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Sustainable Impact NOW – The tools to make a long lasting difference

With Manuel Bergmann

My journey

Gym trainer(?), Volunteer for 3 months from Africa, travell to Bali joined greenschool that teach about
environment education. Plastic pollution in bali got me shocked by all of the trash that you can see on the
beaches, rivers, land that doesnt get burnt because from where i come from the germany theres alot of
waste but you just dont see it. That got me aware about the problem that we face and also that we learnt
from the greenschool about sustainability and the problem that we have in the world. From there its kinda
clicked in my mind and i want to do something about it and it start with myself to change my own lifestyle
to switch from plastic bottle, plastic bags to usefull bottle, bag. Being surrounded by so many inspiring
people at the greenschool who are all trying to coming up with the incredible projects, and to do that i
also got inspired to do project coaching for cause. Coach people to gets stronger and healthier and then i
learnt in Bali about sustainable living and i want to help people and guide on the journey to live sustainable
life and make the better place. At the same time i always struggle to had a charities so i volunteer to
different places in asia or all over the way to africa i did one fund raising campaign and i raise a certain
amount but i struggle to continuously support them so i kinda practice couching and the charity work
together and created platform coaching for cause, online coaching platform that brings people coaches
from all over the world. Goes to a charity twice a week colaborating with different charities around the
world. Example what kind of organization apart of us that focusing on different team like BAWA (Bali
Animal Welfare Association) that protect animal in Bali. We did a covid-19 relief funds in the beginning of
march and april. When the first corona hit indonesia alot of people lost their job especially in bali 8% of
the economy relies on tourism so its still a big problem because the bars arent open and theres no tourists
come in. So the team of coaching of cause came up with the idea to raise fund also for different

What is Sustainability?

The report defines sustainable development as “Sustainable development is development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
what does it means is like we dont want to take all of the resources away that our future generations dont
have anything anymore. Sustainability isnt only about environment but social and economic side too. For
example theres a product that mentioned its sustainable for environment but it might not sustainable for
the economic side so this product isnt sustainable.

Why is it important that we try our best to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

At our current rate of natural resources we would need 1,75 earths to sustain ourselves. We are running
out of resources. Indonesia is quite well that we dont use much resources as australia who need 5 earths
to sustain themselves. Sustainable living ensures future generations a habitable world that they can enjoy.
It affects the ecosystems, more climate catastrophes. Sadly more often than not, the people who
contributed less to the problem are who are affected the most by climate change. Two tools to make a
long lasting impact is individual action and community action. Theres a quote from jane goodall “you
cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes
a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”

what you can do to be part of the solution? (individual action)

1. You can reduce cosumption by being conscious about what you really need. It is estimated that
an average adult makes 35.000 choices per day, consciously and unconsciously. Find out your
values “why”. Ask yourself “do i really need it?”. Say no to a single-used plastic. Use what you
already have. Small action with lots of people make a big impact.
2. Reduce food waste. Be mindful with your food. Do not throw away your valuable organic kitchen
waste. Turn your leftovers/food scraps into something delicious. Make a compost out of it.
3. Eat less animal products. Eating a plant-based diet could be one of the greatest way to reduce
your environmental impact on the planet and help to save animals. Avoiding meat and dairy could
reduce your carbon footprint by nearly 75% according to a new study by the University of Oxford.
Meat has a much higher water footprint than vegetabls, grains or beans, (A single pound of beed
takes, on average, 1800 gallons to produce) it is important to respect anyone’s decision and not
force people to change.
4. Repair instead buying new stuff or things.
5. Choose sustainable transportation whenever possible. Use public transportation. Walk short
distances. Ride your bicycles to short distance. Every little action matters.
6. Support organizations that are doing good for the planet. Support charities through social media.
Make a donation. Offer your skills on volunteer basis. There are so many ways to do good.
7. Advocate for people and the planet. When need to advocate for the people whose voices are
unheard, and who face the largest threats of the climate crisis. Document your journey on social
media, connect to like minded people and speak up.

Community action

1. Organize sustainable events. Such as beach clean ups. Online community gathering.
Environmental documentary screening. Eco quiz.
2. Demand action from businesses and government. Help to organize march for climate in your city.
Create or join petitions to demand action from the government. Write letters to businesses to
demand change. Hold companies accountable on social media.

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