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DAY BO TRO KIEN THUC LUYEN THI CAP Tt Chuyén dé téng hop tir vung Bién soan: Nguyén Van Si 04 CHUYEN DE 13: TU’ VUNG TONG HOP 01 OMG Synonym Teen} 01 Résumé curriculum vitae n. so yéu If li 02 Opening vacancy i. vi tri trong, Khai trong 03 Applicant candidate, interviewee n. nguoi dng vien 04” Requirement of/ for — prerequisite n. su yéu cau 05 Meet ‘accommodate, fulfill, satisfy v. dap ung, gap mat 06 Qualified for eligible for/ to adj. du diéu kién cho 07” Confidence belief n. su ty tin 08 Highly extremely ‘adv. rat, cuc Ki 09 Professional proficient adj. chuyén nghiép 10 “interview meeting 1/v. (cudc) phong van 47 Training instruction n. su dao tao/ huan luyen 42” Reference Teferral n. surtham khao/ tham chiéu 43” Position ‘opening, vacancy nN. vi tri cong viee 74 Achievement ‘accomplishment n. thanh tuu 45. impressed by/ with adj. bi An turgng boi 46 Eligible for/ to qualified adj. du diéu kién cho 17 Identify point out v. xée nhan 48 Associated with affiliated, linked, related adj. lien kat voi 19 Employment job, vocation, profession n. su thué, viée lam 20 Management ‘supervision n. su quan li 21 Diligent hard-working adj. can cu 22 Familiar with acquainted with adj. biét r6, quen thudc 23 Proficiency in expertise in. sur thanh thao 24 Prospective potential ‘adj. tiem nang 25 “Appeal to attract v. thu hat 26 Specialize in v. chuyén vé Céng phd chuyén d@ ngit php dé thi TOEIC 2022 g Khod hoc cap téc can ban va giai dé 25 budi PART 567 & “27”Apprehensive about worried ‘adj. lo lang vé “98” Consultant “adviser, guide, counsellor _n. tu van vien 29 Beentitledto reserve/have therightto adj. co quyén ” “30” Recruit “employ,hireSSOS*~™SCSG HU - 31 Certification verification = = ~—sn.surchingnhan. “32” Gecupation “profession, job, career ~~~. ngh@ nghiep ~ 33 Applyfor SSStsté~

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