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Name: Yaz Cole

Social Media Plan Assignment Template

Target Audience: Postpartum Mothers

Topic: Mental Health

Week Platform Content (include text, images, and any links here)

1 Twitter Did you know that Postpartum depression occurs anywhere from 2-3
months post childbirth but typically happens around the third or fourth day
after delivery! #Noted

Instagram You aren’t alone. Many PP mothers are going through PPD right now! Do
things that you are able to get your mind off of by doing certain activities
that could put you in the right mindset for you and your baby.

Facebook Postpartum mothers may face “baby blues” or “maternity blues” after
childbirth due to the fear of caring for their infant. Here is a link provided to
find more information on “baby blues”. Postpartum psychiatric disorders:
Early diagnosis and management - PMC (

2 Instagram Being willing and open about PPD is nothing to be ashamed about.
Seeking professional help is always the best way to go!

Twitter Baby blues last anywhere from 2-35 days whereas PPD can last anywhere
from a few months to years. #Needtoknow #Educational

Facebook Postpartum depression affects 1 in 7 women which would be about 15% of

the population. Learn more! Help us improve the health of all moms and
babies | March of Dimes

3 Facebook People already diagnosed with anxiety or depression disorders are 30%-
35% more likely to face PPD. Want to learn more! Click this link!
Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression: Mood Disorders and Pregnancy |
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Instagram PP mothers need to stick together to help one another.

twitter Postpartum depression is a factor in about 20% of maternal deaths.


4 Twitter #Didyouknow 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is

used to identify postpartum depression!!

Instagram Support helps the mother overcome the internal challenges & worries with
bringing a child into the world.

Facebook The postnatal mental state of mothers & fathers affects the later
development of children. Link down below! Parental pre- and postpartum
mental health predicts child mental health and development — Tampere
University Research Portal (

5 Instagram It’s important for mothers to have & feel support from those around her
during PPD

Twitter Keep your mental state on the right track for you and the baby!!!

Facebook What is Postpartum psychosis? Postpartum Psychosis - StatPearls - NCBI

Bookshelf (

6 Facebook Does mental illness have a serious effect on mother & child bond that’s
build after childbirth? Mother-to-Infant Bonding in Women with Postpartum
Psychosis and Severe Postpartum Depression: A Clinical Cohort Study -

Instagram Having support, father, grandparents, & social network helps with
decreasing intensity of postpartum depression.

Twitter Don’t be afraid to ask for help! #Weareall1 #DefeatPPD

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