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INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand the following questions below.

Answer each item based

on what is/are asked. Write your answers on the TEXTBOX provided. Copy and Answer.
1) Given the following scenarios, explain which method of animal reproduction would
best allow the survival of a particular species: (10 points)
Scenarios of dessert and Antarctica present environments that only specific animals
would allow certain animals to survive and reproduce like penguins and polar bears on
Antarctica and camels on desserts but the best scenario which would best allow the
survival of a particular species on animal reproduction is the rainforest. Many animals
coexist in the rainforests of the world, from insects and other invertebrates, to
vertebrates. Tropical rainforests support the greatest diversity of living organisms on
Earth. Although they cover less than 2 percent of Earth’s surface, rainforests house more
than 50 percent of all plants and animals found on land. These animals have evolved
numerous adaptations to help them survive the intense biological competition to
survive in the tropical rainforest. Tropical rainforests support a greater number and
variety of animals than any other biome. It has an abundance of plants and animals
because of the climate and rainforests are located in tropical regions, they receive a lot
of sunlight. This energy is stored in plant vegetation, which is eaten by animals. The
abundance of energy supports an abundance of plant and animal species. It really
provides a nearly constant supply of water and a wide variety of food for the animals.

2) How can invasive species outcompete native species and become a threat through
their mode of reproduction? Discuss your answers in not more than 8 sentences. (10
Invasive species, also called introduced species, alien species, or exotic species, any
nonnative species that significantly modifies or disrupts the ecosystems it colonizes.
Human activities, such as those involved in global commerce and the pet trade, are
considered to be the most common ways invasive plants, animals, microbes, and other
organisms are transported to new habitats. Invasive species cause harm to wildlife in
many ways, the direct threats of invasive species include preying on native species,
outcompeting native species for food or other resources, causing or carrying disease,
and preventing native species from reproducing or killing a native species' young. Some
introduced species may become invasive when they possess a built-in competitive
advantage over indigenous species in invaded areas. Under these circumstances, new
arrivals can establish breeding populations and thrive, especially if the ecosystem lacks
natural predators capable of keeping them in check. The ecological disruption that tends
to follow such invasions often reduces the ecosystem’s biodiversity and causes
economic harm to people who depend on the ecosystem’s biological resources. Invasive
predators may be so adept at capturing prey that prey populations decline over time,
and many prey species are eliminated from affected ecosystems. There is a tendency
that noninvasive species will become extinct since they are not much equipped to do
such things unto other species.

3) If you are a conservationist, how will you be able to help the proliferation of an
animal species through your knowledge of its mode of reproduction? Explain in not
more than 8 sentences. (10 points)
If I am a conservationist, I will be able to help the proliferation of an animal species
through my knowledge of its mode of reproduction by first coming up with programs
and projects on how to apply the modes of reproduction. Encourage the experimentation
of other ways of reproduction and on how to improve environment for such. Second, by
promoting and raising awareness of such species and on how to increase their
reproduction. It is ideal to keep in touch with other groups and associations that has
specialization on such matters. In this we could help preserve and protect species to
limit extinction and in this advocacy we would be able to build shelter, provide sources
like food and water for them that even though they would proliferate it would not be a
problem. People would also be aware on things they must do like doing the 4'r to be a
sustaining environment for species to live in. In some situation, when a new and
aggressive species is introduced into an ecosystem it may not have any natural
predators or controls. It can breed and spread quickly, taking over an area which will
lead to lose of home and resources for other animals, and if we would not move and
have concern on this, other animals would face extinction and would not be available for
future generation. If too many invasive species start feeling at home, misidentified
animals will certainly be the least of everyone’s worries.

4) Explore further whether society will be benefitted or will be harmed by the GMOs. Write a
position paper on either of the following: (20 points)

