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On March 1, I started my Sustainable Tracker which I created by myself on Microsoft Excel.

I gave
myself a simple challenge but what I need to save up on my bills and help the world become more
sustainable. The tasks that I gave myself are the following:

Task Sustainability Habit Effect

Don't eat Fastfood and take outs Decrease my usage on plastic and Styrofoam
Don't Use Electric heater when taking a bath Decrease greenhouse gas emission
Use a handkerchief instead of tissues (Sweat) Decrease tissue usage and reuse handkerchiefs after
laundry day
Use less electricity (Common Area) Conserve electricity
Use recyclable bags when grocery shopping Decrease my usage on plastic and paper bags
Use reusable tumblers Decrease plastic pollution from water bottles

During this activity, I had to change my lifestyle in a way that I can adapt to this new way of life. I had to
cut back on many things that I hold dear such as my hot showers in the morning and eating outside when I
didn’t have any motivation to cook food, but I know that by doing this, I can save my allowance and learn
new things for myself as I recently moved to a condominium by myself.

After practicing these new challenges made me aware that I was consuming more electricity and water as
when my March utility bill came, I paid less than the last month. The activity’s tracker also made me
become efficient and keep a track of my daily routine. I was able to use the same process in creating my
monthly workload this month of April.

At the end of the day, this tracker is a helpful way to maintain a balance in being sustainable for the
betterment of the environment, as keeping up with this lifestyle will not only show the fruits of creating a
healthy place for the future, but educate people on their consumptions and how they can lessen that to
save the Earth.

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