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The meaning of patriotism is different for an autocratic country than a democratic

one. In autocracy, the lines between the country and the person ruling over it
blurs. Patriotism for the country, in this case, translates into patriotism for
that person. However, patriotism assumes a different connotation in a democracy,
where the people of the country elect their government and where the government is
accountable to the people. Love for the country, in this case, might not converge
with love for the government.
The value of patriotism demands that the citizens love their country, remain loyal
and committed to the development of the country. It is a feeling that should reside
in the hearts of all the citizens of a country at all times. Whether this feeling
of love, loyalty and commitment towards one's country reflect on the government,
depends on its functioning and the credibility that the government enjoys among the
citizens. An inefficient, unpopular government will never be able to win the trust,
love and support of the citizens.
By definition, patriotism is a feeling that fills a person’s heart with pride when
heshe thinks of the nation; it's a feeling which results from a sense of
belongingness to one's country. It binds people from diverse communities, religions
and races together and gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of being rooted.
The feeling is most strongly visible in the soldiers who sacrifice their lives for
their countries. Though the common man might never get an opportunity to make such
sacrifices for the country, the feeling of patriotism lingers in his heart forever,
making him pledge his devotion to hisher country.
Elected governments in a democracy are under constant scrutiny and, therefore, need
to keep working efficiently for the welfare of the people. The government too needs
to be patriotic and be guided solely by the interests of the country. As long as it
does so, it will enjoy the support of the people of the country.
The citizens of a country are under a moral obligation to harbour patriotic
feelings towards their country. No such obligation commands them to support the
government of their country if it does not deserve their support. They are free to
express their disapproval and voice their opinions against the government. But to
be disloyal or hate one’s country will amount to betrayal.

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