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Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making: A

Model-Based Exploration Using Eye-Tracking Data
Savannah Wei Shi, Michel Wedel, F. G. M. (Rik) Pieters,

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Savannah Wei Shi, Michel Wedel, F. G. M. (Rik) Pieters, (2013) Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making:
A Model-Based Exploration Using Eye-Tracking Data. Management Science 59(5):1009-1026.

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Vol. 59, No. 5, May 2013, pp. 1009–1026
ISSN 0025-1909 (print) — ISSN 1526-5501 (online)
© 2013 INFORMS

Information Acquisition During Online

Decision Making: A Model-Based Exploration
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Using Eye-Tracking Data

Savannah Wei Shi
Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California 95053,

Michel Wedel
Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742,
F. G. M. (Rik) Pieters
Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University,
5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands,

W e propose a model of eye-tracking data to understand information acquisition patterns on attribute-by-

product matrices, which are common in online choice environments such as comparison websites. The
objective is to investigate how consumers gather product and attribute information from moment to moment.
We propose a hierarchical hidden Markov model that consists of three connected layers: a lower layer that
describes the eye movements, a middle layer that identifies information acquisition processes, and an upper
layer that captures strategy switching. The proposed model accounts for the data better than several alternative
models. The results show that consumers switch frequently between acquisition strategies, and they obtain
information on only two or three attributes or products in a particular acquisition strategy before switching.
Horizontal and contiguous eye movements play an important role in information acquisition. Furthermore, our
results shed new light on the phenomenon of gaze cascades during choice. We discuss the implications for Web
design, online retailing, and new directions for research on online choice.
Key words: process data; online choice; hierarchical hidden Markov model; eye tracking; information
acquisition; gaze cascade; comparison websites
History: Received October 3, 2011; accepted July 16, 2012, by Pradeep Chintagunta, marketing. Published
online in Articles in Advance December 19, 2012.

1. Introduction based and product based (Ball 1997, Bettman et al.

Consumers increasingly acquire information and 1998, Payne et al. 1993). During attribute-based acqui-
make decisions about products online. The way in sition, information is obtained on a single attribute
which they gather information affects their decisions. across multiple products before proceeding to the
Web retailers and manufacturers recognize this and next attribute. During product-based acquisition,
try to optimize online information displays to facil- information is acquired on a single product across
itate and direct choices. These online information multiple attributes before proceeding to the next
displays often take the form of attribute-by-product product. In theories of decision making, consumers
matrices, which have become popular, especially on are postulated to first adopt attribute-based acquisi-
comparison sites (for instance,,, tion to screen out certain products and then switch to
and all have more than 10 million product-based acquisition to evaluate the remaining
monthly visitors) (eBizMBA 2012). These websites products and make their final choice (Howard and
mainly use vertical and horizontal formats for pre- Sheth 1969, Newell and Simon 1972). Thus, the idea
senting information: for example, as a default, is that the use of the two information acquisition pro- uses a horizontal format with products cesses over time is linked to different decision-making
presented in the rows, and uses a vertical stages, and people switch once or twice between these
format with products presented in the columns. processes. The presentation format has been shown
Studies with process tracing methods (Payne et al. to affect information acquisition: a horizontal format
1993) have revealed two key processes that consumers induces more product-based processing and a vertical
use to acquire information on such displays: attribute format more attribute-based processing (Bettman and
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1010 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

Kakkar 1977). The managerial implications of this To infer and describe these latent cognitive states,
foundational research (Bettman et al. 1998, Payne we propose a model that extends hidden Markov
and Venkatraman 2011, Weber and Johnson 2009) are models (HMM) that were previously applied to eye
becoming more significant because of the increased movement data (Liechty et al. 2003, van der Lans et al.
use of product-comparison matrices online. 2008). The model is a hierarchical HMM (HHMM;
Prior process tracing studies of consumer decision Fine et al. 1998) that describes information acquisition
making have used methods such as information dis- through three hierarchical layers: (1) the lower layer
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play boards, Mouselab and Flashlight1 (see, for exam- describes the observed eye movements, (2) the middle
ple, Costa-Gomes and Crawford 2006, Willemsen layer describes unobserved (attribute- and product-
et al. 2011), in which information becomes avail- based) information acquisition processes, and (3) the
able sequentially through manual inspection, such as upper layer describes how consumers switch between
mouse clicking or card turning. This renders the them based on higher-order cognitive processes. The
choice process in those studies more controlled model is schematically depicted in Figure 1. It relaxes
and deliberate. However, comparison websites pro- the assumptions of a standard HMM by allowing the
vide all attribute information of all choice options transition probabilities between the states, represent-
simultaneously. Information acquisition is then fast ing information acquisition processes, to vary over
and governed by automatic processes. The simul- time through upper-layer states, the number of which
taneous availability of information may also allow is a priori unknown. The model enables us to inves-
more flexible switching between information strate- tigate how these information acquisition processes
gies than can be detected with more traditional pro- are used during decision making, how often peo-
cess tracing methods. Eye-tracking methodology is ple switch between them during a decision-making
particularly suited to provide insights under these task, and what specific information they acquire while
conditions (Lohse and Johnson 1996, Russo 1978, doing so. This provides new answers to longstanding
Schulte-Mecklenbeck et al. 2011). Because of techno- questions about the information processing that takes
logical advances, eye tracking is now widely used place during constructive decision making.
in academia and practice (Wedel and Pieters 2008).
Eye-movement data consist of eye fixations, which 1.1. Prior Literature
are brief moments that the eye is still and informa- In spite of the growth of interest in using eye
tion is extracted from the stimulus (about two to four movements to better understand and predict choice
times per second); saccades are rapid jumps of the eye behavior (see, for example, Pieters and Warlop 1999,
between fixations to redirect the line of sight to a new Reutskaja et al. 2011, Russo and Leclerc 1994, Stüttgen
location. et al. 2012), research on information acquisition on
Although introspection may suggest that informa- attribute-by-product displays such as used in com-
tion acquisition on comparison websites is a fairly parison sites is as yet limited. Whereas research
well structured and orderly process, as will become
using traditional process tracing methods has shown
clear below, the data collected in our experiment indi-
that consumers sequentially use two stages (screen-
cate a different conclusion. That is, whether informa-
ing and evaluation) in decision making, in an anal-
tion acquisition is attribute based or product based
ysis of eye and head movements of packages on
is often not immediately discernible from the large
a simulated shelf, Russo and Leclerc (1994) char-
volumes of dense eye fixation data, and it is difficult
acterized the decision process as comprising three
to assess precisely how these two strategies are used
stages: screening, evaluation, and verification. Screen-
over time and what information is acquired. The main
ing consisted of a serial inspection of mostly adja-
aim of our research is therefore to develop a model-
cent products, evaluation involved the comparison
based approach that facilitates inferences about these
rapid attribute- and product-based information acqui- of a limited set of remaining products, and during
sition processes during decision making as well as verification the chosen product was compared with
the switching between these processes, recognizing others. Research suggests that people switch between
that they are fundamentally unobservable. Informa- attribute- and product-based information acquisition
tion acquisition processes are latent cognitive states processes when the demands of the task change (Ball
that direct the eyes in a search for information on 1997, Payne 1976, Pieters and Warlop 1999, Swait and
the display. Eye movements reflect these states prob- Adamowicz 2001), for example, because of experi-
abilistically rather than deterministically (Lohse and enced accuracy and effort (Bettman et al. 1998) as
Johnson 1996, Wedel and Pieters 2000). a function of the information already acquired up
to that point (Bettman and Park 1980, Russo and
MouselabWEB, (retrieved Decem-
Rosen 1975). However, the extent of switching in nat-
ber 10, 2011); Application of FlashLight, ural tasks such as online choice has not yet been
flashlight/ (retrieved December 10, 2011). quantified.
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1011

