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1 questions-

1.Generalize How does biodiversity help sustain life on Earth? Biodiversity

helps sustain life on earth by maintaining the natural capital that helps keep
humans alive and supports their economies.

2.Analyze How might a reduction in species diversity affect the other three
components of biodiversity? A reduction in species diversity might affect the
other three components of biodiversity because then the genetic diversity
will be less because there will be less diverse species in an ecosystem and
environment. Certain organisms would not be able to grow or multiply.

3.Synthesize In your own words, explain why scientists believe that threats
to amphibians present a warning about a number of environmental threats to
Earth’s biodiversity. Refer to the Case Study. Scientists believe that threats
to amphibians present a warning about a number of environmental threats to
Earth’s biodiversity because amphibians usually feed off of other animals.
This would warn us that the Earth’s biodiversity is being affected because of
the loss of food.

4.Asking Questions Suppose researchers are studying biodiversity in tide

pool ecosystems. The researchers study two tide pools and identify 10 tide
pool species at each site. Develop a set of questions researchers could
investigate to compare species diversity, genetic diversity, and functional
diversity for both sites. How much sunlight does each ecosystem receive?
How is the climate in each ecosystem? Is there any genetic variation shown?
4.2 questions-

1.Evaluate What is meant by the statement “a niche is a species’ way of

life?” It means the relational position of a species and population in an
ecosystem. A niche has more than what an organism eats or where it lives.

2.Compare and Contrast How is the loss of a keystone species from an

ecosystem similar to and different from the loss of an indicator species?
Keystone species are species present in an ecosystem that is important for
influencing the diversity of a community. Without keystone
species,ecosystems would not exist or they would change a lot. An indicator
species is a species whose number or absence reflects a certain
environmental condition.

3.Classify Would you describe yourself as belonging to a specialist species

or a generalist species? Give reasons for your choice. I would consider
myself a generalists species. I would eat a variety of food if it is presented in
front of me. I like to think that I am comfortable with living anywhere
habitable and not only in one spot/space.

Science and Engineering Practices

4.Engaging in Argument Some species of sharks are on the verge of

extinction because of shark finning. Washington, California, Guam, and
Hawaiʻi prohibit selling, trading, and possessing shark fins. Do you believe
sharks should be protected? Should the United States and other countries
support this ban? Why or why not? I think sharks should be protected. The
reason why I say this is because I think that sharks are very helpful to our
ecosystem/ food chain. If sharks go extinct, I think it would affect us greatly.
There would be more fish than usual. Sharks also eat other sharks. Yes, other
countries should support this ban.

4.3 questions-

1.Summarize How does evolution explain the diversity of life on Earth?

Evolution explains the diversity of life because through evolution, organisms
and living through natural selection, would reproduce with other organisms
that aren't in the same family. This is why there is diversity through habitats
and living things on planet earth.

2.Explain How do mutation and natural selection influence the passing of

heritable traits from one generation to the next? Mutation and natural
selection influence heritable traits from one generation to another because it
gives an organism certain characteristics in order for it to survive in that
certain ecosystem and reproduce successfully.

3.Recall What are the two limits of natural selection?Two limits of natural
selection are Genetics and constraints.

4.Evaluate Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Explain what Darwin meant by this statement. Charles Darwin meant that it
doesn't matter how smart an organism is or how strong it is. It is how well
that organism adapts to change in an environment.

Crosscutting Concepts

5.Cause and Effect The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims
overuse of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. How does this
happen and what might be the consequences to human health? The Bacteria
might become antibiotic resistant due to overuse because the bacteria might
have adapted to the antibiotics and found a way to kill the antibiotics. The
bacteria could have gotten used to it and be immune to it as well. THis could
affect human health because it could make you even more sick and the
disease could spread faster.

4.4 questions-

1.Explain What are three possible outcomes for species when rapid
environmental changes occur? When rapid environmental changes occur,
species would become more exposed to extinction, the populations would
either decrease or increase, and more diversity through species.

2.Compare and Contrast How are the results of artificial selection and
genetic engineering alike and different? Artificial selection and genetic
engineering differ because genetic engineering actually changes the genes in
a plant or animal while artificial selection does so by breeding selective
plants and animals. They both allow humans to change so that it is better
suited for human needs.

Science and Engineering Practices

3.Engaging in Argument Should the United States require food producers

to label foods containing GMOs? Use the text and your own research to
develop and support your argument. Yes, food producers should l;abel their
foods containing GMOs because some people do not eat foods that contain
that and it can be bad for you. GMOs can cause cancer and you can possibly
shorten your life by eating these types of foods.

Crosscutting Concepts

4.Stability and Change Describe how the balance between speciation and
extinction determines Earth’s biodiversity and what happens when extinction
outpaces speciation. The balance between specification and extinction
determines Earth’s biodiversity because it dictates the rate at which new
species arise and are lost. If extinction outpaces specification, we would not
have many new species living.

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