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The history of Iblis

The history of Iblis, known as Satan or the Devil in Islam, is tied to the origin of
this creature and its role in the story of the fall of humanity. Though the narrative
exists in various religious traditions, in the context of Islam, here is a summary of
the history of Iblis:
1. Origin of Iblis:
In Islam, Iblis is a type of creature created from smokeless fire. He belongs to
the category of jinn, alongside other jinn beings. Allah created both jinn and
humans to worship Him, but Iblis refused to obey Allah's command.
2. Special Status of Iblis:
Before the event that changed his fate, Iblis held a high rank among Allah's
creatures. He possessed knowledge and piety, earning him recognition as one of
the angels.
3. Creation of Adam:
Allah created the first human, Adam, from clay. When Allah commanded angels
and jinn to bow down in reverence to Adam, all angels obeyed except Iblis.
Iblis refused to bow, claiming superiority over humans.
4. Rejection and Curse:
Iblis rejected Allah's command with arrogance and pride. Allah expelled him
from paradise and cursed him, but Iblis requested permission to live until the
Day of Judgment, a request Allah granted.
5. Iblis' Pledge to Tempt Humanity:
Iblis, now an adversary to humanity, vowed to tempt and mislead the
descendants of Adam throughout human history. He promised to lead them
away from the truth and into deviation.
6. Temptation of Humanity:
Iblis became a trial for humanity, tempting them to disobey Allah. In the Quran,
Allah warns of Iblis' tactics to lead humans astray, urging them to remain
steadfast in their faith and obedience.
7. Iblis' Actions Until the Day of Judgment:
Iblis pledges to continue tempting and misleading humans until the Day of
Judgment. In Islamic belief, Iblis and his followers persist in their efforts to
misguide people away from the path of truth.

8. Redemption and Repentance:

Despite Iblis being sent as an adversary to humanity, Allah still offers a chance
for repentance to anyone willing to sincerely return to Him, abandoning sinful
The history of Iblis in Islam is a tale of pride, disobedience to Allah's command,
and his role as a tempter of humanity. Iblis is considered a test for humans,
challenging them to maintain faith and obedience to Allah in the face of temptation
and trials in life.


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