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There are numerous reasons, talents, and skills that make my father
someone I truly admire.
1. Hardworking: My father is one of the hardest working individuals I
know. He puts in long hours at his job and always gives his best effort
in everything he does.
2. Supportive: My father is always there for me and my siblings,
providing us with unwavering support and guidance throughout our
lives. He is our biggest cheerleader and is always a source of strength
for us.
3. Responsible: My father is incredibly responsible and always puts his
family's needs above his own. He is reliable and dependable, and I
know I can always count on him to be there when I need him.
4. Skilled: My father is incredibly skilled in many areas, from his
technical expertise in his profession to his ability to fix just about
anything around the house. His talents and skills have been
invaluable to our family.
5. Compassionate: My father has a heart of gold and is always willing to
help others in need. He is compassionate and empathetic, and his
kindness towards others is truly inspiring.
Overall, my father is someone I admire for his hard work, support,
responsibility, skills, and compassion. He is a role model for me and
someone I strive to be more like every day.
1. Why do I truly admire my father? A. Because he is lazy B. Because he
is hardworking C. Because he is absent D. Because he is irresponsible
2. What quality does my father possess in providing support and
guidance? A. Supportive B. Lazy C. Irresponsible D. Absent
3. What does my father prioritize? A. Himself B. His family C. His job D.
His friends
4. In what areas is my father skilled? A. Only in technical expertise B.
Only in fixing things around the house C. In many areas D. In none of
the above

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