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Personal Statement

I grew up in a lot of places, first at Yuba city, I grew up in a hispanic household and had
to deal with hard challenges. I faced my parents divorce at 6 years old and was forced
to move in with my grandparents in fresno. No one in my family had ever graduated
from college; only 2 members of my family went to college but failed to graduate. My
mother had me in her high school years and she couldn’t go to college.

From a young age I understood that education was my way out of poverty, I was put to
read a bunch of books when I was little. I saw it as a key to breaking the cycle of
struggle that held on to my family for years. I was determined to pass my schools and
as I got to my high school years all the way to now my senior year. I relied on my
resourcefulness as I sold candy at a young age and made 10k to contribute to my family
income. As time went on to my high school years my family were able to get a house in

I still haven’t decided to pick my major in college but as the knowledge I gain throughout
the years, I now have an option to do affiliate marketing as selling was my passion. I
have found what I love but don’t know if it's going to work. Although Im confident this will
work as not many people are talking about the methods im doing to gain money from
affiliate marketing. I just want to help my family so we can live peacefully and happily.

I have worked in food 4 less in the uc role and it was bad for 15$ a hour because of the
hard work I put into it. It felt like working in a ranch and working in food 4 less only
motivated me to push harder in life as I can get a way better job than food 4 less.I was
able to prove I didn’t need a job once I became a salesman by selling candy and made
10k which was more than my part time job. I know I have potential, I just don’t want to
be told and used by adults and be some number. That's why I have two options: to go to
college or do my own things(do my own thing is my choice).

Right now my family is almost stable because my mother has been promoted a number
of times and my step father helped out too. My grades are good right now and I have
been having support for entrepreneurship. I have made it this far and refuse to fail from
the suffering I have encountered and negativity. I will be a millionaire by June 25, 2026.

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