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Write From Dictation

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1. A good academic paper should be clear. #21 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
2. Firm conclusions can be established through rigorous experiments. #995 (Audio Available)
(New Pred)
3. Our facilities include five items in the university. #656 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
4. Social psychology has been considered by human behavior. #756 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
5. The disease that was serious has now been eradicated. #1069 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
6. Teaching assistance plays a vital role in the learning process. #1124 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
7. The finding shows that dark chocolate can improve your immunity, mood and health. #1216
(Audio Available) (New Pred)
8. Before the refrigerator was invented, people used underground ice houses. #1372 (Audio Available)
(New Pred)
9. You must call your doctor to make an appointment. #1415 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
10. Points: ... is very crucial for organization ... #28 (Incomplete) (New Pred)
11. Weather forecasting is becoming more accurate than before. #270 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
12. Points: Many student do not know how to write an essay because .... #283 (Incomplete)
(New Pred)
13. Points: He's analyst download … period … it was … #1979 (Incomplete) (New Pred)
14. Points: ... perplexing advantages in secularism. #523 (Incomplete) (New Pred)
15. Optional tutorials are offered in the final week of a term. #2463 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
16. Physics is a detailed study of matter and energy. #1423 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
17. Students must wear protective clothing provided in the medical laboratory. #495 (Audio Available)
(New Pred)
18. My technique is to understand the sentence while writing the first letter of each word. #3273
(Audio Available) (New Pred)
19. This is the first example of a modern and professional army. #3279 (Audio Available) (New Pred)
20. The artists and conservative politicians earn their rules of politics. #1 (Audio Available)
21. A celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy. #20 (Audio Available)
22. A good architectural structure should be usable, durable and beautiful. #22 (Audio Available)
23. Today a number of students have volunteer jobs. #27 (Audio Available)
24. A person's educational level is closely related to his economic background. #29 (Audio Available)
25. A very basic feature of computing is counting and calculating. #31 (Audio Available)
26. All dissertations must be accompanied with a submission form. #40 (Audio Available)
27. All the educational reforms have been inadequately implemented. #49 (Audio Available)
28. An architect is required of problem solving skills and an eye of design. #56 (Audio Available)
29. And in that regard, as well as in other regards, it stands as an important contribution. #58
(Audio Available)
30. Certain scientific principles must be learned verbally or by a logical deduction. #81
(Audio Available)
31. Convincing evidence to support this theory is hard to obtain. #94 (Audio Available)
32. Daily practice can build confidence and improve skills. #97 (Audio Available)
33. He landed his job in a very prestigious law firm. #136 (Audio Available)
34. I don't think it's possible to solve the problem easily. #144 (Audio Available)
35. Important details from the argument are missing in the summary. #155 (Audio Available)

