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Name of the teacher :-Mrs.

Rupa Ghosh
Name of the student :- Sujit Kumar Nath

Group :-Post natal mother

Subject :- Clinical speciality -1

Topic :- Post natal diet

Venue :- Post natal ward

Method of teaching :- lecture cum discussion

Medium of instruction :- Bengali

Date & time :-

Av aids :-leaflet , pamphlet , chart
GENERAL OBJECTIVE :- After the completion of practice teaching programme mothers will be able to gain
knowledge about the postnatal diet and they can apply their knowledge in their education which improve the
knowledge level.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE :- after completion the topic the group will able to
 introduce about postnatal diet

 define postnatal diet

 discuss regarding iron, folate , calcium, vitamin D,reach diet fats, source

 conclude the topic

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1 to introduce Introduction :- Teaching Learning
1 about Activity Activity
min postnatal diet Right postnatal or post delivery diet is a must for right
ute postnatal care. Read on to find about right postratal or post Lecture cum Listening
delivery diet. discussion

A proper postnatal diet is very important to ensure the well

being of the mother as well as the new bom. Giving birth is a
stressful activity for the body and post birth, the hormones are
again in play. Therefore, the postpartum recovery period is
very fragile and delicate for the new mother.

10 define A postpartum period or postnatal period is the period What is post
min postnatal diet beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending natal diet?
for about six weeks. Less frequently used are the terms
puerperiam or puerperal period.
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Teaching Learning What are
3 10 FOLATES Activity Activity the diets
mi Lecture cum listening should be
n iron, folate , facts discussion there for
calcium, Folate (folic acid) is involved in many chemical reactions in postnatal
vitamin the body. It is essential for normal growth of all cells mther?
D,reach diet including blood and nerve tissue.
fats, source
Your folate stores may be low after the demands of pregnancy
and birth, therefore adequate postratal intake is essential for
your good health and sufficient transfer into your breast milk.

Folate is essential for normal growth of your baby after birth

and your diet is the only source if your baby is fully breastfed.

Recommended daily intake of 500 µg/day (if breastfeeding, or

400 breastfeeding). mg/d (if not breast feeding)
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VITAMIN B12 Teaching Learning

Activity Activity
Lecture cum listening
Adequate vitamin B12 is essential during pregnancy
and breastfeeding for healthy development of your
baby's nervous system and red blood cells.

Good sources of vitamin B12 are red meat (highest),

fishy'seafood, fortified breakfast cereals and dairy

Unfortified plant foods do not contain vitamin B12,

so if you are a vegetarian or vegan you are likely to
be have low vitamin B12 stores affer pregnancy.


If you are a vegetarian or vegan you should take

Vitamin B12 supplement during pregnancy and
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me ic
IRON Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
Your iron requirements after pregnancy depend on a
couple of things whether you are breastfeeding and
whether menstruation has returned: Lecture listening
 Breastfeeding mothers menstruating = 9mg / d discussion

.  Breastfeeding mothers menstruating-27 mg/d

 Non-breastfeeding mothers 18 mgid

Good iron sources

Grains, leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts and iron-

enriched breakfast cereals

*Consume these foods with a high vitamin C food (e.g.

capsicum, tomato, broccoli, a piece of fruit or juice) to
increase absorption of plant.
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Calcium Teaching Learning

Activity Activity
 Calciam is an important mineral to keep your bones Lecture listening
healthy and strong cum
 During lactation, calcium especially important. is

 Insufficient calcium intake will result in calcium

being taken from your bones leaving you at an
increased risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones and
fractures later in (明

 If you are breastfeeding, to meet the extra demands

your body's absorption of calcium from food
through your intestines is increased (like in
pregnancy) you just need to consume enough
calcium-rich foods.

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Best calcium sources Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
Dairy foods (milk, yoghurt, cheese), calcian-fortified soy
milk, figs (fresh or dry).
Lecture listening
Good calcium sources cum
Fish with edible bones (eg salmon and sardines), nuts and
seeds Small amount in fruit and vegetables.


