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Social Contract - Team 7B

Human Resources Management


As members of Team 7B in the Human Resources course, we commit to this Social Contract to
establish a foundation for successful teamwork, clear communication, and mutual respect. This
contract upholds the principles and rules set forth by our course and is designed to enhance our
learning experience.

1. Punctuality and Attendance

All team members agree to be punctual for each class, understanding that no one is permitted to
enter the classroom after 3:00 PM.

Notice for absence or inquiries must be sent at least 24 hours before class. Late notices may not
receive a response.

*Exemption: In the case of María Mercedes Gelpi, until she comes from Erasmus, we will be
collaborating online all the required work.

2. Assignments and Deadlines

We commit to delivering all assignments on or before the due date.

3. Teamwork and Collaboration

Recognizing the importance of teamwork, we commit to actively participate in group

discussions, activities, and case assignments.

Each team member is expected to contribute equitably and support the team's collective learning
and success.

4. Evaluation and Peer Review

We understand that individual final grades may be adjusted based on peer evaluations, with a
potential increase of up to 0.5 or a decrease of up to 1 grade.

Objective data and observations will be used for subjective evaluations to ensure fairness.

5. Class Participation and Note-Taking

As no PowerPoint presentations will be provided, we commit to taking comprehensive notes

during class.
We will utilize the class structure and key points uploaded on ADI before each class as guidance.
6. Leadership and Roles

Our team will select a team lead to coordinate efforts, facilitate communication, and ensure we
meet our objectives.

8. Communication and Conflict Resolution

Open and respectful communication is vital for our team's success. We agree to discuss any
issues or conflicts openly and seek resolution constructively.


Each team member is required to acknowledge and agree to this Social Contract by signing

Team member 1: Camilo Ulloa Chavez

Team member 2:
Team member 3:
Team member 4:
Team member 5:
Team member 6:

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