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Kenana Mofleh

How Have Interpersonal Relationships Been Affected by Social Media, for Better
or for Worse?
Social media has led to the destruction of interpersonal relationships because it
birthed insecurities, generated a pattern of unhealthy habits, and
invited cyberbullying.

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Adding to the buildup of insecurities and self-doubt, the development of

unhealthy habits because of social media is another factor contributing to the
destruction of interpersonal relationships. Social media provides a “security
blanket” for some individuals where they feel safe because no real human
interaction is involved. This results in the unhealthy habit of isolation that leads
to several health-related problems, like mental distress. Other elements that
harm your overall health include staring at your bright screens for too long.
Social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can get addictive, as their users
spend up to eight hours a day swiping through their feeds. Not only does this
cause serious eye damage, but it also exacerbates anxiety and depression in
teens and young adults. Additionally, the unhealthy routine of checking your
phone first thing when you wake up and last thing before you sleep can lead to
you never really switching off or taking time to relax, which leads to physical
exhaustion. Bad habits start small then improve and can lead to major health
problems which negatively impact your relationships.

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