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36. In this language course, we focus on fluency and accuracy. #158 (Audio Available)
37. It is important to make clear notes while you are reading. #169 (Audio Available)
38. Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at university. #179 (Audio Available)
39. Most scientists believe that climate change threatens lives on the earth. #201 (Audio Available)
40. Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer. #231 (Audio Available)
41. Peer group pressure has a great effect on young people. #236 (Audio Available)
42. Please note, submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances. #246
(Audio Available)
43. Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world. #258 (Audio Available)
44. Remember, the prestigious election of stewardship has strict eligibility criteria. #267
(Audio Available)
45. Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century. #280 (Audio Available)
46. Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance. #302 (Audio Available)
47. Students requiring an extension should apply sooner rather than later. #310 (Audio Available)
48. Students should have awareness of how the business develops globally. #311 (Audio Available)
49. Students were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday. #313 (Audio Available)
50. Studies show there is a positive correlation between two variables. #317 (Audio Available)
51. The application process may take longer than expected. #332 (Audio Available)
52. The archeologist's new discoveries stand out in previously overlooked foundations. #333
(Audio Available)
53. The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus. #360 (Audio Available)
54. The city's founders created a set of rules that became laws. #361 (Audio Available)
55. The course helps students to improve their pronunciation skills. #370 (Audio Available)
56. The curriculum needed to be adjusted for the current development. #374 (Audio Available)
57. The designers will complete the plan later today. #379 (Audio Available)
58. The director of the gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation. #382 (Audio Available)
59. The essay will be published once the research is finished. #393 (Audio Available)
60. The extent of advertising for children is open to much debate. #397 (Audio Available)
61. The introduction is an important component of a good presentation. #410 (Audio Available)
62. The island is located at the south end of the bay. #411 (Audio Available)
63. The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment. #412 (Audio Available)
64. The plight of wildlife has been ignored by local developers. #439 (Audio Available)
65. The professor took a year off to work on her book. #441 (Audio Available)
66. The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone. #446 (Audio Available)
67. The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population. #454 (Audio Available)
68. The university theater group will be performing in the concert hall. #490 (Audio Available)
69. The vocabulary that has peculiar meanings is called jargon. #494 (Audio Available)
70. Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities. #539 (Audio Available)
71. Understanding how to use the library will save your time. #548 (Audio Available)
72. We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us. #559 (Audio Available)
73. Writing an essay is easy once the research is finished. #571 (Audio Available)
74. Continuing students will be sent necessary application forms. #600 (Audio Available)
75. Economic development needs to be supported by the government. #603 (Audio Available)
76. Protective clothing must always be worn in the laboratory. #631 (Audio Available)
77. Research shows the exercising makes us feel better. #633 (Audio Available)
78. Strangely, people are simultaneously impressed by and skeptical of statistics. #637
(Audio Available)
79. Students who study overseas can significantly improve work chances. #641 (Audio Available)

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80. The cooperator operates a continuous assessment. #644 (Audio Available)

81. The department has a higher-than-normal proportion of postgraduate students. #645
(Audio Available)
82. Tutors should set a clear goal at the start of the class. #673 (Audio Available)
83. Universities should invest in new technologies designed for learning. #675 (Audio Available)
84. A group meeting will be held tomorrow in the library conference room. #688 (Audio Available)
85. Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill. #700 (Audio Available)
86. Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space. #707 (Audio Available)
87. Listening is the key to succeeding in this course. #710 (Audio Available)
88. Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk. #721 (Audio Available)
89. I thought it was thrown in a small meeting room. #764 (Audio Available)
90. Classical mechanics is sometimes considered as a branch of mathematics. #101 (Audio Available)
91. They developed a unique approach to training their employees. #941 (Audio Available)
92. We need to answer security questions if we want to reset the password. #965 (Audio Available)
93. The bus to London will leave ten minutes later than expected. #978 (Audio Available)
94. Your ideas have been discussed and debated in seminars and tutorials. #980 (Audio Available)
95. The library will be closed for staff training tomorrow morning. #986 (Audio Available)
96. Salt is produced from the seawater or extracted from the ground. #996 (Audio Available)
97. Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common. #997 (Audio Available)
98. Graphs are often useful for geographical research. #999 (Audio Available)
99. The north campus car park could be closed on Sunday. #1000 (Audio Available)
100. Momentum is defined as the combination of mass and velocity. #1004 (Audio Available)
101. The collapse of the housing market has triggered recessions throughout the world. #1005
(Audio Available)
102. Students should leave their bags on the tables by the door. #1008 (Audio Available)
103. Late applications are not accepted under any circumstances. #1010 (Audio Available)
104. The area has a number of underwater habitats and species. #1014 (Audio Available)
105. The university has invested in the new technology designed for learning. #1016 (Audio Available)
106. His appointment as Minister of Culture was seen as a demotion. #186 (Audio Available)
107. More graduate training is often needed after the university study is finished. #239
(Audio Available)
108. Good nutrition is crucial to the general health and vitality. #240 (Audio Available)
109. Time and distance are used to calculate speed. #660 (Audio Available)
110. The reception staff can give advice about renting private accommodation. #690 (Audio Available)
111. The opening hours of the library are reduced during summer. #695 (Audio Available)
112. A laptop has been found at the biology lab. #697 (Audio Available)
113. Many vocational courses in the institution are funded by private enterprises. #701 (Audio Available)
114. Strong liner is used to measure distance and baseline. #702 (Audio Available)
115. Astronauts are using light years to measure the distance in space. #712 (Audio Available)
116. Too much information may be avoided by good research design. #730 (Audio Available)
117. Food has become a political issue in the world. #736 (Audio Available)
118. A series of the observations were carried out in the classroom. #740 (Audio Available)
119. Being bilingual does not mean having the ability to analyze the language. #743 (Audio Available)
120. You need to put these books on the table over there. #760 (Audio Available)
121. Sugar is a compound which consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. #798 (Audio Available)
122. The castle was designed to intimidate both local people and the enemies. #806 (Audio Available)
123. Tribes vied with each other to build up monolithic statues. #815 (Audio Available)
124. You must hand in your essays by midday on Friday. #785 (Audio Available)

