not depend on anything other than a table’s primary key (a compound key, if
necessary). For example, consider a customer’s address in an accounting system. The address is
needed by the Customers table, but also by the Orders, Shipping, Invoices, Accounts Receivable
and Collections tables. Instead of storing the customer’s address as a separate entry in each of
these tables, store it in one place, either in the Customers table or in a separate Addresses table.

III. Third Normal Form :

Eliminate fields that do not depend on the key.
Values in a record that are not part of that record’s key do not belong in the table. In general, any
time the contents of a group of fields may apply to more than a single record in the table,
consider placing those fields in a separate table.
For example, in an Employee Recruitment table, a candidate’s university name and address may
be included. But you need a complete list of universities for group mailings. If university
information is stored in the Candidates table, there is no way to list universities with no current
candidates. Create a separate Universities table and link it to the Candidates table with a
university code key.


Patient Medication Form:

Important Assumptions
Patient No., Drug No., and Start Data are all needed to uniquely identify a record. This is because the
patient can take many drugs, but he can also take each drug many times The finish date could also be
used as an alternative to start date in the PK Bed no. and related information can be uniquely
determined by the patient No. In addition, Bed # can be used to determine Ward Information.The
units per day are based on the patient taking the drug, the drug, and the start date of their treatment.

Un-normalized Table :

Patient Patient Word Word Bed Drug Drug Name Description

No. Name No Name No. No.
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10223 Morphin, Pain killer
Macdonald 10334 Tetracycline Antibiotic

When moving from an Un-normalized table to 1NF you need to take out repeating groups.
One approach is to fill in empty cells. A second is to split out

First Normal Form: No Repeating Groups

Patient Patient Word Word Bed Drug Drug Name Description

No Name No Name No No
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10223 Morphin Pain Killer
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10334 Tetracycline Antibiotic
Second Normal Form: Eliminate Redundant Data
In Second normal form all non-key attributes are fully functional dependent on primary key

Patient Patient Word Word Bed Drug Drug Name Description

No Name No Name No No
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10223 Morphin Pain Killer
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10334 Tetracycline Antibiotic

In Above table non-prime attribute drug name is dependent on drug no which is proper subset of
candidate key

Drug No Drug Name

10223 Morphin
10334 Tetracycline

When moving from 2NF to 3NF, remove the transitive dependencies that exist.There are
two transitive dependencies that exist; Ward Information is functionally dependent on Ward
and Ward is functionally dependent on Bed
Third Normal Form: Eliminate Data Not Dependent On Key
A relationship in third normal form .there is no transistive dependency for non-prime attributes
as well as is in second normal form

Patient Patient Word Word Bed Drug Drug Name Description

No Name No Name No No
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10223 Morphin Pain Killer
10034 Robert 11 Orthopedic 84 10334 Tetracycline Antibiotic

Bed No Word No
84 11
84 11

Word No Word Name

11 Orthopedic
11 Orthopedic

Patient No Patient Name Address

10034 Robert Macdonald Banglor
10034 Robert Macdonald Banglor
Database normalization or database normalisation is the process of structuring a relational
database in accordance with a series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data
redundancy and improve data integrity. It was first proposed by British computer scientist Edgar
F. Codd as part of his relational model.Normalization is the process of organizing data in a
database. It includes creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according
to rules designed both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating
redundancy and inconsistent dependent

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