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The immortal jellyfish, scientifically known as Turritopsis dohrnii, is a

remarkable species of jellyfish that has gained attention due to its unique ability
to potentially live forever. While the term "immortality" might be a bit
misleading, this jellyfish exhibits a remarkable rejuvenation process that allows
it to revert to an earlier stage of its life cycle.
Here's how it works: When a Turritopsis dohrnii reaches adulthood and faces
unfavorable conditions such as starvation, physical damage, or aging, it can
undergo a process called trans differentiation. During trans differentiation, the
jellyfish's cells can transform from specialized cell types back into a simpler
state, essentially resetting the aging process. This process can theoretically
repeat indefinitely, giving the impression of immortality.
The "superpower" of the immortal jellyfish lies in its remarkable cellular
plasticity, which allows it to transform its cells and reverse its aging process.
This ability is quite unique in the animal kingdom and has attracted the attention
of scientists who study aging and regenerative medicine.

It's worth noting that while the immortal jellyfish has an extraordinary ability to
regenerate, it is not invincible. It is still susceptible to predation, disease, and
other environmental factors that can lead to its demise. Additionally, the natural
lifespan of Turritopsis dohrnii is unclear, as they haven't been studied
extensively in the wild. However, laboratory studies have shown that they have
the potential to revert their cells and repeat their life cycle indefinitely under
favorable conditions.
In summary, the immortal jellyfish, Turritopsis dohrnii, possesses the unique
ability to revert its cells and rejuvenate, essentially restarting its life cycle. While
not truly immortal, this extraordinary ability has sparked scientific interest and
may hold implications for understanding and potentially harnessing regenerative
processes in other organisms.

Trans differentiation is the irreversible switch of one type of differentiated cell

to another. - Необратимото превключване на един тип диференцирана
клетка към друг.

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