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125. Plants are able to continue growing throughout their lives. #819 (Audio Available)
126. Artists need to make their works both original and accessible. #824 (Audio Available)
127. Speed is defined as how quickly an object or a person moves. #833 (Audio Available)
128. Americans have progressively defined the process of plant growth and reproductive development in
quantitative terms. #847 (Audio Available)
129. Our study program equips students with essential skills for university. #855 (Audio Available)
130. The year when the ship of artifacts was wrecked interested historians. #858 (Audio Available)
131. Marine environment has been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable development. #874
(Audio Available)
132. We should never underestimate the power of creative design. #877 (Audio Available)
133. Trees benefit the city by soaking up the rainwater that runs off its road. #878 (Audio Available)
134. This advanced course requires a basic knowledge of economic theory. #888 (Audio Available)
135. Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media. #904
(Audio Available)
136. Designers need to keep up with social trends. #913 (Audio Available)
137. New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live. #930
(Audio Available)
138. The course involves a combination of pure and applied mathematics. #933 (Audio Available)
139. Renovation work is currently being undertaken throughout the whole building. #937
(Audio Available)
140. Honey can be used as food and health product. #951 (Audio Available)
141. Physical health can be improved by regular training. #1019 (Audio Available)
142. There will be a chemistry test in the class next week. #366 (Audio Available)
143. A visit to the designed museum is of great value. #1023 (Audio Available)
144. Relying on natural ability will not get you far on science. #1025 (Audio Available)
145. The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor. #1030 (Audio Available)
146. The department works closely with its partners in the business community. #1031
(Audio Available)
147. The digital camera has some advantages over traditional film. #1032 (Audio Available)
148. The farmers need to adapt to the changes of the climate. #1034 (Audio Available)
149. Audition of the university choir will be on hold until the next week. #1039 (Audio Available)
150. Extracurricular activities can help students to develop more talents. #1040 (Audio Available)
151. Please return the reference book to the correct position on the shelf. #1042 (Audio Available)
152. You will be tested via continuous assessment and examinations. #1045 (Audio Available)
153. The commissioner will apportion the funds among all the sovereignties. #1052 (Audio Available)
154. Exotic activities can help students develop more talents. #1053 (Audio Available)
155. Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language. #1060 (Audio Available)
156. Your ideas are sophisticated in seminars and tutorials. #1061 (Audio Available)
157. An effective business manager is always open to new ideas. #1065 (Audio Available)
158. There is no fixed career path for a qualified journalist. #1068 (Audio Available)
159. Calculators allow us to add numbers without making mistakes. #1071 (Audio Available)
160. A new collection of articles has just been published. #1081 (Audio Available)
161. When the root system of a plant fails, foliage suffers. #1092 (Audio Available)
162. He was regarded as the foremost economist at that time. #1169 (Audio Available)
163. Rising sea temperature is a sign of climate change. #1187 (Audio Available)
164. Students are permitted to park at campus parking spaces. #1199 (Audio Available)
165. The economic predictions turned out to be incorrect. #1231 (Audio Available)
166. Rivers provide habitats and migration pathways for numerous aquatic species. #1263

