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Name: Wee, Rania H.

Date: 03/27/2024
Course & Section: BSME 3A Score:

HIST 100: Readings in the Philippine History

Asynchronous Task: Video Analysis

Instructions: Watch and understand the video and answer the following questions substantially.

Format: Short Bond paper, TNR, 12, and 1.5 spacing

YouTube Video:

Guided Questions

1. What is the video all about?

In her address to the U.S. Congress, Corazon Aquino recounts her experiences during the struggle for
democracy in her country under a dictatorial regime. She highlights the sacrifices made by her fellow Filipinos
who stood up to defend democracy, even in the face of election fraud attempts. Aquino appreciates the
support of the American government and people, recognizing the delicate balance between strategic interests
and human concerns. While committed to peace and democracy, she acknowledges the need for force to
protect her nation when threatened. Despite the challenges, Aquino underscores the unwavering commitment
of the Filipino people to democracy and seeks U.S. assistance in nurturing a new democratic home.

2. What message is former president Corazon Aquino delivering to the U.S. Congress? Provide the content and
details of her speech.

Aquino’s visit to the U.S. marked her first since Marcos’ removal from power. The Philippines faced
significant challenges, including a staggering $26 billion foreign debt and a communist insurgency that had
grown during Marcos’ regime. Aquino’s speech aimed to sway the U.S. Congress in favor of providing aid to
the Philippines. She acknowledged the debt incurred during Marcos’ rule and expressed a commitment to
honor it: “We fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall pay.” Her appeal was not just for financial
assistance but also for support in rebuilding the Philippine economy. Aquino defended her approach to the
communist insurgency, a sensitive issue given the context of the Cold War. She emphasized reconciliation
and sought understanding from the U.S. Congress regarding the complexities of the situation in the
Philippines. Here is an excerpt from her speech: “We fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall pay.
And yet, should we have to wring the payments from the sweat of our men’s faces and sink all the wealth
piled up by the corrupt and the cruel, we shall pay. We shall pay because we are honorable people.”Her words
resonated with the American audience, emphasizing the Philippines’ commitment to democracy and
economic recovery. Aquino’s address played a crucial role in securing an emergency $200-million aid
appropriation from the U.S. Her unwavering stance on democracy, human rights, and economic stability left
a lasting impact on Philippine-American relations.

3. How did former president Corazon Aquino's visit to the U.S. Congress says something about the
relationship between the Philippines and the United States?

Aquino’s visit occurred shortly after the ousting of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos during the People Power
Revolution in the Philippines. The country was grappling with the aftermath of Marcos’ administration,
including a staggering $26 billion foreign debt and a communist insurgency that had grown during his rule. In
her historic speech before the U.S. Congress, Aquino appealed for financial aid to rebuild the Philippine
economy. She defended her reconciliatory stance on the communist insurgency, a sensitive issue in the U.S.
during the Cold War context. Aquino’s impassioned speech, penned by her speechwriter Teddy Locsin, Jr.,
resonated deeply. The speech was interrupted 11 times by applause and received standing ovations. House
Speaker Tip O’Neill called it the “finest speech” he had heard during his congressional tenure. The emotional
impact of Aquino’s address empowered both Filipinos and Americans. The U.S. Congress responded
favorably, resulting in an emergency $200-million aid appropriation for the Philippines. Aquino’s visit
symbolized the renewed commitment between the two nations. It reinforced the bonds of friendship,
democracy, and shared values. In conclusion, Aquino’s visit underscored the enduring ties between the
Philippines and the United States, emphasizing mutual support, democracy, and economic recovery.

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