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OBJECTIVE 4: Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching

and learning.(PPST 1.6.2)

In this reflective annotation, I share my experiences and insights as an educator proficient in utilizing
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Embracing
the richness of linguistic diversity, I discuss the intentional and effective integration of these
languages to create an inclusive and dynamic educational environment.

Drawing from a first-person perspective, I highlight the strategic application of Mother Tongue to
establish a strong foundation for learning, acknowledging the cultural and linguistic significance it
holds for students. Simultaneously, I explore the seamless incorporation of Filipino and English,
emphasizing how this multilingual approach not only supports language proficiency but also fosters a
deeper understanding of diverse cultures and global perspectives.

The annotation showcases practical examples of how I navigate the linguistic landscape in the
classroom, creating an atmosphere where students feel empowered to express themselves in the
language they are most comfortable with. By adopting a multilingual approach, I aim to bridge
communication gaps, celebrate cultural diversity, and promote a more inclusive and engaging
learning experience.

This reflective piece serves as an encouragement for fellow educators to embrace and celebrate
linguistic diversity in the classroom. It underscores the transformative power of proficiently using
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate teaching and learning, contributing to a learning
environment where students not only acquire language skills but also develop a deeper appreciation
for the interconnected world around them.

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