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Machu Picchu

It was a foggy morning when we were about to reach the top

of Andes mountain . As we reached the top of the mountain
I could see a big citadel over there . There the grass was as
soft as a cloud . In distance I could see a castle wall build that
was made of bricks . As we went ahead I could see numerous
numbers of houses that were in all different sizes and shapes
and had different types of utensils in it . The houses had got
fungus but the houses looked strong . The mountain was at a
great height because of this there was clouds that were near
to the ground .
There were many mountains that were nearby and had a
good greenery . The view from the top of the mountain was
awesome and made me fell calm and relaxed . The sky was
filled with clouds and the ahead view was not clear because
fog had covered it . There were goats and sheep’s living over
there . There also different types of plants and trees that
were nearby . The place beautiful as it told us lot about the
historic period of that time .
Soon after some time there was sudden shaking of the
ground . Suddenly from the mountain above rocks were
coming . There were gigantic rocks soon people started to
panic and run here and there . The rocks came destroyed
some of the houses . I didn’t knew what do but then I tripped
on a rock and hit the ground that I fainted . When I opened
my eyes I saw that the environment was normal everything
was fine and I was safe . I understood surrounding can be
dangerous any moment we have to be prepared for it .

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