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Name : Shaikh Hassaan

Roll No : 210418
Practical No : 6
1. Write a program to demonstrate pass by value using function
function myFunction($lang){
echo "i love $lang";

2. Write a program to demonstrate pass by reference using function

function myFunction(&$str){
$str = "Dhukka loves to play";
$str = "Dhukka loves to sleep";
echo "before changing the reference $str";
echo "<br>$str";

3. Write a program to demonstrate default argument in function

function myFunction($name="hukka"){
$name = "<br>The name is $name";
echo "$name";
echo "without default argument";
echo "<br>with default arguement";

4. Write a program to create a variable function

function aging($age){
echo "the age is $age";
$x = "aging";

5. Write a program for anonymous function using variable

$add = function ($n1,$n2){
$sum = $n1+$n2;
return $sum;
echo "The addition is ".$add(18,18);
6. Write a program for anonymous function using array
$arr = [function($name){
echo "the name is $name-210418";
echo "<br>the name is $name-210421";
$narr = $arr[0]("Hassaan");
$harr = $arr[1];

7. Write a program to implement the concept of callback using anonymous function

$arr1 = [1,2,3,4,5];
$arr2 = array_map('myFunction',$arr1);
function myFunction($num){
return $num*$num;
echo "Original array<br>";
echo "<br>New Array<br>";
8. Write a program to implement the concept of closure using anonymous function
$name = "Hukka";
$msg = function() use ($name){
echo "The name is $name-210418,21";

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