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1. Explain why the increased release of K+ from muscles during high intensity exercise
may cause fatigue.

- During high-intensity exercise, the demand for energy in the muscle cells increases,
resulting in an increase in the concentration of potassium ions (K+) in the muscle fibers.
Here's why the increased release of K+ from muscles during high-intensity exercise may
cause fatigue:

- Muscles contract, and this process requires energy. To meet the energy demand, muscle
cells use ATP. The breakdown of ATP releases energy and produces by-products,
including K+. K+ accumulation as the demand for energy increases, so does the
concentration of K+ in the muscle fibers. The increase in K+ concentration occurs due to
several factors, including the breakdown of ATP and increased K+ release from the
muscle cells. K+ interferes with muscle function The accumulation of K+ in the muscle
fibers causes several problems.

- First, it interferes with the electrical balance of the muscle cells, disrupting the normal
flow of electrical impulses that control muscle contraction. Second, K+ can cause muscle
cells to become more acidic, which further impairs muscle function. Impaired muscle
function When K+ accumulates in the muscle fibers and interferes with muscle function,
the muscles become less efficient and tire more easily. The impaired muscle function can
also cause muscle cramps and weakness, which contribute to fatigue. Reduced exercise
capacity as K+ accumulation continues, the muscles become more fatigued, and the
athlete's exercise capacity decreases. The athlete may feel exhausted, and performance
may suffer.
- During high-intensity exercise, muscle cells use a large amount of ATP to fuel the
contraction process, leading to a decrease in cellular ATP levels. As a result, muscle cells
undergo metabolic stress, leading to an increase in the release of potassium ions (K+)
from the cells.
- This increase in K+ concentration outside of the cells creates a gradient, causing K+ to
move back into the cells via the Na+/K+ pump. This pump requires energy in the form of
ATP, which is in limited supply during high-intensity exercise. As a result, the pump
becomes less efficient, leading to a build-up of K+ outside the cells. The accumulation of
K+ outside of the cells can lead to an increased resting membrane potential, which
makes it more difficult for muscle cells to depolarize and generate action potentials. In
addition, the accumulation of K+ can interfere with the function of other ion channels,
such as Na+ channels, reducing the ability of muscle cells to contract.
- Furthermore, the increased release of K+ from muscle cells can also affect the release of
calcium ions (Ca2+) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is essential for muscle
contraction. The release of Ca2+ is triggered by an action potential, which opens
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, allowing Ca2+ to flow into the cell. However, the increased
accumulation of K+ can interfere with the depolarization of the cell and the opening of
Ca2+ channels. Moreover, Ca2+ binds to troponin, causing a conformational change that
exposes the myosin-binding sites on actin, initiating muscle contraction. However, the
increased concentration of K+ can interfere with this process, leading to a reduction in
muscle force production. Additionally, the accumulation of K+ can interfere with the
function of dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs) and ryanodine receptors (RyRs), which
are involved in the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This interference
can reduce the amount of Ca2+ available for muscle contraction, contributing to muscle

1. Scenario: A group of athletes is participating in a high-intensity workout. During the

exercise, the pH level in their muscles decreases. Which of the following is most likely to

occur as a result of this change in pH?

a) The athletes would have increased in muscle strength.

b) The athletes would experience a delayed onset of muscle fatigue.

c) The athletes would experience a decrease production of lactic acid.

d) Increased release of potassium ions from muscle fibers .

Answer: d) Increased release of potassium ions from muscle fibers.

Explanation: During high-intensity exercise, the breakdown of glucose results in the production
of lactic acid. The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles can lower the pH level, making the
muscle fibers more acidic. This acidic environment can interfere with muscle function and cause
fatigue. The pH level decreases, there is an increased release of potassium ions (K+) from the
muscle fibers. This increase in K+ concentration can further impair muscle function and
contribute to fatigue. Therefore, the most likely outcome of decreased pH level during
high-intensity exercise is increased release of K+ from muscle fibers of the athletes. Options a, b,
and c are not likely outcomes of a decrease in pH level during high-intensity exercise.
Sabira Sakhi Dad s4637278
Adelia Truong- s4655076
Laleng Kimi- s4638794
Makaruna Muth- s4655561

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