Figure 1 Three-Layer Hidden Markov Model for Information Acquisition

Level 3:
Hidden states (strategies) S2 = 1 S2 = 2 … S2 = 3
2 2
Ω(Si, t | Si, t – 1)

Level 2:
Acquisition processes S1 = 1 S1 = 2 S1 = 2 … S1 = 1
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1 1
ΠSi,2 t(Si, t | Si, t – 1)

Level 1:
Eye movements
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 … YT – 1 YT
PSi,1 t(yi, t | yi, t – 1)

Note. Pentagons represent the observations in the lower layer, with transition probabilities PS1 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 5; rectangles represent the hidden states in the middle
i1 t
layer (S1 5, with transition probabilities çS2 4Si11 t — Si11 t−1 5; circles represent the hidden states in the upper layer (S2 5, with transition probabilities ì4Si12 t — Si12 t−1 5.
i1 t

Willemsen et al. (2011) show that counter to some between information acquisition processes as a func-
sampling models of decision making in which poten- tion of these states and the switching between these
tial information elements are assumed to be sam- states as well.
pled independently (Roe et al. 2001), information is
sampled depending on the current evaluation of the 1.2. The Study: Information Acquisition on a
alternatives. Early encoding installs one of the choice Comparison Website
options as the preferred one, and during the deci- The Dell website ( was se-
sion process attention shifts to this option, which lected as context for our study. It provides the option
then becomes central in the comparison process. This of comparing various personal computers that are rel-
explains findings by Pieters and Warlop (1999) that evant for our participants. We manipulated the dis-
the finally chosen product received significantly more play format by transposing rows and columns in a
fixations than did nonchosen products. This pre- between-participants design. The comparison matrix
decisional gaze bias on the chosen product has been contains 12 attributes: “picture,” “price,” “processor,”
called the gaze cascade (Shimojo et al. 2003). It has “operating system,” “memory,” “keyboard/mouse,”
recently received much interest because it enables the “monitor,” “hard drive,” “optical drive,” “wireless,”
prediction of choice from eye movements (Krajbich
“office software,” and “warranty”; and four desk-
et al. 2010). It is consistent with diffusion models
top models: “Inspiron 864,” “Inspiron 619,” “Inspiron
of decision making, in which evidence in favor of a
758,” and “Inspiron 689.” In the vertical condition the
product accumulates at a rate that depends on the
products are presented in the columns; in the horizon-
fixations (Krajbich and Rangel 2011). Relative to this
tal condition the comparison matrix is transposed so
prior research, the contribution of our study is that
that the products are in the rows. A total of 108 under-
it proposes a model of eye movements that helps to
graduate students (55 male), all in the market for buy-
identify information acquisition processes that con-
sumers use during decision making and their deter- ing a desktop computer, were randomly assigned to
minants and consequences. The model distinguishes either the vertical or the horizontal condition. They
information processing by attribute and by prod- read the instructions that asked them to make a choice
uct (Bettman et al. 1998); it allows the information for a desktop computer for use at home. After having
sampled during a particular eye fixation to depend made their final choice, participants indicated how
on the information sampled before (Willemsen et al. easy it was to collect information during the task, how
2011), and it allows two or more higher-order cogni- easy it was to decide among the various computers,
tive states to drive switching between these processes and how confident they were about the final choice,
(Howard and Sheth 1969). The model enables test- all on 5-point response scales (“1” = not at all, “5” =
ing the empirical contribution of these higher-level very much).
states in accounting for the observed eye-movement Tobii 1750 infrared eye-tracking equipment was
data. We conjecture that these higher-level states used to record eye movements (http://www.Tobii
may reflect decision goals (Bettman et al. 1998) that .com/). It leaves participants free to move their heads;
govern the overall information acquisition process cameras in the rim of a LCD-computer monitor
(Krantz and Kunreuther 2007), and in the final sec- (11280 × 768 pixel resolutions) track the position of the
tion call for more research to examine these further. eye and head. Measurements were taken with a fre-
The model describes the time-dependent switching quency of 50 Hz and a precision better than 0.5 degree
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1012 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

Table 1 Data Description

Percentage of Vertical format Horizontal format

Fixations on product 1 25065 25069

Fixations on product 2 26033 25080
Fixations on product 3 20046 20068
Fixations on product 4 19065 17078
Consecutive fixations on contiguous cells 65045 63078
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Decision time First 1/3 Mid 1/3 Last 1/3 First 1/3 Mid 1/3 Last 1/3

Type 1 (attribute-based) eye movements 42061 52087 42064 40066 38077 45021
Type 2 (product-based) eye movements 32089 29071 40077 41065 44093 38099
Type 3 (other) eye movements 25008 21010 20028 18048 21041 20091

Number of consecutive fixations M =2 M =3 M =4 M =2 M =3 M =4

M consecutive saccades on the same product 33046 16001 1051 39021 20044 11048
M consecutive saccades on the same attribute 43099 25084 15074 39084 22009 12025
The last M saccades on the chosen option 40082 30061 24049 40068 32020 20033

Note. Refixations on the same cell are excluded from the data.

of visual angle. Instructions and stimuli were pre- the vertical format. Finally, the data provide evidence
sented on the monitor, and participants continued of a gaze cascade: in around 41% of the cases, the
to a next page by pressing the space bar. Saccades last two fixations on the display include the chosen
between cells of the comparison website (a total of alternative.
18,172 observations) are the unit of analysis; refixa-
tions were excluded.
Table 1 provides a description of the data. The rela- 2. Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model
tive percentage of fixations that each product receives We develop a hierarchical hidden Markov model
is similar across the two formats, with product 2 (HHMM) that has three hidden layers. The lower
receiving the most and product 4 the least fixations. layer captures observable eye movements; the middle
Around 65% of the fixations are on contiguous cells. layer captures the attribute-based and product-based
Following Ball (1997), we distinguish three elemen- acquisition processes that drive the eye movements;
tary types of saccades. During a type 1 saccade, the upper layer captures switching between the two
the eye jumps between two products for the same acquisition processes. We let i = 11 0 0 0 1 I denote par-
attribute. During a type 2 saccade, the eye jumps ticipants and t = 11 0 0 0 1 T denote fixations. We let
between two attributes for the same product. Dur- yi1 t = 4ai1 t 1 pi1 t 5 denote the particular cell in the dis-
ing a type 3 saccade, the eye jumps from a particular play defined by attribute (a ∈ 811 0 0 0 1 A9) and prod-
attribute for one product to a different attribute for uct (p ∈ 811 0 0 0 1 P 9), at eye-fixation t for participant i.
another product. Type 1 (attribute-based) eye move- In addition, yi1 t−1 = 4ai1 t−1 1 pi1 t−1 5 denotes the cell at
ments are most prevalent (53%) in the middle part of the previous eye-fixation t − 1. The model is repre-
the decision for the vertical format and most preva- sented by three sets of transition probability matrices:
lent at the end (45%) for the horizontal format. Type 2 1. the matrix of transition probabilities between the
(product-based) saccades are most prevalent at the states of the upper layer, ì4Si12 t — Si12 t−1 5;
end of the decision (41%) for the vertical format
2. the matrices of transition probabilities between
and most prevalent in the middle of the decision
states of the middle layer, çSi12 t 4Si11 t — Si11 t−1 5, given the
(45%) for the horizontal format. This indicates that
the switching between attribute- and product-based states S 2 = 11 0 0 0 1 M of the upper layer;
eye movements is nonstationary across the decision 3. the matrices of transition probabilities between
time. Type 3 (other) saccades are somewhat stable cells on the display PSi11 t 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 5, given the states
around 20%. For the vertical (horizontal) format, in S 1 = 11 0 0 0 1 N of the middle layer (Figure 1).
33% (39%) of the cases, two consecutive saccades Switching between the unobserved upper-layer
include the same product; only in 2% (11%) of the hidden states follow a Markov process described
cases do four consecutive saccades include the same by the 4M × M5 transition probability matrix
product. Thus, although reflected in a few saccades ì4Si12 t — Si12 t−1 5. The number of states in the upper
between information elements only, product-based layer, M, is a priori unknown and will be empirically
processing is more prevalent in the horizontal for- determined. These states govern the selection of the
mat and attribute-based processing more prevalent in middle-layer states and the switching between them.
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1013