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(Audio Available)
167. The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections. #1278 (Audio Available)
168. Medical researchers have focused on the causes of diseases and treatments. #1288
(Audio Available)
169. A series of lectures which were shown to us in economics have been recorded. #751
(Audio Available)
170. Years of training are required to become a medical specialist. #572 (Audio Available)
171. The department is doing some crucial work on climate change. #1036 (Audio Available)
172. Plants are the living things that can grow in land or in water. #1297 (Audio Available)
173. Many experts think that the world climate is changing. #1302 (Audio Available)
174. She has been in the library for a long time. #1336 (Audio Available)
175. All industries consist of systems of inputs, processes, outputs and feedback. #1359
(Audio Available)
176. Foods containing overabundant calories supply little or no nutritional value. #1411 (Audio Available)
177. There is an accounting assignment for finance students. #1417 (Audio Available)
178. A world-renowned expert of financial management will give a guest lecture. #1442
(Audio Available)
179. You do not need to have specialist knowledge to enjoy this book. #1447 (Audio Available)
180. New materials and techniques are changing the style of architecture. #1484 (Audio Available)
181. The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived. #15 (Audio Available)
182. The study center in the library has all the latest technologies. #1511 (Audio Available)
183. Points: Despite the increasing …, we know very little about the deepest oceans. #1050
184. Graduates from this course generally find jobs in the insurance industry. #5 (Audio Available)
185. The posters are on display at the larger lecture theater. #36 (Audio Available)
186. Archeologists are astonished by unexpected previously overlooked foundations. #856
(Audio Available)
187. The subject is complex and difficult to explain. #1666 (Audio Available)
188. The university will seek a colossal renovation to the faint empty theater. #1727 (Audio Available)
189. Any gains from the sales of the property must be promptly allocated. #1966 (Audio Available)
190. The temporary library will be closed in the winter break. #1972 (Audio Available)
191. His analysis study appears to be based on the false premise. #1975 (Audio Available)
192. I can't hand in my dissertation this week. #1974 (Audio Available)
193. A good academic essay should have a clear argument. #1986 (Audio Available)
194. The integration of archeologists' studies with community projects is widely encouraged. #1996
(Audio Available)
195. While some people regard it as reforming zeal, others regard it as recklessness. #889
(Audio Available)
196. Any game must be properly elaborated. #536 (Audio Available)
197. There is no ideal debate on this topic. #2012 (Audio Available)
198. We encourage students to complete their applications before the deadline. #2436
(Audio Available)
199. It is a debate about the value of knowledge. #2452 (Audio Available)
200. Before choosing your university courses, you should consider your future career. #2429
(Audio Available)
201. Currently the growth of the company is unpredictable. #528 (Audio Available)
202. Most of the lectures begin promptly, so do not be late. #1001 (Audio Available)
203. The student union hosts a variety of social events. #2469 (Audio Available)

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204. The best student has an opportunity to acquire a scholarship. #3274 (Audio Available)
205. Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together. #3275 (Audio Available)
206. Points: You can submit electronic or hard copy of your essay. #3276 (Incomplete)
207. Our faculty includes five libraries in the university. #3280 (Audio Available)
208. Social psychology is concerned with the understanding of human behaviors. #3283
(Audio Available)
209. Formal conclusions could be established through rigorous experiments. #3284 (Audio Available)
210. Gravity is the force that attracts two bodies toward one another. #3292 (Audio Available)
211. The notification will not be received until the following week. #3286 (Audio Available)
212. A new article was published regarding the university last week. #3287 (Audio Available)
213. Biology department is dedicated to research activities. #774 (Audio Available)
214. Points: Animals and plants ... #1388 (Incomplete)

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