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Kode / Nama Mata Kuliah : A12.56604/Perencanaan Strategi SI Revisi ke : 0

Satuan Kredit Semester : 2SKS Tgl revisi :-
Jml Jam kuliah dalam seminggu : 100 menit Tgl mulai berlaku : 2 Maret 2015
Penyusun : Yupie Kusumawati, SE,M.Kom
Jml Jam kegiatan laboratorium :- Penanggungjawab Keilmuan : Yupie Kusumawati, SE,M.Kom

Deskripsi Mata kuliah :

Pada mata kuliah perencanaan strategi sistem informasi ini, mahasiswa akan diajarkan berbagai konsep dasar perencanaan strategi sistem
informasi, mengimplementasikan strategi sistem informasi, selain itu beberapa tools akan diajarkan kepada mahasiswa guna meningkatkan inovasi
dalam perencanaan dan implementasi dari strategi sistem informasi. Mahasiswa akan diberikan tugas yang menantang untuk dapat
mengembangkan inovasi dalam perencanaan strategi sistem informasi. Konsep perencanaan strategi sistem informasi yang akan diajarkan antara
lain: Developments in the application of information technology in business; The evolving information systems strategy; Information strategy; The
information technology and management infrastructure strategy; Change management strategy; Information systems plans in context: A global
perspective; Approaches to information systems planning; The information systems planning process; Evaluating the outcomes of information
systems plans; Measuring the information systems-business strategy relationship; Information systems-business strategy alignment; Strategies in
response to the potential of electronic commerce; The strategic potential of the internet; Evaluating the impact of IT on the organization; The
information technology-organizational design relationship; Information technology and organizational decision making; The information technology-
organizational culture relationship; Information system and organizational learning; Information technology and customer service; Information
technology and organizational performance.

Standar Kompetensi :
Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini

 Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dasar IS/IT Strategic Planning secara umum.
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dasar IS/IT Strategic Planning berbasis teknologi informasi.
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dasar IT/IS Strategic Planning digabungkan dengan teknologi terkini.

 Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan konsep IS/IT Strategic Planning ke dalam proyek nyata di lapangan dengan contoh-contoh yang akan
diberikan oleh dosen.
 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis situasi kasus dengan menggunakan konsep IS/IT Strategic planning yang telah diajarkan di perkuliahan.
 Mahasiswa akan memiliki tingkat analisis, kreativitas dan inovasi yang tajam tentang konsep IS/IT Strategic Planning.
 Jadwal Kegiatan Mingguan

PokokBahasa AktivitasPembelajara
Mg Ke KompetensiDasar Indikator Sub PokokBahasan Referensi
n n
1 Mahasiswa Mampu Kontrak kuliah The evolving role of information Ceramah, diskusi, tanya KontrakPembelaja
diharapkan mampu memahami systems and technology in jawab ran
memahami kontrak dan Over view mata organization: a strategic approach;
kuliah mata kuliah menjalankan kuliah PSSI information systems Vs information Slide, LCD A
Perencanaan tata tertib technology; early views and models
Strategis Sistem perkuliahan of IT/IS in organization; early views
Informasi dan dan and models: up to 1980; the DP and
memahami peranan memahami MIS eras- the lesson learned; the
sistem informasi dan rencana three era model; the strategic
teknologi informasi perkuliahan. information systems era; strategic
dalam organisasi. issues of IS/IT- classifications_factors
for success and management
implications; success factors in
strategic information systems; the
management implications; what is an
IT/IS strategy?; the context for IS/IT
strategy; toward a fourth era- an
organizational IS capability.

2 Mahasiswa akan Mahasiswa An Overview Of The evolving nature of strategy and Ceramah, diskusi, tanya A
memahami konsep mampu Business strategic planning in organization; jawab
An Overview Of menjelaskan Strategy the strategic framework; strategy
Business Strategy konsep Concepts And implementation; strategy tools and Slide, LCD
Concepts And The strategi The IT/IS techniques; a resource based view
IT/IS Strategy bisnis Strategy of strategy.
Implication. Implication

3 Mahasiswa akan Mampu Developing An The evolution of the IT/IS strategic Ceramah, diskusi, A
memahami konsep memahamiIT IT/IS Strategy: planning- from technology focus to tanyacawab
Developing An IT/IS /IS Strategic Establishing strategic focus; approaches to IS/IT
Strategy: Planning- Effective strategic development; problems Slide, LCD
Establishing Effective Effective Processes. and barriers; the environment of the
Processes. &Effeciency IS/IT today; the challenges of
planning strategically for IS/IT
today; establishing an IS/IT strategic
process; purpose and stimuli driving
IS/IT strategic development; scope-
objectives-expectations; an IS/IT
strategy framework and approach;
deliverables from the IS/IT strategy
4 Mahasiswa akan Mampu Strategic Business to re-engineering and IS Ceramah, A
memahami IS/IT menjelaskan Analysis: strategy; understanding the current diskusi,tanyacawab
Strategic Analysis: analisis Assessing And situations; interpreting the business
Assessing And strategi Understanding strategy; examining the current Slide, LCD
Understanding The sistem The Current IS/IT environment; techniques for
Current Situations. informasi Situations. interpretation and analysis;
information requirements to meet
the current business and objectives;
the use of critical success factors
and Balance Scorecards; business
process analysis; organizational
modeling; evaluating the Gap
between current and required IS/IT
5 Mahasiswa akan Mampu Strategic Aligningthe IS/IT Ceramah,
memahami IS/IT memahami Analysis: investmentstrategytothebusiness; diskusi,tanyajawab A
Strategic Analysis: konsep Determining valuechainanalysis;
Determining The Determining The Future theexternalvaluechain Slide, LCD
Future Potential. the future Potential (industryvaluechainorvaluesystems);
potential informationsystems and