Below, we discuss the possible interpretation of these We can now write the saccade probabilities between
states in terms of decision goals. cells of the comparison matrix, conditional on the
Switching between the middle-layer hidden states, states of the two hidden layers that participant i is in
Si11 t , follows a Markov process with a 4N × N 5 transi- at fixation t, Si11 t and Si12 t , as
tion probability matrix çSi12 t 4Si11 t — Si11 t−1 5, given a spe-
cific upper-layer state Si12 t , (Figure 1). Because there P 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 3 Si11 t 1 Si12 t 5
are M upper-layer states, there are M such matrices. M N
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ì4Si12 t — Si12 t−1 5 çSi12 t 4Si11 t — Si11 t−1 5

Theory specifies the number of middle-layer states to =
2 1
equal N = 2 because these states present the latent Si1 t−1 =1 Si1 t−1 =1

attribute-based and product-based information acqui- · PSi11 t 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 51 (3)
sition processes (Payne et al. 1993).
At the lower layer, observed saccades of the eye with PSi11 t 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 5 provided in Equations (1)
between the cells of the display matrix are rep- and (2). If ä collects all parameters, and PSi11 1 4yi1 1 5 is
resented by the matrices of transition probabili- the initial fixation probability, the likelihood function
ties PSi11 t 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 5. The model distinguishes three of participant i is
elementary types of saccades as described earlier.
An attribute-based information acquisition process L4yi — ä5
consists of a sequence of mostly attribute-based T M M N N T
(type 1) saccades. A product-based information acqui- 2 2
= PSi11
1 4yi11 5 ··· ··· ì4Si1t — Si1t−1 5
sition process is characterized by a sequence of mostly t=2 S 2 =1
2 =1
Si1T 1 =1
S1i1t 1 =1 t=2
product-based (type 2) saccades. Other (type 3) sac- !
cades may result from exploratory eye movements,
çSi12 t 4Si11 t — Si11 t−1 5PSi11 t 4yi1 t
· — yi1 t−1 5 0 (4)
corrective eye movements, or switches between 1
Si1 t−1 =1
attribute-based and product-based saccades. Thus,
given state 1 of the middle layer (the attribute-based We specify uninformative conjugate priors on all
acquisition state), the model parameters of the lower- model parameters and use the Markov chain Monte
layer transition matrix are constrained such that they Carlo to estimate the model (using R). Single-move
allow for eye movements that are mostly consis- sampling schemes are used to sample middle-layer
tent with attribute-based acquisition. In this state, for hidden states S 1 , upper-layer hidden states S 2 , and
ai1 t = ai1 t−1 , the eyes jump from product pi1 t−1 to prod- the parameters of the transition matrices (Robert
uct pi1 t with probability et al. 1993). The initial fixation probabilities are esti-
mated as the stationary probabilities of the lower-
PSi11 t =1 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 5 = v · PSi11 t =1 4pi1 t — pi1 t−1 51 layer Markov chain (Scott 2002). Tests on simulated
if ai1 t = ai1 t−1 0 (1) data reveal accurate recovery of the parameters. We
use 25,000 draws and discard the first 5,000 draws
Then all other saccades (types 2 and 3) have a small to burn-in. The chains appear stationary after 5,000
probability 1 − v. Conversely, given state 2 of the draws. We take 1 in 10 target draws and report the
middle layer (the product-based acquisition state) for mean and standard deviation of the resulting 2,000
pi1 t = pi1 t−1 , the eyes jump from attribute ai1 t−1 to ai1 t draws to summarize the posterior distributions of the
with probability parameters. We test for the number of upper-layer
states of our model, and we compare the model with
PSi11 t =1 4yi1 t — yi1 t−1 5 = w · PSi11 t =2 4ai1 t — ai1 t−1 51 several alternative models described later, using the
log-marginal density (LMD). We compute the LMD
if pi1 t = pi1 t−1 0 (2) using Chib’s (1995) method, which provides unbiased
and stable estimates:
Then all other saccades (types 1 and 3) have small
probability 1 − w (neither v nor w are constrained in LMD4Y 5 = ln f 4Y — ä∗ 5 + ln 4ä∗ 5 − ln 4ä∗ — Y 50 (5)
the estimation). The formulation in (1) and (2) is con-
servative in its identification of switching between the Calculation of ln 4ä∗ 5, the log-prior density, and
underlying acquisition processes, because it allows ln 4ä∗ — Y 5, the log-posterior density, both computed
the corresponding states in the middle layer to pro- at the mean of the posterior density ä∗ , is straight-
duce eye movements that deviate probabilistically forward. We compute the high-dimensional sum in
from strict attribute-based and product-based eye the likelihood in (5) using Scott’s (2002) likelihood
movements. This is consistent with findings on the recursion.
stochastic nature of higher-order processes driving Although we estimate the full switching matrices
eye movements (Feng 2009, Wedel and Pieters 2000). between products, PSi11 t =1 4pi1 t — pi1 t−1 5 and attributes
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1014 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

