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Organization And

1. Yes, evaluator’s bias may cause the evaluation program to fail. For example, if the
evaluator said that this employee is a great employee eventhough he/she is not, the
company will keep this employee eventhough he/she does not possess the proper
skills, which will lead to a failed work and failed business.
Evaluation helps guide decision-making regarding employment actions, personnel
planning, and training and development, and if this evaluation is biased, then there is no
good decision the company will make. If the evaluation is biased, the wrong and
unskillful employees will remain in the job without being given the opportunity to learn
further, grow further, and develop further. While the right and proficient employees are
being shadowed by those biased employees, resulting into the failure of the evaluation
program itself, as well as the whole company's operation.

2. Maintaining a strong employee relationship can be the key to the ultimate success of
an organization. If there is a strong relationship among employees in a workplace,
employees will be more productive, more efficient, and create less conflict. If the
employees have healthy relationship, they can work in harmony and peace, because
can easily agree or oppose an organization plan without planting hatred to each other. If
the employees have healthy relationship, the results of their works will be exceptional
which further lead to increase in sales level, because they are more motivated,
productive, and happy in working in a healthy, positive, kind, and 'feels like family'
environment. Also, healthy employee relationship is next to loyalty of the employee,
because most employees don’t think twice about staying in their jobs if they feel the
work culture is feasible.

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