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This or that

1. Dog or Cat?

2. Netflix or YouTube?

3. Phone Call or Text?

6. Instagram or Twitter?

7. Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?  Granizado

8. Mobile Games or Console Games?

9. While walking: Music or Podcasts?

13. Cake or cookie?

14. Swimming or Sunbathing?

17. New Clothes or New Phone?

18. Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?

19. Football or Basketball?

22. What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?

23. Jogging or Hiking?

24. Bath or Shower?

25. Sneakers or Sandals?

26. Glasses or Contacts?

27. Hamburger or Taco?

28. Couch or Recliner?

30. Receive: Email or Letter?

32. Tablet or Computer?

33. Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?

35. Blue or Red?

36. Money or Free Time?

37. theme Park or Day at the Beach?

38. At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?

39. Pen or Pencil?

40. Toilet paper: Over or Under?

42. Pancake or Waffle?

43. Coke or Pepsi?

46. Train or Plane?

48. Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee?

49. Meat or Vegetables?

51. Save or Spend?

52. Honesty or Other’s Feelings?

53. Coffee or Tea?

54. TV or Book?

55. Movie at Home or in the cinema?

56. sea or Mountains?

57. Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?

58. City or Countryside?

60. Mac or PC?

61. Console Gaming or PC Gaming?

67. Working Alone or Working in a Team?

69. Sweater or Hoodie?

70. Comic Book or Comic Strips?

72. Book or eBook?

73. When sleeping: Fan or No Fan?

series or movies?

Delivery or sit-down restaurant?

Board games or card games?

Bus or train?

Broccoli or green beans?

Soda or juice?

Pepperoni pizza or cheese pizza?

The toilet paper goes over or under?

Baseball or volleyball?

Credit or cash?

Tacos or wings?

Shopping in-store or online?

Shower or bath?
Football or basketball?

Sneakers or boots? [2]

Ice cream in a cone or dish?

Sausage or bacon?

New phone or a new laptop?

Spend your money or save your money?

Work or school?

High heels or flats?

Rock or hip hop?

Coffee or tea?

Plastic or glass?

Tent or camping RV? autocaravana

Hats or headbands?

Blue or green?

Silver or gold?

Long or short hair?

Roller coasters or bumper cars?

Giving a gift or receiving a gift?

Flat or house?

Workout at home or at the gym? [3]

Iced tea or hot tea?

Smoothies or milkshakes?

Sleep on the left or the right side of the bed?

Lotion or perfume?

Zip-up or pullover hoodie?

Jeans or sweatpants?

Socks or barefoot?

Spring or Fall?

Dark chocolate or white chocolate?

Paper or plastic?

salty or sweet?
straight or curly hair?

Lipstick or lip gloss?

Bar of soap or shower gel?

Tattoos or piercings?

Beer or wine?

Reading or listening to music?

Bake a cake or buy a cake?

Muffins or cupcakes?

Notebooks or lose paper?

Swimming pool or lake?

Sand or snow?

Write a letter or send an email?

Roller skating or ice skating?

Fake or real Christmas tree?

Real or fake nails?

Snowball fight or water balloon fight?

Roses or tulips?

Necklace or bracelets?

Chicken nuggets or hotdogs?

Carpet or hardwood floors?

Couch or recliner?

Superheroes or supervillains?

Gloves or mittens?

Hot or cold?

Radio or television?

Newspaper or online news?

Gummy worms or gummy bears?

Nuts or no nuts?

Markers or crayons?

Travel by plane or boat?

Blinds or curtains?
Apple or Android?

Chips and dip or chips with salsa?

Bunny or squirrel?

Reading or writing?

Pop music or Rock music?

Stuff animals or dolls?

Pancakes or waffles?

Hot chocolate or coffee?

Morning or evening?

Day or night?

Text message or call?

Library or museums?

French or Spanish?

Summer or winter?

Theatre or cinema?

Love or money?

Book or movie?

Tea or coffee?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Rain or snow?

Car or motorcycle?

Comedy or horror?

Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Paper or plastic?

Boat or plane?

Painting or drawing?

Reading or writing?

Singing or dancing?

T-Shirts or sweaters?

Flowers or trees?
Phone or computer?

Brown or black hair?

Superman or Batman?

Doctor Who or the Walking Dead?

Lions or Bears?

Milk or juice?

Gold or silver?

50’s or 80’s music?

Frozen yogurt or ice cream?

Blue or green eyes?

Witches or wizards?

Fire or ice?

Straight or curly hair?

Fruits or vegetables?

Burgers or tacos?

Roses or daisies?

Pandas or whales?

McDonald’s or Burger King?

Books or magazines?

