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Here's a ten-item test to assess a person's ability to identify common nouns and proper nouns:

**Common Noun vs. Proper Noun Identification Test**

Instructions: For each item, determine whether the underlined word is a common noun (C) or a proper noun (P).

1. My aunt lives in **New York City**.

Answer: (P)

2. I saw a beautiful **rose** in the garden.

Answer: (C)

3. We visited the **Eiffel Tower** during our trip to France.

Answer: (P)

4. The **ocean** is vast and deep.

Answer: (C)

5. **John** is coming to the party tonight.

Answer: (P)

6. The **car** in the garage needs a new battery.

Answer: (C)

7. Our favorite restaurant is called **Mamma Mia**.

Answer: (P)

8. The **book** on the shelf is a bestseller.

Answer: (C)

9. **Mount Everest** is the tallest mountain in the world.

Answer: (P)

10. Please pass me the **salt** for the soup.

Answer: (C)

- 10 correct answers: Excellent!
- 7-9 correct answers: Good job!
- 4-6 correct answers: You're getting there, but keep practicing.
- 0-3 correct answers: You may need more practice with common and proper nouns.

Feel free to use this test to assess someone's knowledge of common and proper nouns.

Certainly! Here's another ten-item quiz where students should underline the nouns in each sentence and then determine
whether the underlined noun is a proper noun (P) or a common noun (C).

**Common Noun vs. Proper Noun Identification Quiz**

Instructions: Underline the nouns in each sentence, and then determine whether the underlined noun is a proper noun (P)
or a common noun (C).

1. The **dog** chased the **cat** up the tree.

Underlined Nouns: **dog**, **cat**
Answers: **dog (C)**, **cat (C)**
2. We visited **Disneyland** during our summer vacation.
Underlined Nouns: **Disneyland**
Answer: **Disneyland (P)**

3. The **teacher** handed out books to the **students**.

Underlined Nouns: **teacher**, **students**
Answers: **teacher (C)**, **students (C)**

4. **London** is known for its rich history and beautiful architecture.

Underlined Nouns: **London**
Answer: **London (P)**

5. My favorite fruit is **strawberries**.

Underlined Nouns: **strawberries**
Answer: **strawberries (C)**

6. **Michael** and **Emily** are best friends.

Underlined Nouns: **Michael**, **Emily**
Answers: **Michael (P)**, **Emily (P)**

7. The **river** flowed gently through the **valley**.

Underlined Nouns: **river**, **valley**
Answers: **river (C)**, **valley (C)**

8. **The Mona Lisa** is a famous painting by **Leonardo da Vinci**.

Underlined Nouns: **The Mona Lisa**, **Leonardo da Vinci**
Answers: **The Mona Lisa (P)**, **Leonardo da Vinci (P)**

9. My mom baked delicious **cookies** for the school bake sale.

Underlined Nouns: **mom**, **cookies**, **school**
Answers: **mom (C)**, **cookies (C)**, **school (C)**

10. We went to the **beach** to build sandcastles and swim in the **ocean**.
Underlined Nouns: **beach**, **ocean**
Answers: **beach (C)**, **ocean (C)**

- 10 correct answers: Outstanding!
- 7-9 correct answers: Well done!
- 4-6 correct answers: Good effort; keep practicing.
- 0-3 correct answers: More practice is needed on common and proper nouns.

This quiz should help students practice identifying common and proper nouns in sentences.

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