PSi11 t =2 4ai1 t — ai1 t−1 5 at the lower level of the model, acquisition processes at all or that such processes do
we report saccade probabilities between contiguous not reliably emerge. Alternative model 3 is a model
(and noncontiguous) products PSi11 t =1 4pi1 t ∈ N 4pi1 t−1 55 in which the upper layer is a mixture rather than
and attributes PSi11 t =2 4ai1 t ∈ N 4ai1 t−1 55, where, for exam- a Markov chain; that is, the model is a mixture of
ple, N 4ai1 t−1 5 is the set of attributes adjacent to HMMs. In this model, there are no dynamics in the
ai1 t−1 . These are not only more parsimonious but upper layer. Finally, we test for two, three, and four
also more theoretically relevant probabilities. People upper-layer hidden states both for the hierarchical
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acquire detailed information mostly locally from a mixture of HMMs (model 3) and for our model. We
small area around the current fixation point of the eye perform all these tests separately for the vertical and
(van der Lans et al. 2008). This leads to eye move- horizontal formats.
ments that predominantly fall on adjacent locations in Our model with two, three, or four upper-layer hid-
a display (Liechty et al. 2003, Russo and Leclerc 1994) den states outperforms models 1 and 2, as revealed by
and to such adjacent information being better inte- the higher LMDs in Table 2. For each particular num-
grated in and retrieved from memory (Johnson and ber of states, the proposed model also has a higher
Mayer 2012). likelihood than the corresponding model 3, the mix-
A key result of the estimation is the marginal pos- ture of HMMs. This holds for both conditions (vertical
terior probability that participant i is in informa- and horizontal). These results provide support for a
tion acquisition state Si11 t at fixation t2 P 4Si11 t — yi1 t 1 ä5 hierarchical multistage decision process: a three-layer
as well as the marginal posterior probabilities of being model explains the decision process better than the
in the upper-level states Si12 t 2 P 4Si12 t — yi1 t 1 ä5. Those two-layer models do. It also provides support for the
allow us to describe the information acquisition pro- dynamics in the third layer of the model: the pro-
cesses that participants use from moment to moment. posed HHMM explains the data better than does a
mixture of HMMs. For the proposed model, the value
of the LMD levels off after three upper-level states
3. Results (Table 2), and the parameter estimates of two hidden
3.1. Model Comparisons states in the four-state model are very similar. We thus
We compare the proposed model with several alter- report the results of the model with three upper-layer
natives (see Table 2). Alternative model 1 is an HMM hidden states.
without the upper layer, but it is otherwise the
same as our proposed model. If this two-layer model 3.2. Estimation Results
would be best, the probabilities of switching between The parameter estimates characterizing the lower
attribute-based and product-based information acqui- layer are shown in Table 3 for the vertical and hor-
sition would be constant over time. It would imply izontal formats. For the vertical format (products in
that switching between attribute-based and product- columns) and while in the attribute-based state, par-
based processes would be the same early on and later ticipants are 1400 400929/000665 times more likely to
during decision making. It would go against current move their eyes within the same attribute than mak-
theories and findings about stages in decision mak- ing other eye movements. For the horizontal format,
ing. Alternative model 2 is a two-layer HMM without this ratio is lower: 801 400892/001105. For the vertical
the constraints of attribute-based and product-based format and while in the product-based state, partici-
acquisition processes in the lower layer. This model pants are 107 400641/003605 times more likely to make
allows any type of saccade in each of the two states. an eye movement within the same product than mak-
If this model would be best, it would imply that ing other types of eye movements. For the horizon-
eye movements do not reflect the two information tal format, this ratio is higher: 208 400736/002645. Two
conclusions are apparent. First, participants are much
more consistent in moving their eyes along the same
Table 2 Log-Marginal Density of Alternative Models
attribute, regardless of whether the products are pre-
Experimental condition sented in rows or columns. Second, for both acqui-
Model Vertical Horizontal sition processes consistency is substantially higher
if the corresponding information mode is presented
Alternative model 1 Constrained HMM −13169700 −13116900 row-wise. This corroborates previous findings on the
Alternative model 2 Unconstrained HMM −13113208 −12120507
Alternative model 3 Mixture HMM, S = 2 −11119005 −11145804
dominance of horizontal eye movements (Gilchrist
Mixture HMM, S = 3 −10109303 −10135407 and Harvey 2006, van der Lans et al. 2008, Tatler
Mixture HMM, S = 4 −10108502 −10137109 and Vincent 2008). In various visual tasks a horizon-
Proposed model HHMM, S = 2 −10139200 −10187708 tal, left-to-right dominance in consumers’ eye move-
HHMM, S = 3 −9106601 −9150306 ments has been observed, such as when searching
HHMM, S = 4 −9105801 −9148405
store shelves (van der Lans et al. 2008). There are
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1015

Table 3 Parameter Estimates for Eye Movements (Lower Layer) and Information Acquisition Strategies
(Middle Layer) (with Standard Deviations in Parentheses)

Information presentation format

Acquisition strategy
(middle layer) Eye-movement features Vertical Horizontal

Attribute based Consistent 00929 (0.001) 00892 (0.001)

Inconsistent 00071 (0.022) 00108 (0.011)
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Contiguous (products) 00444 (0.007) 00283 (0.006)

Noncontiguous (products) 00171 (0.009) 00157 (0.007)
Product based Consistent 00641 (0.005) 00736 (0.002)
Inconsistent 00359 (0.016) 00264 (0.008)
Contiguous (attributes) 00362 (0.000) 00338 (0.002)
Noncontiguous (attributes) 00036 (0.001) 00041 (0.000)

Notes. “Consistent” is the probability of staying with the same attribute or product (v or w 5; “Inconsistent” is the probability
of moving to another attribute or product (1 − v or 1 − w 5. “Contiguous” is the average of the transition probabilities
between block-diagonal submatrices (all elements on the 2 × 2 diagonal blocks); “Noncontiguous” is the average of the
transition probabilities between the cells in the off-diagonal blocks (all elements except those in the diagonal blocks).

several reasons for this. The dominance of horizon- to more extensive integration of information that is
tal eye movements may be due to the generally hor- present in close proximity (Johnson and Mayer 2012).
izontal layout of visual displays (Tatler and Vincent The estimates of the switching probabilities charac-
2008). Left-to-right eye-movemement tendencies are terizing the middle and upper layers are provided in
also caused by a more rapid decline in the resolu- Table 4. We begin by providing a number of summary
tion of the retina in the vertical than in the horizon- statistics for the attribute-based and product-based
tal direction, which causes more information to be states of the middle layer. The initial probabilities of
available to direct the eyes horizontally (Gilchrist and these two states are 0.444 and 0.556, respectively, for
Harvey 2006). Horizontal movements occur especially the vertical format and 0.383 and 0.617 for the hori-
during reading of roman type (Feng 2009, Rayner zontal format. Thus, respondents are somewhat more
1998). Information that is largely textual, as is typical likely to start in the product-based state, especially
for comparison websites, facilitates left-right reading- for the horizontal format. While respondents are in
like patterns even more. A specific information acqui- the attribute-based state, the average number of prod-
sition process is thus facilitated when the display ucts inspected for each attribute is a little more than
is organized so it is consistent with the preferential two (2.28 in the vertical and 2.07 in the horizontal
left-to-right direction of eye movements (Spalek and condition). In that same state, one to two attributes
Hammad 2005). are inspected consecutively (1.55 in the vertical and
Table 3 also shows the probabilities that partic- 1.38 in the horizontal condition).2 When respondents
ipants make contiguous (adjacent cells) and non- are in the product-based state, the average number of
contiguous eye movements. For the vertical format, attributes inspected for one product is a little more
eye movements between contiguous attributes are than three (3.11 in the vertical and 3.20 in the hori-
1001 400362/000365 times more likely than between zontal condition), although on average only about a
noncontiguous ones. This ratio is 802 400338/000415 for single product is inspected (1.04 in both conditions).
the horizontal format. For contiguous/noncontiguous On average, participants spend about 45.61% of the
products, these ratios are substantially lower. Partici- time in the attribute-based state (M = 30088 seconds,
pants are 206 400444/001715 times more likely to collect SD = 24038), 54.38% (M = 36081 seconds, SD = 22025)
information on contiguous products for the vertical in the product-based state, and switch on average
and 108 400283/001575 times for the horizontal format. 47.91 times (SD = 2006) between these states. This high
Thus, participants are much more prone to compare frequency of switching is remarkable, and we will
information from adjacent attributes than from adja- return to it later.
cent products, regardless of the orientation of the dis- Table 4 shows that upper-layer state S 2 = 1 induces
play. However, they are even more likely to do so state dependence with a large probability of sticking
when attributes are presented in the rows (vertical to the current acquisition state and with switching into
format). The vertical format induces more contiguous but not out of the product-based state. This holds for
information acquisition than the horizontal format. both display formats. State S 2 = 2 induces switching
The dominance of information acquisition on adjacent to and staying in the attribute-based acquisition state.
cells of the matrix is in line with prior accounts of the
dominance of local eye-movement patterns (Liechty 2
The average number of products inspected is about 1.7 at the
et al. 2003, Russo and Leclerc 1994) and may lead beginning and end of the decision process.
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1016 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

