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A Research Report

Performance Task in English 10

Submitted by:

Leader: Elijah Mirah Telmo

Assistant Leader: Trisha Nicole Abdon


Chrystel Jane Canes

Kathleen Acupan

Lhanse Owen Binoya

Kai Fujii

Chris Altares

Christian Jay Amado

Vincent Aguillon

Hazmita Chen Custodio


The global impact of the pandemic COVID-19 can be seen in every industry. This has a negative impact

on the education sector all over the world. It has imposed a nationwide lockdown, which has had a negative

impact on the lives of the students. The outbreak of COVID-19 has taught us that change is inevitable. It has

acted as a drive for educational institutions to flourish and choose platforms with previously unseen

technologies. To wash away the threat of the pandemic, the education sector has been striving to survive the

catastrophe with a novel approach and digitizing the issues. The shift from online to face-to-face education is

difficult for students to become accustomed to. Students have not been interacting as much as they used to after

nearly three years of being under lockdown. This study illustrates how this pandemic has harmed students'

academic performance, social skills, study habits, and overall well-being.



The pandemic occurs when people stay home to avoid being infected by the infectious disease called

COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world in unimaginable ways. The COVID-19 effects

reached all levels of the worldwide education system, from pre-school to university, and they also resulted in the

cancellation or postponing of academic conferences, thus the education sector was not immune (Impey, 2020,

Panesar et al., 2020). Looking back on the preceding two years, which were brought with the severe pandemic

impact that are still present today, it is apparent that one of the most adversely affected segments was education.

According to Mohamed Mahdy, many universities and colleges worldwide suspended all classroom teaching

due to the novel coronavirus pandemic and switched to online teaching. The suspension of classroom meetings

in numerous educational institutions necessitated the adoption of alternative methods, such as online class

platforms, for undergraduate and graduate students. With this method of learning, students can maintain their

academic pursuits while minimizing touch with one another and the risk of exposure. According to Bird et al.,
the switch to online instruction resulted in an 8.5% reduction in course completion. They found that both

withdrawals and failures rose.

The article published by Agence France-Presse (2022) titled “Philippine Classrooms Reopen After More

Than Two Years” says that the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has changed the daily routines of students. The

unexpected changes caused by health crises forced students to adapt to these new ways of learning, which can

potentially affect their perception of schoolwork. Facility closures, social isolation, and quarantine have led to a

loss of social connection with teachers, friends, and peers. Decreased physical activity, reduced access to tutors,

and increased screen time through virtual learning and digital media can have adverse effects on mental health.

The inability to control media consumption, cyberbullying and harassment, brain fog, depression, anxiety, and

self-isolation are some of the consequences of prolonged use of screen time. Nakshine V. S., Thute P., Khatib

M., et al. (October 8, 2022) For many students, the pandemic has complicated their plans, increased their

concerns about academic achievements, and altered their mode of functioning. The pandemic has also increased

students' workload and uncertainty about completing the academic quarter, resulting in higher stress levels

(Stathopoulou et al., 2020; Van de Velde et al., 2020).

Furthermore, students and educators continue to struggle with mental health challenges, higher rates of

violence and misbehavior, and concerns about lost instructional time. As mentioned by Pravin Prakash, Chief

People's Officer, BYJU'S, students are missing out on a balance between studying, working, and playing, and

this is a serious issue. Common health issues among students include signs of irritability and mood swings,

anxiety, low mood, excessive dependence on video games and mobile devices, emotional eating or overeating

as coping mechanisms for frustration, depression, stress, boredom, and others. Social media may exhibit

negative effects as well, leading to issues involving body image, low self-esteem, envy, and comparison,

alongside other negative emotions. Students are isolating themselves and experiencing an increase in anger

outbursts. The prolonged period of staying at home has made them feel numb, and they are suffering from low

Overall, the pandemic has had a significant impact on the education of Grade 10 students in the

Philippines, highlighting the need for greater investment in technology, infrastructure, and support for remote

learning, as well as measures to address the mental health and social-emotional needs of students. For many

students in grade 10 junior high school, the impact of the pandemic on them is; the pandemic complicated their

current plans, increased concerns over academic achievements, and changed their mode of functioning. The

students are trying to cope, with either positive or negative coping strategies and seek support from others.


This brief research project will assist the research in determining how the pandemic has impacted the

learning of grade 10 students in Palawig Academy Educational Foundation Inc. (PAEF) S.Y. 2022-2023. The

study aims to uncover the experiences and understand the struggles of students amidst the pandemic to look for

results that could help in attaining resilience and a variety of coping mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to

know the negative impact of the pandemic on grade 10 students. In this study, it will be determined how

students performed academically both before and after the pandemic, how the pandemic impacted the student’s

social skills, academic well-being, and study habits, as well as how difficult it was for them to adjust to the

pandemic. Hence, this research is essential in determining the impacts of the pandemic on the academic

performance of Grade 10 students of Palawig Academy Educational Foundation Inc S.Y 2022-2023. This study

intends to answer the experiences that students face amidst the pandemic their mental health and academic

performance and the coping strategies used to survive the challenges experienced.

1. The purpose of this study is to recognize the negative impacts of the pandemic on the

students in Grade 10 and how it badly impacted their academic performance and well-being.

2. The ways of this study are to help raise/spread awareness and show how the pandemic

negatively impacted the student’s studies and overall well-being.

3. The actions of this study are to spread awareness about how the pandemic negatively

impacted the students and how badly the pandemic negatively impacted their academic

performance and overall well-being.


