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Guía de actividades y rúbrica de evaluación - Unidad 2 - Tarea 3 -

Administración de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Anexo 5 - Estudio de caso Tarea 3

A continuación, se presenta el Caso de estudio a través del cual

realizara la actividad solicitada para la Guía de Actividades de la Tarea

Workplace Accident at MetaMec S.A.

It was a cold morning on March 15, 2023, at the metalworking company

"MetaMec S.A." Employees were busy in the production workshop,
carrying out various tasks related to the manufacturing of metal parts.
Juan Pérez, an experienced 35-year-old worker with ten years of
experience in the company, was operating a plasma cutting machine to
cut metal pieces. The machine, of considerable size, emitted a bright
plasma jet, creating a spectacle of flashes and sparks.

The situation appeared to be under control until one of the sparks was
ejected from the plasma cutting machine and reached a barrel of
hydraulic oil stored not far from the machine. The barrel was located in
an inadequately marked and unprotected area, posing a potentially
catastrophic risk. The spark ignited the hydraulic oil, unleashing a
sudden and fierce fire.

The resulting explosion from the fire sent metal fragments flying across
the workshop, some of which struck Juan. The flames rapidly spread,
and the fire suppression system was activated but couldn't control the
fire quickly enough.

Juan Pérez suffered first and second-degree burns on his arms and legs
while attempting to extinguish the fire before being evacuated.
Fuente: 1 Incendio en taller de metalcanica.

Referente Bibliográfico

BIBLIOGRAPHYOccupational Safety and Health Administration. (06 de 2022). United states

department of labor. Obtenido de

Realice el análisis del accidente sucedido con el fin de hallar la causa
raíz, utilice una de las siguientes metodologías de
investigación de accidentes:

 Árbol de causas
 Diagrama de Ishikawa
 Responda la siguiente pregunta: What was the main cause of
the incident?

Publique el desarrollo de esta actividad en el foro de discusión a más

tardar la segunda semana después del inicio de la TAREA 3. Discuta
con su grupo colaborativo para que cada integrante se enfoque en
una metodología diferente y al final les permita complementar sus

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