Table 4 Transition Probabilities Between Middle- and Upper-Layer States for the Two Information Presentation Formats (with Standard Deviations in

Vertical format Horizontal format

S1 = AB S1 = PB S1 = AB S1 = PB
Middle-layer transition matrices
S2 = 1 S2 = 1
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

S1 = AB 00769 (0.021) 00231 (0.021) S1 = AB 00746 (0.047) 00254 (0.047)

S1 = PB 00096 (0.038) 00904 (0.038) S1 = PB 00047 (0.011) 00953 (0.011)
S2 = 2 S2 = 2
S1 = AB 00586 (0.029) 00414 (0.029) S1 = AB 00719 (0.036) 00281 (0.036)
S1 = PB 00456 (0.071) 00544 (0.071) S1 = PB 00552 (0.087) 00448 (0.087)
S2 = 3 S2 = 3
S1 = AB 00520 (0.056) 00480 (0.056) S1 = AB 00323 (0.019) 00677 (0.019)
S1 = PB 00451 (0.013) 00549 (0.013) S1 = PB 00334 (0.038) 00666 (0.038)

S2 = 1 S2 = 2 S2 = 3 S2 = 1 S2 = 2 S2 = 3

Upper-layer transition matrices

S2 = 1 00461 (0.099) 00244 (0.012) 00295 (0.090) S2 = 1 00549 (0.047) 00161 (0.088) 00290 (0.070)
S2 = 2 00225 (0.067) 00400 (0.045) 00375 (0.034) S2 = 2 00204 (0.099) 00493 (0.054) 00303 (0.101)
S2 = 3 00209 (0.111) 00446 (0.091) 00345 (0.089) S2 = 3 00187 (0.087) 00496 (0.026) 00317 (0.095)

Notes. For each format, there are one upper-layer transition matrix and three middle-layer transition matrices—one for each upper-layer state 4S2 = 11 21 and 35.
AB: attribute-based acquisition; PB: product-based acquisition. The rows of the matrices present the states at time t − 1; the columns those at time t.

State S 2 = 3 indicates a similar pull of the product- of product-based acquisition (S 2 = 3) dominate both
based acquisition state because it induces switching to in the early and in the late parts. The fact that upper-
and staying in that state. Note that this holds in par- layer state S 2 = 1 is more prevalent in the beginning
ticular for the horizontal format; in the vertical format and at the end indicates that participants tend to stick
the switching probabilities for the latter two states are more with the current state. Saccade lengths (calcu-
more evenly distributed. Although in both conditions lated as the Euclidean distance between the corre-
the stationary probabilities of the switching matrices sponding cells of the comparison matrix) are much
indicate that for upper-layer states 2 and 3, partici- larger for upper-layer state 1 (S 2 = 12 3504) than those
pants spend about half of the time in the attribute- for states 2 (S 2 = 22 1202) and 3 (S 2 = 32 708). This
based state and half of the time in the product-based suggests that, independent of the display format, par-
state; in upper-layer state 1 they spend more time in ticipants tend to adopt and stick with more global
the product-based state (63.6% for the vertical and information acquisition in the beginning and end of
57.8% for the horizontal condition). Table 4 shows that the decision process. The use of product-based acqui-
among the three upper-layer states, state 1 has the sition in the beginning of the decision process may
highest stickiness (0.461 for the vertical and 0.549 for indicate exploration. In our experiment, the prod-
the horizontal format), followed by state 2 (0.400 for ucts differed in 12 features, described in textual or
the vertical and 0.493 for the horizontal format), and numerical detail. This does not enable consumers
then state 3 (0.345 for the vertical and 0.317 for the to grasp (the gist of) the product as a whole in
horizontal format). Participants spend about one-third a single fixation (counter to the stimuli and expo-
of the time in each of these states, and all participants sure situation in the experiment of Russo and Leclerc
use all three states. 1994). Then participants tend to start with product-
Figure 2(a) presents the posterior probabilities based information acquisition. As compared to par-
of the three upper-layer states across normalized ticipants who started with attribute-based acquisition,
time for all participants; Figure 2(b) graphs the those who started with product-based acquisition had
probabilities of the two middle-layer information significantly higher perceived easiness of information
acquisition states. Counter to theories of two-stage collection (3.70 versus 3.49), easiness of making a deci-
decision-making processes that postulate a first sion (2.95 versus 2.71), and confidence in their final
screening stage of attribute-based acquisition fol- choice (3.71 versus 3.39). The usage of product-based
lowed by second evaluation stage of product-based acquisition at the end of the decision process is con-
acquisition, Figure 2(a) shows that in both display for- sistent with a predecisional gaze bias that reflects a
mats, the pull of attribute-based acquisition (S 2 = 2) cascading preference formation and decision justifica-
dominates in the middle part of the decision pro- tion (Pieters and Warlop 1999, Russo and Leclerc 1994,
cess, whereas the state-dependence (S 2 = 1) and pull Shimojo et al. 2003).
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1017

Figure 2(a) Aggregate Time Course of the Upper-Layer States: S2 = 1 (Long Dash), S2 = 2 (Short Dash), and S2 = 3 (Solid Line) for the
Two Information Presentation Formats

Vertical format Horizontal format

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note. x-axis: normalized decision time; y -axis: probabilities of three upper-layer states.

Figure 2(b) Aggregate Time Course of Attribute-Based (S1 = 1, Dashed) and Product-Based (S1 = 2, Solid Line) Information Acquisition States for
Two Information Presentation Formats

Vertical format Horizontal format

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note. x-axis: normalized decision time; y -axis: probabilities of two middle-layer states.

