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Nama : Sabrina Mareta Jannati

NIM : 2310732036

Cause and Effect Paragraph

"Screen Time's Silent Impact: Unraveling the Web of Sleep Disruption and Its Consequences"

Excessive use of electronic devices has a profound impact on sleep quality. The blue light emitted
from screens suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone crucial for sleep regulation. As a
result, individuals exposed to screens before bedtime often experience difficulty falling asleep. This
sleep deprivation, in turn, leads to a range of adverse effects on cognitive function and emotional
well-being. Concentration and memory suffer, and mood swings become more prevalent.
Furthermore, the cumulative effect of poor sleep can contribute to long-term health issues,
including an increased risk of cardiovascular problems and compromised immune function. In
essence, the habitual use of electronic devices before bedtime disrupts the natural sleep-wake cycle,
triggering a chain of consequences that extend beyond the immediate issue of insomnia.

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