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Ferry facilities (audio Activity 1): Write no more than 2 words and/or a number

Good evening and welcome aboard the Pride of Poole. In this recorded announcement, we’ll give you
details of some of the facilities available on board this ship. You’re currently standing in the reception area
in the centre of B Deck. If you’re (1) feeling hungry after a long day’s traveling, go up the stairs to A Deck,
where you'll find the restaurant. The restaurant caters for (2) all appetites, with anything from a light snack
to a full three-course meal The restaurant will be open from the moment the ship leaves port to half an hour
before (3) arrival.

Next to the restaurant on A Deck in the lounge, there are (4) reclining seats with (5) music headphones if
you want to relax. The headphones are free, but people using this area are (6) encouraged to keep noise to
(5) a minimum so that other passengers can enjoy themselves and sleep or read if they wish.

For those of you who'd like some entertainment, just next door to us on this (7) deck is a (8) 40 seats cinema
showing the latest full-length (9) feature films. The cinema programme is available here at reception, but
you’ll have to buy the tickets themselves at the cinema entrance just before you go in.

Just next to the cinema is the (10) staircase leading down to the cabins on C Deck. To access your cabin,
just show your (11) boarding pass to a steward, who will give you the key. On this deck, that is B Deck,
you’lI also find an area where you can either play games in our special (12) electronic games arcade or do
your shopping.

Just beyond that on the same level, people who want a bit of (13) fresh air or just want to see the sea can go
out onto the viewing deck, which is in the open air. Make sure you wear (14) a jacket or coat, as it can be
quite cold and (15) windy.

2. Debit card (audio Activity 2): Write no more than 3 words and/or a number

Of course, one of the things you'll want as soon as you open (1) your account is a debit card, so I thought
I’d give you a little tour of these (2) essential little pieces of plastic. If you look at the slide, you’ll see
that on the front at the top they tend to have either the name of the bank or the company which (3) has
issued the card. Then a bit more than (4) halfway down on the right, you'll see this hologram with
a picture which (5) appears to move as you move the card around in front of you This sort of detail makes
cards very (6) hard to forge, although, like with anything else, there are people out there who'll try. Then,
on the back there's another of those sophisticated high-tech details, and that's the (7) magnetic strip,
which is this black thing going from one side to the other, which contains (8) certain corded details.
While we're on the back, you'll see another lighter strip with (9) three numbers at the end. That's your
security number, which they always ask for when you use the card for an (10) Internet purchase or over
the phone, and it also has a space where you, as the (11) card holder, should put your signature so that
(12) shop assistants can compare it when you sign a payment slip.

Going back to the front, in the bottom right-hand corner, you'll usually find the bank logo and just to the
left of it, there's your (13) own name in raised print.

One thing you always need for telephone and (14) Internet sales is the expiry date, and on the card in
front of you, that’s just above the cardholder’s name. Finally, in most places, you have to insert your card
into a machine and key in your PIN. Just above the card number on the left, you can see a chip, and that
chip is there to (15) verify that the PIN you have entered is correct.
3. Vending machine (Audio 07 Track 7): Write no more than 3 words and/or a number

Now, the last thing is the drinks machine that we’re putting in the staff room. As you'll be using this
brand new (1) state of the art machine pretty frequently, I thought I just run through with you how it
works. So, here on the screen I've put up a picture of it and I’ll just tell you all how it works. Well, it's
pretty big and you may be surprised to hear that it can store as many as (2) 495 drinks, so there’ll be
pienty to choose from and it won't need (3) refilling too regularly.
Right, well, it's got a glass front here and behind it, all the drinks, of course. The drinks come in
bottles and cans and they're, of course, (4) refrigerated. Now this machine has an interesting feature
that I'm sure will entertain you all. When you've chosen and paid for your drink, there's a special rapid
(5) pickup mechanism that grabs your drink and places it into the receiver, here, which is illuminated.
So you can see your drink even if it's dark in here. And that's not all.
Through the glass front you can actually see the mechanism working - there's a visible moving arm
that gets and (6) deliver and you can see that happening. Now, that's not just to make the machine
interesting to look at while you’re buying a drink, it's got a (7) advantage too. What it does is to
quicky and safely move the drink without it being shaken at all. So it won’t (8) bubble up or spill
when you open it.
Now to the business of how you buy a drink. How it works is that you choose the drink you want from
(9) the menu here and then (10) type in the code for that drink - you'll see the code in front of each
drink. Then the price of the drink will be (11) displayed here and you pay for it. You can do that with
(12) coins or by card, and you can order up to (13) 10 at a time, for example, if you're (14) getting for
a group of visitors or (15) colleagues.
So, as I say, it's the very latest in drinks machine technology and I hope you'll all be pleased to have it.
Right, next I'm going to move on to talk about...

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