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Company 2 – Group 1

Research Writeshop 2

In these modern times, our environment is suffering drastic changes. Most of

these changes benefit the society on the present situations just like by using a piece of
farmland for housing purposes. It is true that the environment are there in order for us to
use it and benefit from it but most of us forget to take care of it on the process of using
it. Most of us are only thinking about thi

In reality, many people, community and organization are planning and making a
campaign about the preservation of different natural resources and maintaining a clean
and green environment. We can see it from the different environmental groups that
were voicing out their concerns to the different communities and organization that do
their own equal shares in protecting the environment. There are also numerous well
known personalities and even informational materials that talks about the importance of
having a clean and green environment in order to have a better future for all of us.
Therefore it is realistic enough to wish to see a clean and green environment by the
year 2050 because there are really quite a lot of people who is really fighting for these
advocacies. The real impact of this scenario can be measured through changes our
environment undergoes through time. Just by a simple glance around us we can clearly
determine if there is an improvement in our environment. Scientific data and statistics
can also show if there is really a significant impact with regards to our environment
within the present day and in the near future. Also there can be professional opinions
from the experts in this field that will help us in assessing the real impact in a
trustworthy manner.

There are actually a lot of things that can be done in order to solve or at least
manage the problem. The best and simplest way to do it is by starting the change in
ourselves. By simply cleaning our own surroundings, putting our trashes properly and
even by just practicing reduce, reuse and recycle it can surely make a difference. Also
by supporting organizations that focuses their mission in protecting the environment will
definitely help. Joining tree planting activities, clean up drives, seminars that focus on
environmental awareness will also help in answering the problem. Furthermore,
following the rules and regulations regarding the proper care of the environment, by
supporting/joining different campaigns related on how to prevent different problems that
can destroy our environment. These propose solutions must be implemented because
preserving and making the environment  more sustainable can cause great benefits In
our society. Also if we will only do the propose solutions we can be part of creating a
better environment for all of us.

From this activity, we learned a lot of things. As a millennial we realized that we

should protect the environment, not only for ourselves but also for the future
generations. We shouldn’t only be concerned of ourselves but also for the society. The
saying is true that “No man is an Island” therefore we should also interact with one
another in a way that it will benefit each and everyone of us.

And if we will only be responsible and disciplined enough to be a good steward of

the environment containing His creations then a clean and green environment can be
realistic enough to be seen in the future.

It will benefit the society because they will able to live in healthy environment. It
can affect the society at large because it can help in providing a better environment
wherein we can interact freely and develop ourselves.

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