Although one may envision the upper layer of the may be most effective, yet it is less accurate. Tenta-
model simply as a way to represent nonstationary tively, it is reasonable to expect that the upper-layer
switching between the attribute- and product-based states reflect the effects of participants’ moment-to-
states, based on the above description it may be pos- moment trade-offs between these goals. Yet more pre-
sible to interpret these states as reflecting higher cog- cise inferences on the upper-layer states of the model
nitive processes (Russo and Leclerc 1994, Salvucci await further research.
and Anderson 1998), such as decision goals, which As for the impact of format, Figure 2(a) shows
determine the selection of the specific information that for the horizontal format the prevalence of the
acquisition process (Krantz and Kunreuther 2007). upper-layer state 3, which reflects a pull of product-
Bettman et al. (1998) distinguish four decision goals, based information acquisition, is much higher than
of which accuracy maximization and effort mini- for the vertical format. For the latter format, upper-
mization may be most relevant to the product-based layer state 2 dominates, reflecting a pull of attribute-
and attribute-based information acquisition processes based acquisition. Thus, the horizontal format induces
that our study focuses on. When an accuracy- more product-based acquisition, which confirms pre-
maximization goal is activated, product-based infor- vious findings with other process tracing techniques
mation acquisition may be most effective, yet it is (Bettman and Kakkar 1977). But here we establish
also most effortful. When an effort-minimization goal that this occurs irrespective of the tendency to make
is activated, attribute-based information acquisition horizontal eye movements. Furthermore, Figure 2(b)
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1018 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

shows that the dominance of product-based acquisi- 3.3. Switching Between Information
tion in the horizontal format manifests itself only in Acquisition States
the middle of the decision process. For the vertical for- We find a high incidence of switching between the
mat, product-based and attribute-based acquisitions information acquisition states, which is remarkable
are equally prevalent in the mid-range of the deci- and has not been documented before. To illustrate,
sion. The dominance of product-based acquisition at Figure 3 plots the probabilities information acquisi-
the beginning and end is unaffected by the display tion states over time for one representative participant
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

format. in the vertical and for one in the horizontal condi-

A multinomial logit model with the total (poste- tion. The figure shows that switching between the two
rior mean) durations of different acquisition states middle-layer information acquisition states is very
as predictors (pseudo-R2 = 00821) shows that more frequent, even more so for the horizontal format. On
attribute-based acquisition significantly increases the average, participants switch once every 1.64 seconds
probability of choosing product 1 over 4 (b = 60321 and once every 1.20 seconds, respectively, for the ver-
p = 00003), while it reduces that of the other products tical and horizontal conditions. In fact, if one were to
(b = −7001 for product 2, p = 000013 −6033 for prod- count the (observed) single-step transitions in the eye
uct 3, p = 00063). Product 1 (Inspiron 864) is supe- movements directly, one would obtain even higher
rior on most non-price attributes. Thus, participants switching frequencies, namely, once every 0.79 sec-
in the vertical condition are more likely to choose the onds (vertical) and 0.73 seconds (horizontal). The
dominating product than are those in horizontal con- model-based switching frequencies are lower because
dition (choice probabilities: vertical: 0.26 versus hor- eye movements are treated as probabilistic indica-
izontal: 0.20). They also are less likely to choose the tors of the information acquisition states. Such high
second product (choice probabilities: vertical: 0.08 ver- switching rates cannot be identified with traditional
sus horizontal: 0.13), which is inferior on most non- process tracing methods such as information display
price attributes. boards or Mouselab because these require additional

Figure 3 Examples of the Time Course of the Three Upper-Layer States (S2 = 1, Long Dash; S2 = 2, Short Dash; S2 = 3, Solid Line), and of the Two
Middle-Layer States (S1 = 1, Attribute-Based Acquisition, Short Dash; S1 = 2, Product-Based Acquisition, Solid Line), for One Participant
in Each Condition (Presentation Format)

Vertical condition (participant 17)

Upper layer

0 10 20 30 40 50

Middle layer
0.0 0.6

0 10 20 30 40 50

Horizontal condition (participant 3)

Upper layer
0.1 0.4

0 20 40 60

Middle layer

0 20 40 60
Note. x-axis: fixation number; y -axis: probabilities of each state in the middle and upper layers.
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1019

hand movements for enactment, capture more delib- in the vertical condition) are never inspected. Both
erate processes, and remove peripheral information the number of attributes and the number of prod-
(Lohse and Johnson 1996, Schulte-Mecklenbeck et al. ucts inspected are lower in the horizontal than in
2011). Participants switch between the upper-layer the vertical condition. This selectivity in information
states once every 1.19 seconds for the vertical condi- acquisition may be due to information overload that
tion and once every 1.14 seconds for the horizontal limits the uptake of available information or due to
condition. As discussed above, these states may reflect the acquired information being experienced as suffi-
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

decision goals that govern longer sequences of spe- cient to make a choice.
cific information acquisition processes, and although Next we show what specific product and attribute
their usage is affected by presentation format (Fig- information consumers acquire over time, respec-
ure 2(a)), the format has less impact on switching tively, in the attribute-based and product-based acqui-
between these states. sition states. For that purpose two representative
To investigate determinants of the switching be- participants for the vertical and for the horizon-
tween states, we estimated logit regressions of tal conditions are selected by K-means clustering
participant-specific switching on the percentages of of participants based on their fixations on products
products (P ) and attributes (A), respectively, inspected and attributes and selecting the most central par-
up to that time point. In the middle layer, switch- ticipant for each cluster. The cumulative numbers
ing from product-based to attribute-based acquisition of fixations on products in the attribute-based state
is predicted by the percentage of attributes already and on attributes in the product-based state are
inspected (vertical condition: b = 0029, p = 0008; hor- shown in Figures 4 (vertical condition) and 5 (hor-
izontal condition: b = 0038, p = 0007). Switching from izontal condition), respectively. Although there is
attribute-based to product-based acquisition, on the considerable heterogeneity between participants, four
other hand, is predicted by the percentage of prod- key insights can be obtained.
ucts already inspected (vertical condition: b = 0048, First, in many cases, some products seem to be
p = 0003; horizontal condition: b = 0096, p < 00001). taken out of consideration and receive no additional
This shows that the probability of switching to another gaze after a certain point in time: the cumulative
acquisition process increases as more information has product fixations in the attribute-based state level off.
been acquired in that process. It provides additional This is even more so for the horizontal than for the
evidence that the upper-layer states may capture the vertical format. It is in line with theories of hybrid
effects of decision goals. decision making (Bettman 1979). However, contrary
Frequent switching significantly increases decision to single-stage consideration set models (Howard and
time (regression coefficient b = 1053 for middle-layer Sheth 1969), initially removed options were some-
switching, p = 0006; b = 2030 for upper-layer switch- times reconsidered later on in the decision process.
ing, p < 00001). The stronger effect for switching Take product 3 (Inspiron 758) in the left bottom of
between upper-layer states on decision time sup- Figure 4 as an example (participant 42, vertical condi-
ports their interpretation as outcome and monitoring tion). This product receives constant attention in the
goals. Decision time is significantly prolonged when a earlier stage of decision making (up to about 25 fixa-
participant dynamically adjusts these goals. Further- tions), after which cumulative fixations level off while
more, switching significantly reduces the experienced two or three products are compared. However, at a
ease of processing (average of post-choice evaluation later stage of decision making (after a wait of about 60
items, M = 2078, b = −0033 for middle-layer switch- fixations), this product (Inspiron 738) is being consid-
ing, p = 00002). As a consequence of the more fre- ered again, as reflected by increasing fixations from
quent switching that the horizontal condition induces, that point onward. It might be that product 3 is being
participants perceive the decision process to be less “put on hold” while other alternatives are compared,
easy in that condition than in the vertical condition or it is possible that this product is taken out of con-
(M = 3002 and M = 2064, respectively; p = 00059). sideration at first and then is being reconsidered later.
It seems that the consideration set changes over the
3.4. Selective Attention to Products and Attributes entire time course of decision making. Indeed, the
In both formats, participants do not examine all prod- scope of the set shrinks and expands (between one
ucts until about halfway through the decision process. and four, SD = 1010). Thus, in contrast to theories pos-
The increase in the number of attributes inspected tulating that after a certain time point options can
with increasing decision time is close to linear, with only drop from consideration, our results reveal that
around half of the attributes (51% in the vertical and options can flexibly leave and enter the set at different
46% in the horizontal condition) inspected halfway points in time.
through. However, interestingly, about one-fifth of the Second, in the product-based acquisition state,
attributes (25% in the horizontal condition and 17% attributes enter the decision process sequentially.
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1020 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

Figure 4 Cumulative Numbers of Fixations on Attributes and on the Products for Two Participants in the Vertical Condition

Participant 39: Chosen product: 2 (Inspiron 619); decision time: 1 minute and 57 seconds
Pic Price Processor Oper sys
10 15 20

10 15 20

10 15 20

10 15 20
864 619


Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.


