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Complete the text using the following words and phrases: multitasking, fiancé, distracted,
fluency, mentor, prioritizing, hostage, fugitives, bilingual, raid, dark horse,
injection, quarrel, astonished, disgusting.

Jessica had always prided herself on her ___________ abilities, a skill that had been invaluable during
her years as a ___________ translator. Her fluency in both Spanish and English had not only opened
numerous doors for her professionally but had also led her to meet Carlos, her ___________, during a
language conference. Carlos, a ___________ to young linguists, had been impressed by Jessica's ability
to switch languages seamlessly, a skill akin to an art form in his eyes.

However, their journey together hadn't been without its challenges. Just last month, their peaceful life
had been turned upside down. Carlos, who had once worked undercover to infiltrate a network of
___________, found his past catching up to him. They had been living a quiet life, with Jessica
___________ her translation projects and Carlos dedicating himself to mentoring, when they suddenly
found themselves the target of a ___________. The event had left Jessica ___________, struggling to
comprehend how their lives had become something out of a crime novel. She learned that Carlos was a
___________ horse, with secrets she had never imagined.

In the midst of this chaos, Jessica realized that her ability to juggle multiple tasks was being put to the
test like never before. Trying to keep their lives together while also dealing with legal counsel and
ensuring their safety became her new normal. There were times when she felt like a ___________ in her
own life, her future uncertain and her past seemingly a lie.

Carlos, for his part, was ___________ with how his past actions had endangered the woman he loved.
He had hoped that his days of dealing with criminals were over, but it seemed fate had given them an
unexpected ___________ of drama. Their relationship, once solid, now faced the strain of secrets and
danger, leading to ___________ that neither of them had anticipated. These disagreements often left
Jessica ___________, her work suffering as a result.

Despite everything, they both knew that they had to find a way through this storm together. Carlos,
feeling responsible for the chaos, became more determined than ever to protect Jessica. He explained
that his actions, though dangerous, had been crucial in bringing down a network of criminals, making
the world a safer place.

As they navigated this challenging period, Jessica found herself leaning on Carlos not just as her partner,
but as a ___________ in resilience and courage. Their bond, tested by fire, grew stronger, a testament
to their commitment to face whatever lay ahead, together.
2. Choose the correct option

1. Go window shopping:
 A) To buy items from a store.
 B) To browse through store windows without making any purchases.
 C) To shop online for window-related products.
 D) To clean windows as a hobby.
2. Competitive:
 A) Uninterested in winning or succeeding.
 B) Having a strong desire to succeed and outperform others.
 C) Preferring collaboration over individual success.
 D) Showing indifference towards competition.
3. Indecisive:
 A) Having a strong ability to make quick decisions.
 B) Unable to make decisions easily.
 C) Deciding without considering all options.
 D) Always making impulsive choices.
4. Think outside the box:
 A) To confine one's thoughts within set boundaries.
 B) To think creatively and unconventionally.
 C) To follow established norms and practices.
 D) To avoid thinking critically.
5. Punctual:
 A) Always arriving late.
 B) Arriving exactly on time.
 C) Following a flexible schedule.
 D) Not concerned with time management.
6. Moody:
 A) Consistently even-tempered.
 B) Experiencing frequent changes in mood.
 C) Unaffected by external factors.
 D) Emotionally stable at all times.
7. Enquiry:
 A) A formal request for information.
 B) A casual conversation.
 C) A statement of fact.
 D) A form of criticism.
8. Be in charge:
 A) To follow orders without question.
 B) To be responsible for and have control over a situation.
 C) To avoid taking leadership roles.
 D) To be unaware of what is happening.
9. Be in hot water:
 A) To be physically warm.
 B) To be in trouble or facing consequences.
 C) To be in a comfortable situation.
 D) To be relaxed and carefree.
10. Let your hair down:
 A) To engage in a formal meeting.
 B) To relax and enjoy oneself, often after a period of hard work.
 C) To cut one's hair short.
 D) To express frustration openly.
11. Settle down:
a) To start a riot or commotion.
b) To become quiet and begin to do something seriously.
c) To establish a home and family life.
d) To vigorously clean or organize a specific area.
12. Call off:
a) To use a telephone to contact someone at a great distance.
b) To cancel or abandon a plan or event.
c) To summon a pet or animal.
d) To loudly shout names or orders.

13. Put something off:

a) To extinguish a light or fire.
b) To place an object on a higher shelf.
c) To postpone or delay something.
d) To repel or disgust someone.

14. Jump a queue:

a) To leap over a line drawn on the ground.
b) To quickly finish a task or assignment.
c) To bypass others who have been waiting in line, often seen as unfair.
d) To increase the speed of service or processing.

15. Go off:
a) To explode or suddenly make a loud noise.
b) To leave a place angrily or abruptly.
c) To spoil or become inedible (especially of food).
d) All of the above.

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