 We will further explore whether society will be benefitted or will be harmed, but let
us first define what is a GMO. GMO means genetically modified organisms (GMOs), let’s
break it down word by word. Genetically refers to genes, genes are made up of DNA,
which is a set of instructions for how cells grow and develop. Second is modified, this
implies that some change or tweak has been made. Lastly, we have the word organism,
when it comes to GMOs, many people only think of crops. Yet an ‘organism’ isn’t just a
plant; it refers to all living things, including bacteria and fungi. So it is the genetic make-
up that have been manipulated by artificially inserting components of another
organism. Whereby DNA that has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by
mating and/or natural recombination. In this process, it can change an organism’s
characteristics by changing an organism’s genome. Let’s talk about its risks, one, studies
have shown that genetically modified corn and soy fed to rats led to a higher risk of
them developing liver and kidney problems. These health risks may not be transferable
to humans, but they illustrate the unpredictable nature of GMOs on living things. Two,
GMOs are not always tested thoroughly. The shortest GMO testing times are a mere 90
days, which many fear is simply not enough time to ascertain all of the risks. Three,
transgenic modification produces organism types which would never occur naturally,
making them highly unpredictable. Four, GMOs could affect those with allergies in
unpredictable ways. Five, though GMOs were developed with a view to reducing the
amount of pesticides used, this is not always the case. As weeds and bacteria become
resistant to the pesticide, farmers actually use more, safe in the knowledge the crop will
not be affected. Six, often GMO products are not clearly labelled, meaning people do
not have the choice to decide whether or not they wish to consume GMO products.
Seven, GMO testing often involves performing experiments upon animals, which some
people feel is a breach of animal rights. In every action there would always be
disadvantages and advantages, GMO have been around for almost 20 years and
considering all of the said risks and bad effects on health, safety and others, it should be
apparent by now. With all the changes and development our society has gone through I
think all of us are aware of the causes and effects on things related to GMO and it
depends on people how would they cope up with this. On the other hand, let us explore
its benefits, one GMO practices can be used to produce “designer” crops, which have
more nutrients, grow quicker and produce more yield, are more resistant to pesticides
and use less fertilizer. Two, artificially implanting DNA from one species to another can
save many, many years of research. Waiting for the unpredictable nature of traditional
breeding methods can take decades to achieve the required equilibrium; such a goal can
be reached instantaneously with GMO. Three, Change (and specifically, unnatural
change) can be good. For example, cleaning and cooking our food may not be natural
but it is beneficial. In the past few years, the Philippines is now the twelfth biggest
grower of genetically modified (GM) crops according to PHILSTAR GLOBAL. This was
achieved in 2014 when 415,000 farmers planted corn in 831,000 hectares, enabling the
country to maintain its rank as among the world’s “biotech mega-countries” or nations
that produce GM crops in 50,000 hectares or more, according to the International
Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Application (ISAAA). ISAAA presented its latest
annual report on the global status of commercialized biotech crops at the Philippine
edition of its yearly media conference held on Feb. 27 at the Intercontinental Hotel in
Makati City. Another, The Philippines has finally approved the controversial Golden Rice
after years of rigorous biosafety assessment, according to PHILSTAR GLOBAL. The
Department of Agriculture, through its attached agency the Bureau of Plant Industry,
said Golden Rice has been found to be “as safe as conventional rice.” The DA issued the
biosafety permit, which detailed the approval of the Golden Rice for direct use as food,
feed or for processing (FFP). The beta-carotene content of Golden Rice aims to provide
30 to 50 percent of the estimated average requirement of Vitamin A for pregnant
women and young children. The Golden Rice is intended as a complementary, food-
based solution to existing nutritional interventions, such as diet diversification and oral
supplementation. “The Philippines has long recognized the potential to harness
biotechnology to help address food and nutrition security, environmental safety, as well
as improve the livelihoods of farmers,” he said.
With all the said evidences and the fact that GMO existed for 20 years, we have seen its
causes and effects and although it has reported effect in our health as consumers, it is
not directly the cause of any illnesses and diseases. From this study, it can be gleaned
that it depends on the consumer how he consumes the product but the product must
also be labelled for the consumer to know that it is a GMO. So it is beneficial to the
society at large since the benefits on economy will be felt by them. At present, this is
one way of the Philippine government to boost the economy in agriculture by launching
these products and in the past years we have been acknowledged as the biggest grower
of GM crops and it is said on the above statement the benefits of golden rice. So
basically, by the industry that we are creating, we are also improving the agricultural
aspect of our economy and a lot of the Filipino people will have livelihood and these
helps them improve their lives and can be able to choose how they will live it. In having
an increased buying power due to this thriving economy, they can now be able to
choose how they live and this also adds to what kind of food they will eat. From the
studies made citing the disadvantage of GMO, people now can be mindful and careful
on things we should eat with limitation and in moderation to avoid harmful risks and

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