0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80


Memory Keyboard Monitor Hard dr


10 15 20

10 15 20

10 15 20

10 15 20

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 758 689



Opt dr Wireless Office Warranty
10 15 20

10 15 20

10 15 20

10 15 20





0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Participant 42: Chosen product: 4 (Inspiron 689); decision time: 2 minutes and 8 seconds
Pic Price Processor Oper sys
2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10

864 619
5 10 15 20 25 30

5 10 15 20 25 30
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120

Memory Keyboard Monitor Hard dr

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

758 689
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
5 10 15 20 25 30

5 10 15 20 25 30

Opt dr Wireless Office Warranty

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

2 4 6 8 10

0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Notes. The small plots on the left show the cumulative number of saccades on the same attribute (y -axis) while in the product-based state. This shows how
over time (x-axis, in fixation number) fixations on each attribute accumulate and when the first and last times are that the attribute is looked at. The large plots
on the right show how saccades on each of the products accumulate over time and when the product is first and last considered. Increased fixations toward
the end provide evidence of a gaze cascade on the chosen alternative.

Many are considered only once. An example is in which has the lowest price among all alternatives. The
the top left part of Figure 5 (participant 22, hori- temporal sequence of the selection of attributes may
zontal condition). After looking at the product pic- reflect their relative importance to the decision goal
ture, attributes enter the decision process in the at hand (Bettman et al. 1998, Wedell and Senter 1997).
sequence “processor,” “price,” “operating system,” It seems that for each of the representative partici-
“memory,” “hard drive,” “optical drive,” “wireless,” pants, a fair number of attributes is not considered at
and “warranty.” Only “price” seems to be consid- all, which is the case for the attributes “keyboard,”
ered continuously during the entire decision pro- “monitor,” “hard drive,” “optical drive,” “wireless,”
cess. This participant chose product 2 (Inspiron 619), “office software,” and “warranty,” in the example of
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1021

Figure 5 Cumulative Numbers of Fixations on Attributes and on Products for Two Participants in the Horizontal Condition

Participant 22: Chosen product: 2 (Inspiron 619); decision time: 1 minute and 34 seconds
Pic Price Processor Oper sys
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
864 619
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.


0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80


Memory Keyboard Monitor Hard dr


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

758 689
0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80


Opt dr Wireless Office Warranty
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7




0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Participant 24: Chosen product: 3 (Inspiron 758); decision time: 59 seconds

Pic Price Processor Oper sys




864 619
2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8


0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40


Memory Keyboard Monitor Hard dr






2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

758 689
0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40


Opt dr Wireless Office Warranty







2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8


0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

Notes. The small plots on the left show the cumulative number of saccades on the same attribute (y -axis) while in the product-based state. This shows how
over time (x-axis, in fixation number) fixations on each attribute accumulate and when the first and last times are that the attribute is looked at. The large plots
on the right show how saccades on each of the products accumulate over time and when the product is first and last considered. Increased fixations toward
the end provide evidence of a gaze cascade on the chosen alternative.

participant 24 in the horizontal condition (Figure 5). “memory” receive a sudden burst of attention at the
Indeed, this seems to be the case even more in the end of the decision process, as do the options 1 (Insp-
horizontal than in the vertical condition. iron 864), 2 (Inspiron 619), and 3 (Inspiron 758). This
Third, regularly, attributes and products that have may reflect the final verification of the option (Insp-
been rejected earlier are briefly revisited in the iron 864 and Inspiron 619) to which the participant
final stage of the decision process. Take, for exam- has committed (Inspiron 758; Russo and Leclerc 1994,
ple, participant 24 (horizontal condition), depicted Russo and Rosen 1975). Some attributes appear to be
in Figure 5. The attributes “price,” “processor,” and exclusively used in this final stage of the decision, for
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1022 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

example participant 22 in Figure 5 (horizontal condi- shifted from collecting eye-tracking data to describing
tion) only uses “price,” “memory,” and “warranty” in the large volumes of data that eye-tracking stud-
the final stage of the decision. ies produce in a meaningful manner. For this pur-
Finally, in the majority of the cases there is a pose, the proposed hierarchical hidden Markov model
clear predecisional acceleration of gaze on the cho- can help. The model can disentangle eye movements
sen alternative toward the end of the decision, in the (lower layer) from information acquisition processes
attribute-based state. A good example is in Figure 4, (middle layer), and from the higher-order mecha-
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

participant 39, where in each case the chosen alterna- nisms (upper layer), such as goals, that give rise to
tive 2 reveals a gaze cascade, but in fact, all partici- them. The proposed approach uses data about eye
pants shown in Figures 4 and 5 exhibit a gaze cascade saccades between cells of the information display as
on the chosen alternative. Our results generalize the input and does not include, as a source of informa-
previously found gaze cascade (Glaholt and Reingold tion refixations on the same cell (reflecting reading
2009, Pieters and Warlop 1999, Shimojo et al. 2003) of the cell’s content, among others) or the duration
to situations with more than two alternatives and to of fixations (reflecting inspection of text and picto-
attribute-by-product presentations. Importantly, in the rial information, among others), which we think is an
raw data the gaze cascade is often not visible from important task for future research (Feng 2009).
the cumulative saccades on the chosen product (i.e., The present study applied the HHMM to eye-
there is no predecisional acceleration on the chosen tracking data to describe moment-to-moment infor-
alternative; see Table 1). Yet in many of these cases, mation acquisition on product-by-attribute matrices.
the model-based estimates of cumulative saccades on This revealed that participants switched very fre-
the chosen product in the attribute-based state do quently between product-based and attribute-based
reveal such a cascade. Figure 6 illustrates this for acquisition states: 48 times during the 67 seconds
selected participants. The left panel shows the model- that a decision took, on average. This high degree
based estimates; the right panel shows those obtained of switching during real-life decision making has
from the raw data. The estimates derived from our not been documented previously. Before switching,
model show that for the vertical (horizontal) format, participants limited their attention to about three
56.33% (55.25%) of the participants has the last two attributes for a single product or to two products
saccades on the chosen alternative. Those percentages for a single attribute. This might be due to limits
are 34.85% (35.39%) and 25.10% (22.63%) for the last on the amount of information that can be processed
three and four fixations. Note that these are conserva- in working memory at a particular point in time
tive estimates because refixations are removed before (Cowan 2001) or the restricted rate at which this infor-
analysis. In particular for the last two eye move- mation can be consolidated in long-term memory
ments, the model-based estimates are considerably (Marois and Ivanoff 2005). The amount of informa-
higher than those for the raw data reported in Table 1 tion already collected on attributes induces switch-
(40.82% and 40.68% for the vertical and horizontal ing away from the product-based mode, and the
formats). Thus, our model shows that the gaze cas- amount of information on products induces switch-
cade occurs in the last moments of the decision when
ing away from the attribute-based mode. Instead
participants compare the product that ends up being
of sequentially adopting attribute-based acquisition
chosen to other products on one or more attributes.
to eliminate alternatives followed by product-based
These results attest to the ability of our model to gen-
acquisition, participants appear to sample “parcels”
erate new insights into the gaze cascade on product-
of mostly contiguous attribute and product infor-
attribute matrices.
mation. The upper-layer states of our model cap-
ture how consumers flexibly switch between these
4. Discussion mostly local product- and attribute-based informa-
High-frequency eye-movement data hold much tion acquisition strategies. Tentatively, it is reason-
promise in providing new answers to longstanding able to expect that these upper-layer states reflect
questions about constructive information acquisition, the effects of consumers’ moment-to-moment trade-
decision making, and choice processes that consumers offs between various decision goals, such as accuracy,
engage in. Decision theorists have extolled the unique effort, and verification (Bettman et al. 1998). However,
insights that eye tracking can provide on these issues more precise inferences on the cognitive states that
(Lohse and Johnson 1996, Schulte-Mecklenbeck et al. are reflected in the upper-layer states await further
2011), but data collection used to be cumbersome research. Such research might, for instance, explicitly
and expensive. In recent years, affordable and easy manipulate the importance of accuracy versus effort
to use eye-tracking equipment has become widely goals and examine their influence on the middle- and
available. With these developments, the challenge has upper-layer states of the proposed model.
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1023

