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Question of the Fortnight

The case of the moths is a part of the evolution theory. To define

evolution, it is a process in which species have heritable variation in their
genetic material that causes change in population over generations.
According to the text, the moths appear to have a variation in their genes
which is from random mutation that makes differences among moths to
resist environmental challenges while others do not. Also, some moths
are able to survive, reproduce and adapt to the environment in a better
way than others. This leads to a natural selection mechanism which
occurs naturally between species through their certain traits. In
evidence, moths were divided into two different groups where some
were able to combat the environmental factors for growing and surviving.
However, other moths were unable to survive under extreme conditions
of environment which lead them to die and become rare in population. In
my investigation, this case is not considered to be an artificial selection
because humans did change the climate but did not choose any
desirable traits to appear in moths for breeding. In conclusion, evolution
plays an important role in the development of species like moths by
using natural selection mechanisms to survive and reproduce under
certain environmental conditions.

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