The findings of the study will benefit different parties involving the following:

Teachers. This will serve as their guide to assess their student’s struggles in the transition of the pandemic.

Students. This research study will help them determine the pandemic's different impacts on other students'

academic performance.

Parents. The study will help the parents know the effects of the new normal on their child's academic

performance and support them get through it.

Administration. This research study will help them look for cooperating organizations to assist students with

their immediate needs in this new normal situation. The Administration may use the findings of the study to

enhance the new normal situation making it more unchallenging for students.

Future researchers. This study will provide the information needed to make further research on the impact of

the pandemic on the academic performance of the student, if necessary.

Community. This study spreads awareness in the community on recognizing the negative impact of the

pandemic on students and

Definition of Terms

In this part, the researchers will define the terms based on its usage.

Academic Performance. Academic performance refers to the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects.

Pandemic. A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple

countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population.

Social Skills. Social skills are the ability to interact with people through effective listening & communication.

Study Habits. Social habits refer to an action such as reading, taking notes, and holding study groups which the

students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning.

Well-being. Well-being is the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous.



One of the primary consequences of the pandemic is the disruption of Grade 10 students' academic progress.

The sudden shift to remote learning has presented numerous obstacles, such as limited access to resources and

technology, difficulties in adapting to online platforms, and reduced personal interaction with teachers. These

challenges have hindered students' ability to grasp new concepts effectively, resulting in gaps in their

knowledge and skills development. The absence of face-to-face instruction and collaborative learning

environments has compromised their overall academic performance. According to the (Education Commission,

2021), the consequences for children and society will be devastating and have long-term negative effects on life

outcomes, including health, nutrition, and socio-economic development. For the most marginalized children,

there is an increased risk of being left even further behind.


In the study of (Shimin Zhu et al., 29 April 2021), many studies have highlighted the negative impact on

physical and mental health, such as more screen time and sedentary behavior, more emotional distress, feeling

anxiety, fear, frustrations, and loneliness. Like other infectious diseases and macro-level crises, such as malaria,

plague, cholera, HIV/AIDS, and SARS, COVID-19 is a threat to life, but it may also be a contributor to change

lifestyles and social life.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education in the Philippines, particularly for

Grade 10 students. In response to the pandemic, the Philippine government implemented measures to limit the

spread of the virus, including the closure of schools and the implementation of distance learning. For Grade 10

students, this meant that they had to adjust to a new mode of learning, which involved online classes, modules,

and other forms of remote learning. However, not all students have access to the necessary technology or stable

internet connection to participate in online classes or access learning materials, which has disproportionately

affected students from low-income families.

In addition, the pandemic has also disrupted the delivery of standardized tests, such as the National

Achievement Test (NAT) and the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT), which could impact the

educational trajectory of Grade 10 students.

Most students lost motivation in learning because of the pandemic, and because of this, their academic

performance worsens. Students lost the ability to socialize because of being stuck in their own homes for most

of the pandemic and this caused them to have trouble befriending their classmates. The pandemic has had a

significant negative impact on the education of students around the world, including Grade 10 students. Here are

some of the ways the pandemic has impacted their learning: 1.) Lack of socialization: Students have been

unable to socialize with their peers as they normally would, which can impact their mental health and well-

being. This can also lead to a decrease in motivation and engagement with school. 2.) Increase stress and

anxiety: The pandemic has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for students, which can lead to a decrease in

motivation and focus. Students may also be dealing with personal or family issues related to the pandemic,

which can further impact their ability to learn. 3.) Disruptions to in-person learning: The disruption to in-person

learning has led to a significant loss of learning for many students, particularly those who were already

struggling academically. This can lead to long-term consequences for their academic and career prospects.


The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a negative impact on Grade 10 students learning. From
disrupted academic progress and compromised mental well-being to limited social interaction and widening
educational disparities, the consequences are far-reaching. As we navigate the challenges posed by the
pandemic, it is imperative for educational institutions, policymakers, and society as a whole to recognize and
address these negative effects. Efforts should be made to provide equitable access to resources, enhance mental
health support, and create safe and inclusive learning environments for Grade 10 students to mitigate the long-
term repercussions of the pandemic on their education and overall well-being.


•Because this research indicates that students struggled to socialize due to the pandemic, we recommend the
school conduct socializing activities such as team building, role-playing, group activities, and so on.

•Teachers should avoid giving students a lot of work in order to prevent students from being unmotivated,
feeling academic pressure, stressing out, and burning out.

•Parents and teachers should work together to address how the pandemic impacted students, enhance their
mental health and academic well-being, and encourage the students to participate in school activities that will
not just benefit them intellectually but also help boost their level of confidence.


Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on Education in India

International Journal of Current Research (IJCR) , Vol-12, Issue-7, Page-12582-12586 (2020) DOI-

(Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social and educational aspects of Saudi university students’ lives
Abdulelah A. Alghamdi)

Pragholapati, A. (2020, May 11). COVID-19 IMPACT ON STUDENTS.

(Pragholapati, A. Covid-19 Impact on Students. 2020).

(Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social and educational aspects of Saudi university students’ lives

Abdulelah A. Alghamdi).
(Impey,2020,Panesar et al.,



Nakshine V. S., Thute P., Khatib M., et al. (October 8, 2022)


(Shimin Zhu et al., 29 April 2021)

(Stathopoulou et al., 2020; Van de Velde et al., 2020).

(Education Commission, 2021)

(Shimin Zhu et al., 29 April 2021

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