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[The trio fight in anger; an annoyed Jack roars, and makes a monstrous face,
which instantly stops Lock, Shock and Barrel's fight, freezing them on the spot]
(Esteban) Jack: I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir. [to Lock, Shock and
Barrel] Take him home first, and apologize again! Be careful with Sandy Claws
when you fetch him. Treat him nicely!
(Javier) Lock: Got it!
(Zoe) Shock: We'll get it right...
(Zoe, Javier, Fernanda) Lock, Shock and Barrel: ...Next time!
Santa: Kathleen? Bobby? Susie? Yes, Susie's been nice. Nice, nice, naughty.
Nice, nice, nice. There are hardly any naughty children this year.
(Zoe, Javier, Fernanda) Lock, Shock and Barrel: Trick-or-treat!
Santa: Huh?
(Anna) Sally: You don't look like yourself, Jack. Not at all.
(Esteban) Jack: Isn't that wonderful? It couldn't be more wonderful!
(Anna) Sally: [holds up the clipboard sketch of him] But you're the Pumpkin King!
(Esteban) Jack: Not anymore! [breaks it over his knee] I feel SO much better now!
(Anna) Sally: [pulling a loose thread from his cuff] Jack, I know you think
something's missing, but- [accidentally catches his finger]
(Esteban) Jack: [lightly] Ow.
(Anna) Sally: Sorry.
(Esteban) Jack: You're right. Something is missing. But what? I've got the
beard...the coat...the boots...the belt...
(Zoe, Javier, Fernanda) Shock, Lock, Barrel: Jack! Jack! This time we found him!
(Fernanda) Barrel: This time we really did!
(Javier)Lock: He sure is big, Jack!
(Fernanda) Barrel: And heavy!
Santa: [bursting out the bag] Let me out!
(Esteban) Jack: Sandy Claws, in person. What a pleasure to meet you. [prepares
to shake but then looks down when their HANDS touch] Wh-! Why, you have
hands! You don't have claws at all!
Santa: [dazed] Where am I?
(Esteban)Jack: Surprised, aren't you? I knew you would be. You don't need to
have another worry about Christmas this year.
Santa: What?
(Esteban)Jack: Consider this a vacation, Santy. A reward. It's your turn to take it
Santa: B-But there must be some mistake!
(Esteban)Jack: See that he's comfortable...Just a second, fellas! Of course! That's
what I'm missing!
Santa: B-But...
(Esteban)Jack: Thanks.
Santa: Hang on, you just can't- [has the bag thrown over him again] Hold on!
Where are we going now? [the henchmen leave with him]
(Esteban)Jack: Ho, ho, ho! No... [monotone] Ho, ho, ho. Ho...
(Anna)Sally: This is worse than I thought. Much worse.
(Fernanda) Barrel: Where're we taking him?
(Zoe)Shock: Where?
(Javier)Lock: To Oogie Boogie, of course! There isn't anywhere in the whole world
more comfortable than that. And Jack said to make him comfortable, didn't he?
(Fernanda) Barrel and Shock: Yes, he did.
Santa: [from inside the bag] Haven't you heard of peace on Earth and goodwill
toward men?
(Javier, Zoe, Fernanda) Lock, Shock and Barrel: NO! [burst out laughing
Santa:: Don't do this! Naughty children never get any presents!
(Zoe) Shock: I think he might be too big!
[Jack hears her cries for help and sneaks into Oogie Boogie's lair]
Oogie Boogie: [from a distance] 7! Well, guess what? Looks like it's Oogie's turn to
boogie now! [Sally screams; with short jerks of the table lever] 1, 2, 3, 4... [with fast
jerks of the lever] 5, 6, 7! [laughs maniacally]
Santa: This can't be happening!
Oogie Boogie: Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust. [mockingly] Oh. I'm feeling
weak...with hunger! One more roll of the dice...ought to do it. [laughs and throws
the dice into a skull; the dice come out and read Snake Eyes] What, Snake
Eyes?!?! Grugh! [bangs his fist on the table and the dice read 11] 11! [laughing
Menacingy] Looks like I won...the Jackpot, by cheating! [waves farewell to Sally
and Santa] Bye-Bye, Dollface and Sandman! [laughs, then notices Sally and Santa
haven't fallen in] What the...? [turns over the trap, revealing Jack instead] Aah!
Jack: Hello, Oogie!
Oogie Boogie: J-J-J-Jack! But they said you were dead. You must be... [steps on a
button that unleashes his King of Spades cards that swing their swords] DOUBLE

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