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Samantha Gonzalez

Braden Garcia

27 February 2024

ENC 1102

Reading Response #3

Charles Bazerman begins this chapter by defining how writers use intertextuality. He

states that it is one of the most important things when studying and practicing writing. For

example, he writes, “When we read, we use knowledge and experience from texts we have read

before to make sense of the new text, and as readers we notice the texts the writer invokes

directly and indirectly.” (Page 53) This is the basis of his argument throughout the chapter in that

intertextuality is more than just referring texts throughout writing. He talks about how

intertextuality heavily affects social aspects of life. He goes on to state that, “The relations

among texts and other utterances are facilitated by certain linguistic mechanisms such as

quotation. These mechanisms embed language in social interaction and social relations.” (Page

55) I found this surprising because I use intertextuality without even realizing it. Intertextuality

goes far beyond literature in that it is used in social media today. As more and more people are

on apps like TikTok or Instagram, many “memes” are referenced on the daily by many young

audiences. This is important because it goes back to what Bazerman was talking about in how

these references are shaping how people are talking in today’s society. I have experienced this

firsthand as many slang terms used today adults and older audiences do not understand, almost

like social media has affected the linguistics of our generation. Strengths that I had found in his

argument are that he is aptly able to explain intertextuality and how it is more than just
referencing texts as arguments, it affects everyday language. A weakness that I had found in his

writing however is that the point that he was trying to get across to the audience was not clear. I

found it hard to understand what he was trying to argue at times. For example, he writes,

“However, because Volosinov’s interests in consciousness concern the internal formation in

socially situated nonliterary contexts,3 they are much closer to issues raised by Lev Vygotsky’s

analysis of the internalization of the interpersonal words.” (Page 55) I found this information

quite difficult to understand and I feel like many other readers may feel the same way. I found

this surprising that he was referencing older examples of intertextuality, however it was difficult

to understand what exactly he was trying to argue here. On the other hand, he closes his chapter

with, “We, after all, are concerned with helping students write themselves and their interests into

the teeming world of language.” (Page 64) Which sums up his main argument and I understood

his argument. I found that this connects with me as I am a student that is interested in the world

of language. Intertextuality is quite important due to referencing credible sources can increase

the strength of one’s argument. It also forms language norms today.

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