Circles or squares?

Ketchup or mustard?

Money or fame?

Piercings or tattoos?

Puzzles or board games?

Living room or bedroom?

Sandals or sneakers?

Apples or oranges?

Bagels or toast?

Weird or crazy?

Skates or bike?

Go skiing or snowboarding?
Watch or play sports?

Swim in a pool or in the sea?

Sweet or salty?

Cars or trucks?

Leather or lace?

Steak or chicken?

Alaska or Hawaii?

Shower or tub?

TV Shows or movies?

Breakfast or dinner?

Bananas or apples?

Facebook or Twitter?

Mountains or beach?

Digital watch or analog?

Freedom or hope?

Alice in Wonderland or Robinson Crusoe?

Snow White or Cinderella?

Sitting or standing?

Comedy or drama?

Being too warm or too cold?

Pasta or pizza?

Online shopping or in-person shopping?

Writing poetry or reading poetry?

Wild animals or domestic animals?

Family or friends?

Scooby Doo or Tom and Jerry?

33. Start assignments immediately or wait until the last minute?

34. English or Math?

35. Gym or Art?

36. Science or History?

37. Group work or solo work?

38. Art projects or science projects?

39. Forget your pencil or forget a notebook?

40. Teacher reads your text message aloud or teacher tells the whole class your grade?

41. Drive to school or take the bus?

42. Messy locker or tidy locker?

43. Multiple choice or essay?

44. Physical planners or digital planners?

45. Save as you go, or save at the end?

46. Home school or classroom learning?

47. Field trips or field days?

48. Win a race or win a debate?

49. Spelling bee or math bee?

50. Homework or classwork?

51. Big class or small class?

52. Recess or lunch?

53. Poem or story?

54. Recent history or ancient history?

55. Chemistry or biology?

56. Football game or basketball game?

Bad haircut or bad dye job?

Pineapple pizza or candy corn?

Talking pets or talking babies?

Winning the lottery or finding your soulmate?

Misquoted movies or mistaken lyrics?

Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

Glass half full or glass half empty?

Ketchup or ranch?

Phone in bathroom or no phone in bathroom?

Sort by price or by rating?

Sauce on the side or sauce on top?

Crunchy peanut butter or smooth peanut butter?

Zombies or vampires?

Funny story or one-liner?

Bad breath or body odor?

Working hard or hardly working?

Sneezing or coughing?

Boxers or briefs?

Fainting or spit take?

Speeding ticket or parking ticket?

Comedian in serious film or serious actor in comedy film?

Silly hats or silly socks?

A store where every item is free or a restaurant where every dish is calorie free?

Passwords or secret handshakes?

Loud neighbors or nosey neighbors?

Babies dressed as animals or animals dressed as humans?

Cookies or brownies?

Pizza or tacos?

Winter or summer?

Puppies or kittens?

Dragons or unicorns?

Outer space or the bottom of the sea?

Christmas or your birthday?

Halloween or Christmas?

Beach or pool?

Football or soccer?

Swimming or building sand castles?

No homework or no bedtime?

Flying or turning invisible?

Batman or Superman?

Lions or tigers?

Sharks or dolphins?

Pandas or koalas?
Ice cream or cake?

Sun or moon?

Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Sandwiches with crusts or no crusts?

Sweet or sour?

Hard this or that questions

Smartest person in the world or richest person in the world?

Save 100 strangers or one loved one?

See the future or change the past?

Time machine or magic wand?

Sight or sound?

Logic or emotion?

Words or actions?

Passion or stability?

Predictability or excitement?

Growth or security?

Money or love?

Success or happiness?

Apathy or obsession?

Skill or popularity?

Poor and happy or rich and miserable?

Cherished or respected?

Intense pain for ten minutes or dull pain for one day?

Misunderstood after death or forgotten after death?

Hero or antihero?

Happy endings or sad endings?

Overly optimistic or overly pessimistic?

False hope or unnecessary anxiety?

Massive success by accident or modest success on purpose?

Rekindled friendship or rekindled romance?

Regret or doubt?
Underestimated or overestimated?

No company or bad company?

Painful truth or comforting lie?

Pause time or rewind time?

Free travel for one year or free lodging for five years?

Second chance at love or second chance for your career?

Dirty this or that questions

Wash dishes immediately or wait until the sink is full?

Clothes on the floor or clothes in the hamper?

Sweeping or vacuuming?

Laundry or dishes?

Mowing the yard or weeding the garden?

Clutter in the closet or clutter under the bed?

Dirty bathroom or dirty kitchen?

Muddy floor or dusty floor?

Load the dishwasher or unload the dishwasher?