Figure 6 Model-Based (Cumulative Number of Fixations on Products While Being in the Attribute-Based State) and Observed Gaze Cascade
(Raw Data, Cumulative Number of Fixations on Products) for Three Selected Respondents

Participant 43: Vertical condition, chooses product 3 (Inspiron 758, dotted line)

12 40
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.


4 10

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

Model-based gaze cascades Observed gaze cascades

Participant 48: Vertical condition, chooses product 2 (Inspiron 619, dashed line)
30 40


15 20


0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 140
Model-based gaze cascades Observed gaze cascades

Participant 43: Vertical condition, chooses product 3 (Inspiron 758, dotted line)

25 30

20 25


5 5

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Model-based gaze cascades Observed gaze cascades
Notes. Product 1: solid line; product 2: dashed line: product 3: dotted line; product 4: dot-dash line. x-axis: fixation number; y -axis: cumulative number of

The high frequency of switching revealed in this incorporated in previous accounts of decision mak-
study casts doubt on whether “attribute-based” and ing appear to play an important role. Over-learned
“product-based” information acquisition are necessar- and largely unconscious routines may govern in sit-
ily conscious and deliberate strategies. Rather, low- uations of information overload and time pressure
level eye-movement tendencies that could not be (Lee and Lee 2004, Pieters and Warlop 1999). Such
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
1024 Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS

situations are common when choosing in Web-based on multialternative choice tasks and product-attribute
environments. displays. Our analysis revealed that the model-based
The present study documents a strong left-to- estimates of the gaze cascade are stronger and show
right tendency in the eye movements that remains that it occurs mostly while participants process infor-
even if the orientation of the display is changed. mation by attribute. That is, the gaze cascade reflects
This may make it appear as if there is a dominant that participants make saccades on multiple products
“product-based” or “attribute-based” strategy of pro- for the same attribute. Thus, the gaze cascade primar-
Downloaded from by [] on 25 May 2015, at 03:26 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

cessing, depending on whether the orientation of the ily occurs in the stage of the decision process that has
matrix display has products or attributes in the rows. been called verification by Russo and Leclerc (1994).
However, left-to-right eye movements result from a Indeed, Willemsen et al. (2011) show that as soon as
visual field that is wider in the horizontal direction one of the choice alternatives becomes the preferred
because the resolution of the retina declines more one during the decision process, attention shifts to
rapidly in the vertical than in the horizontal direc- it, and it becomes the central basis for comparison.
tion (Gilchrist and Harvey 2006). Moreover, especially Such a comparison in the final stages of the deci-
in online product-attribute displays, information con- sion, we conjecture, results in saccades back and forth
sists mostly of text. Thus, to read and absorb that tex- to the preferred option. That comparison necessarily
tual information within each cell of the comparison operates “by attribute” and will result in a cascade on
matrix, horizontal eye movements are needed (Rayner the chosen alternative, which largely coincides with a
1998). Although we have removed refixations within verification stage.
the same cell to minimize the impact of reading, ten- Instead of purposely using attribute-based and
dencies to read still may facilitate left-right reading- product-based processes across longer sequences of
like patterns even between cells of the comparison eye fixations, participants tend to use local infor-
matrix and induce left-right patterns of saccades. mation acquisition and tend to make preferentially
In line with previous accounts (Liechty et al. 2003), horizontal movements. Such tendencies provide
we found information acquisition to be predomi- opportunities for managers to strategically place
nantly local, confined to adjacent cells on the display. product-attribute information to facilitate compar-
This may be caused by the limited visual detail that isons and to adopt specific presentation formats to
people can acquire beyond the immediate eye fixation encourage desired information acquisition processes.
point, particularly in the case of textual and numerical Comparison website providers can thus adopt display
information (Rayner 1998) that dominates comparison formats in a proactive fashion to stimulate consumers’
websites. This tendency is stronger for the attributes use of specific information acquisition process favor-
than for products and stronger when attributes are able to their goals. For example, price-comparison
presented row-wise. In our study the presentation websites currently often adopt a horizontal for-
format appears to impact the way that information mat. This favors product-based information acqui-
is acquired because when the format changes, sev- sition and results in fewer local eye movements
eral of the low-level eye-movement tendencies (left- and fewer products and attributes being inspected.
right, local) do not. If eye-movement patterns stay the It increases switching between acquisition processes,
same when the information display changes, then this which makes choice more difficult, and reduces the
causes different information to be extracted and dif- probability of choosing a dominating product. This
ferent decisions to be made. This may make informa- may be in conflict with desirable price (attribute)-
tion acquisition and decision making seem adaptive based information processing for these websites. Eye-
when in fact they are not. Because the evidence from tracking research has thus rightfully begun to play a
our study is indicative but not conclusive, we believe key role in pretesting and improving alternative pre-
that this is an important issue to address in further sentation formats in practice.
studies. Comparison websites, the context chosen for the
The use of our model to analyze eye-tracking present research, are a relatively new shopping
data yielded insights that contribute to a growing environment, yet rapidly increasing in popularity.
stream of research on the gaze cascade (Glaholt and We demonstrated the effects of the orientation of
Reingold 2009, Pieters and Warlop 1999, Shimojo et al. the website as a starting point for research in
2003). The end of the decision process reveals a pre- this area. With the advance of network engineer-
decisional gaze bias that reflects a cascaded process ing, comparison websites are now able to provide
of preference formation and is predictive of the final more and more extensive and dynamic product-
choice. Whereas previous research on the gaze cas- attribute comparisons. Website designers therefore
cade has mostly been done for binary choice tasks have increasing abilities to improve comparison web-
and with products that are presented in a holistic site usability and may use the results of this and
manner, our research has confirmed the gaze cascade future studies to help induce information acquisition
Shi, Wedel, and Pieters: Information Acquisition During Online Decision Making
Management Science 59(5), pp. 1009–1026, © 2013 INFORMS 1025

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