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Barboza, Mercury

Lumawig, Rondhonlyn A.
Gender Spectrum
What is Gender Spectrum?
Gender spectrum refers to the range of gender identities and expressions beyond the
traditional binary concept of male and female.
Binary vs Non-Binary
Binary Gender: Traditionally, gender has been viewed as binary, limited to male and
Non-Binary: Describes people who don’t identify exclusively as male or female. They
might see themselves as a mix of both, neither, or something else entirely.
What is?
Genderqueer – describes individuals who don’t identify strictly as male or female.
They may feel their gender is a blend of both, fluid, or completely outside traditional
gender categories.
Genderfluid – individuals experience shifts in their gender identity over time.
They may feel more masculine, feminine, or neither on different days or in different
Agender- individuals don’t identify with any gender. They may feel neutral or indifferent
toward gender and may reject traditional gender roles.
Gender Spectrum Challenges
a.)Socially Constructed – Gender roles are the expectations society has about how
people should behave based on their gender. They’re not natural or inherent but are
shaped by cultural beliefs and norms.
b.)Society Normalizes Certain Behaviors- Society tends to view certain behaviors as
“normal” based on traditional gender roles. This can lead to discrimination against those
who don’t conform to these norms.
c.) Discrimination and Stigma- Some people face unfair treatment and judgment
because they don’t fit society’s idea of what a boy or girl should be like.
d.) Legal and Policy Barriers- Laws and rules sometimes make it harder for people in
the gender spectrum to access things like healthcare, jobs, or legal documents that
match their identity.
Ways To Promote Diversity And Inclusion In The Gender Spectrum
 Promoting Inclusivity – Everyone deserves to feel accepted for who they are, no
matter their gender.
 Workplace Inclusivity – Workplaces should be welcoming to all genders and offer
support to transgender and non-binary employees.
 Education and Awareness – Schools should teach students about different
gender identities to create a supportive environment for everyone.
 Allyship and Support- Being an ally means standing up for and supporting people
of all genders.
 Celebrating Diversity – We should celebrate and honor people of all genders for
their unique identities and experiences.

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