Clean a litter box or walk a dog?

Bath or shower?

Hand soap or hand sanitizer?

Rake or shovel?

Sponge or paper towel?

Bar soap or body wash?

Subtly stained clothes or obviously wrinkled clothes?

1 – You’re stranded on a desert island. What 5 items do you take?

2 – What 3 celebrities would you invite to dinner and why?

3 – What person/celeb would you bring back from the dead?

4 – What’s your favorite animal?

5 – What’s the best holiday destination you’ve been to?

6 – What’s the top thing on your bucket list?

7 – If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?

8 – If you could only eat one food for the rest of the time what would it be?

9 – If you had to sacrifice one sense what would you give up?

10 – What was your first-ever job?

11 – Who would play you in a film?

12 – Do you believe in/have you ever seen ghosts?

13 – If you were an animal what sort of animal would you be?

14 – What was the last film you watched?

15 – If you could have one, what superpower would you have?

16 – If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you move to?

17 – What’s the biggest conspiracy theory you actually believe?

18 – What are your biggest fears?

19 – What is your favorite childhood memory?

20 – If you had to do one, what extreme activity would you do? (Skydive, paraglide, wing-walk

2 – Would you rather get lost in a good book or in a TV box set?

3 – Depends on 2, what’s your favorite book/box set?

4 – Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

5 – What’s the biggest fashion faux pas you’ve seen?

6 – What did you study at school/college?

7 – Where is your favorite vacation spot?

8 – What’s your go-to meal?

9 – Would you rather watch a musical or a stand up comic?

10 – What was your favorite toy as a child?

11 – What is your favorite place? Why?

12 – Do you have a favorite movie genre?

13 – What luxury item couldn’t you give up?

14 – Where do you prefer to shop for clothes/makeup?

15 – Would you change anything about yourself?

16 – What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas etc.

17 – Do you get on better with other girls or boys? Why is that?

18 – Which celebrity inspires you?

19 – What landmark would you most like to visit?

20 – Who’s your favorite Disney character?

1 – What do you get up to in your spare time?

2 – What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

3 – Do you have a favorite recipe to cook?

4 – Do you follow any sports? What teams?

5 – What’s the funniest one-liner you’ve ever heard?

6 – Who is your favorite actor?

7 – Where did you grow up?

8 – What’s your preferred pancake topping?

9 – Would you rather own a yacht or a private jet?

10 – What is the greatest film you’ve ever seen?

11 – How would you spend your last day on Earth?

12 – What person has had the biggest influence on your life?

13 – What was your best subject at school?

14 – Do you have a favorite song?

15 – What did you want to be growing up?

16 – What is the most memorable present someone has bought you?

17 – Do you play computer games?

18 – What is the first thing you’d pack for a holiday?

19 – Would you go on a trip to Mars?

20 – What’s the tallest building you’ve been up? Why were you there?
1 – What’s your favorite restaurant?

2 – What do you do on a typical weekend?

3 – What’s your favorite body part on a man/woman?

4 – What’s your best feature?

5 – If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of the time who would it be? Why?

6 – You have to watch a film right now. What would it be?

7 – Would you rather live in a house with glass ceilings or glass floors?

8 – What do you do for work/at college?

9 – If you were cooking me a meal, what would you cook?

10 – Describe your dream date.

11 – How much money would it take for you to live without mirrors?

12 – What one thing couldn’t you live without?

13 – What person are you closest to?

14 – How do you like your eggs?

15 – Would you rather drink a beer or a cocktail?

16 – If you were a drink, what drink would you be?

17 – What three words would your best friend use to describe you?

18 – What’s the last thing you think about at night?

19 – What was the last box set you watched?

20 – What celebrity is closest to your dream man/woman?

1 – What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

2 – Would you rather have a meal at home or eat out?

3 – What’s your favorite course for a meal?

4 – If you could teleport, where would you go right now?

5 – What animal would you love to see up close?

6 – If you could go back in time, where and when would you go to? Why?

7 – What’s your favorite flower/scent?

8 – What is your favorite season?

9 – What is the one habit that annoys you most?

10 – What do you judge people on when you first meet? E.g. hair, shoes, etc.

11 – Would you rather ride in a limo or on horseback?

12 – What is your most prized possession?

13 – If you had a locket necklace, what would you keep inside? Why?

14 – Would you rather watch the sunrise or sunset?

15 – Do you have a childhood possession? E.g. bear or blanket

16 – What things would you love to do in the next year?

17 – What’s your favorite thing about Christmas (or another holiday)?

18 – What’s better, fire or ice?

19 – What are you most passionate about?

20 – What does your perfect day look like?

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