 To ensure you have enough calcium in your diet (1000

mg/day), you will need 2 serves of dairy foods per day.
For example:

 1 cup of reduced fat milk + 1/2 tub of yoghurt

 If you do not eat dairy foods and do not replace these

with calcium- fortified soy milk you will need calcian
supplements. Please see your doctor or dietition for

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Iodine Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
 lodine is a mineral that needed in small amounts but Lecture listening
is very important especially in pregnancy and cum
lactation for the normal growth and brain discussion
development of your baby.

 For you, iodine is important to regulate your

metabolism and to help maintain your central
nervous system cells.

 lodine requirements are hard to meet via diet alone

as our food supply is quite low in this mineral

 If you are breastfeeding you will need 270µg/day of

iodine to ensure you are consuming enough for your
own needs and your baby's brain development.

 If you are not breastfeeding you will need

150µg/day of iodine.
 All women should eat good sources of iodine every
day- fortified bread, fortified milk, iodised salt, fish,
seaweed and canned salmon
 considering pregnancy should also consider
supplement that taking a contains around 150
µg/day of iodine lodine affects thyroid function, and
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Teaching Learning
VITAMIN D Activity Activity

 Vitamin D is important to buld and maintain bone and

muscle strength. Lecture listening
 Evidence is increasing that vitamin D may also play a discussion
role in protecting you from other diseases such as
diabetes, heart Idisease and cancers.
Vitamin D for you:

 Food provides a very small amount of vitamin D

(oily fish such as mackerel and sardines, egg yolks,
margarine, fortified milk) but you are unlikely to get
sufficient amounts of vitamin D from food.

 The primary source of vitamin D is through exposure

of your skin to sunlight.
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Teaching Learning
Vitamin D for your baby: Activity Activity

Lecture listening
 Human breast milk and infant formula are very low in
vitamin D
 If your vitamin D status was good in the later stages of
pregnancy your baby should have enough vitamin D for
the first few months.

 If your vitamin D status was poor during pregnancy

your baby may have low vitamin D stores and may be at
risk of sofiened, (rickets). deformed bones

 Beyond early infancy it is important for your baby to get

a healthy amount of sunlight regularly to build or
maintain their vitamin D status.


 Check your risk of low vitamin D and that of your baby

and discuss with your doctor. You and your baby are at
risk if youwomen with pre-existing thyroid conditions
should seek advice from their doctor before supplement.
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Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
Lecture listening
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Summary Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
Lecture listening
Now i am summarized my topic post natal diet.Purperium is
the period following child birth during which the body discussion
tissues, specially the pelvic organs revert back
approximately to pre pregnant state both anatomically and
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CONCLUSION: Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
10. ➤Even with the advent of many medical
Lecture cum listening
conclude advances, the health is still at risk. Many discussion
the topic
1 minute studies show that longevity is improved with

➤So, it can be concluded that the postnatal

dietary regimen explained in the classics is
very much necessary even today for the
modern day ladies.

➤But, even though the diet prescribed helps in

proper prevention of common puerperal
complaints, this has its own limitation.

➤Inspite of the diet followed, women may

suffer serious complications as the constitution
differs rom person to person.
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Teaching Learning
Activity Activity

Lecture cum listening

11. 1 min
Sl Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V Evaluation
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Teaching Learning
Activity Activity
Lecture listening

 Boback M Irene & Jenson Margaret" Maternity & Gynaecologic Care, mosby company (5th edition) page no;964-971

 DC Dutta (2004)" text book of obstetrics" 9th th edition 2018, jaypee brothers medical publication ,page no: 433-444.

 Myles (2003) text book for midwifes" 15th edition, Philadelphia: Churchill livingstone publishers, page no:625-653

 Raman A V text book of maternity nursing ,19 th edition ,Wolters Kluwer, page no :689-691

 Richi Susan Scoti Essentials Maternity ,New born ,and Womens Health Nursing,4 th edition Wolters Kluwer : page
no 499-521

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