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Name: Annisa Nopendia

Student’s Number: 1813042038

1. What do you know about Grading & Reporting?

To my knowledge, grading is determining and giving a score to the result of student’s
assessment that has been done by them, while reporting is giving an information (can be
in a form of document) related to the scores of the students.
2. Why is it important in assessment?
Grading is very important, because it is the method of how we can know the student’s
ability by analysing their score (how many right and wrong answer)
Reporting is also important, because the result of the test is intended to let students know
which one is their weakness, and that weakness can be informed to the students and
maybe their parents to encourage them do better by overcoming their weakness.
3. What are the strong points and weak points of Grading & Reporting?
I think Grading & Reporting don’t have weakness. Grading & Reporting actually have
many strong points such as overcoming the student’s weakness by looking at the
assessment’s result, and also the result of assessment itself can encourage the students to
do better because usually they can realize by themselves whether they are able or not.
4. Why is Grading & Reporting very popular in an English class assessment?
It is very popular because English is a language and language is a habit, so it is very
important to give the students tasks as the assessment tool. Then, grading and reporting
become a very useful tool for the teacher to process the results of the tasks.
5. What do you know about the rules of Grading & Reporting?
Same as the assessment itself, grading and reporting also have to be valid and reliable, so
that we can relay to the result of the assessment to build the student’s ability.
6. Why should be like that?
Of course, it should be like that because the main purpose of learning activity is to
achieve the learning objective, and the way we can know whether the students achieve
that is by giving assessment, and the way the students overcome they weakness and build
their ability is by knowing the result of the test.

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