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Ainara Baeza García

Noa González Rubio

1r BAT A
16 st April 2024

Introduction to the issue:

When we talk about human cloning, the first issue that we thought was ethical concerns.
The process of creating a genetically identical copy of a human has developed a
controversial and profound ethical debate that transcends scientific and technological

Arguments for:
- Genetic Research and Disease Study: Cloning offers the opportunity to study genetic
diseases and the process of development in ways that are not feasible with current
research methods. This could lead to a better understanding of genetic disorders and
potential treatments.
- Medical Advancements: Cloning could potentially lead to significant medical
advancements, such as the ability to create patient-specific stem cells for
regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and organ transplantation. This could
revolutionize the treatment of various diseases and injuries.
- Species Preservation: Cloning could be used as a tool for species preservation,
potentially reviving endangered or extinct species, thereby contributing to
biodiversity and ecological balance.

Arguments against:
- Unpredictable Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects of cloning on both the
cloned individual and subsequent generations are not fully understood. The
potential for unforeseen consequences and genetic abnormalities presents a
significant risk.
- Erosion of Genetic Diversity: Mass cloning could lead to a reduction in genetic
diversity, which is crucial for the resilience and adaptability of human populations.
This could have implications for the long-term survival of the human species.
- Ethical and Moral Concerns: Cloning humans raises profound ethical questions about
the value of life, individuality, and the potential exploitation of cloned individuals. It
challenges deeply held societal and religious beliefs about the unique nature of
human beings.

In our opinion, we think that human cloning have good and bad things.

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