the use of valuechainanalysis;
natural and contrivedvaluechains;
business-reengineering and
6 Mahasiswa akan Mampu Determining Strategic planning techniques and Ceramah, diskusi, tanya A,B,C
memahami konsep memahami The Business their relationships; framework in jawab
Determining The Business Information which the tools and techniques can
Business Information information Systems be used effectively; identifying how Slide, LCD
Systems Strategy. systems Strategy. IS/IT could impact the strategy;
strategy establishing the relative priorities for
IS/IT investments; large
organizations, multiple SBU’s and
their consolidation.
Overview minggu 1- Overview Overview Overview minggu 1-6. Ceramah, diskusi, tanya
7 6. minggu 1-6 minggu 1-6 Pembahasan studi kasus jawab A,B,C
Pembahasan studi
kasus khusus dan Slide, LCD

8 Ujian Tengah Semester

Mahasiswa akan Mampu The Planning Planning components Ceramah,
9 memahami proses memahami Process Planning process : diskusi,tanyajawab A,B,C
perencanaan dan Phase 1 : Visioning
menjelaskan Phase 2 : Analysis Slide, LCD
berbagai Phase 3 : Direction
komponen Phase 4 : Recomendation
dalam proses
Mahasiswa mampu Mampu The Visioning Initiate and Manage the Project Ceramah, diskusi,tanya A,B,C
10&11 memahami phase menjelaskan Phase Understand the Business situation jawab
visioning dalam hal – hal and Vision
perencanaan strategi yang terkai Document and Confirm the Business Slide, LCD
sistem informasi dengan Analysis
phase Business Requirement

Mahasiswa Mampu The Analysys Understanding the current IS Ceramah, diskusi, tanya A,B,C
12&13 memahami phase menjelaskan Phase situation jawab
analysis dalam kondisi Review IS Documentation
perencanaan sistem Analyzing the current IS Situation Slide, LCD
strategis sistem informasi dan with SWOT method
informasi dokumentasi Developing Recommendation and
sistem Solution Alternatives
Mahasiswa mampu Mampu The Dirrection Developing the IS Vision and Mision, Ceramah, diskusi, tanya A,B,C
13 mengembangkan mengembang Phase IS Goals and Strategies jawab
dan mengarahkan kan dan Determine the IS Ballanced
visi Sistem Informasi mengarahkan Scorecard and Metrics Slide, LCD
visi, misi, Developing the IS Plan
tujuan dan Identifying IS Project
Mahasiswa dapat Mahasiswa The Develop a Road Map Ceramah, diskusi, tanya A,B,C
14&15 memahami tahapan dapat Recommendatio Develop a Business Case jawab
Recommendation membuat n Phase Communicate the Plan
dan road map Slide, LCD

mengembangkan perencanaan
Road Map strategis
informasi dan
kan business
case serta
kasikan hasil

16 UjianAkhir Semester

Level Taksonomi :
Pengetahuan 20 %
Pemahaman 20 %
Penerapan 30 %
Analisis 10 %
Sintesis 10 %
Evaluasi 10 %

Aspek Penilaian Prosentas

Ujian Akhir Semester 30 %
Ujian Tengah Semester 30 %
Tugas Mandiri 10 %
Tugas Kelompok 30 %
Komponen lain (jika ada) -
Total 100 %

Komposisi Penilaian :
Nilai A untuk mahasiswa yang mencapai jumlah 85 – 100
Nilai B untuk 70 – 84
Nilai C untuk 55 – 69
Nilai D untuk 40 – 54
Nilai E untuk kurang dari 40

Daftar Referensi :

A. John Ward & Joe Peppard (2002), Strategic Planning For Information Systems, John Wiley & Sons., Ltd, Great Britain
B. Anita Casidi,Second Edition, A Practical Guide ti Information System Strategic Planning, Auerbach Publications

Disusunoleh : Diperiksaoleh : Disahkanoleh :

DosenPengampu PenanggungjawabKeilmuan Ketua Program Studi Dekan

Yupie Kusumawati, SE,M.Kom Yupie Kusumawati, SE,M.Kom Affandy, Ph.D DR.Abdul Syukur, MM

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