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To some people, they might consider the word “sustainable” as one of the recent

buzzwords circulating in the internet and on academic discussions. In an article by Robert Hicks

(2022), the trend in the searches for sustainability-related terms and its recent increase was

discussed further. The awareness in this word is a double-edged sword which introduces the

people to sustainability or may lead to its jargon status. However, the concept of sustainability

holds a significant position in the as the key answer for the decision making and attitude of the

present and the future. Despite this possibility, the recent rise in the interest in sustainability

gives hope on the positive impact of the familiarization with the “ozone layer depletion” which

was also explored in a video essay from Vox (2021).

Hicks (2022) reveals that the term ‘sustainability’ “was originally used by a United

Nations (UN) paper on sustainable development 1987 to mean meeting the needs of future

generations.” Now, with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United

Nations in 2015, sustainability is making its mark on the discussion on climate change and

environmental discussions. This consists of different goals agreed upon by the participating

countries to achieve. It is important to note that the sustainable development goals (SDG) will

not be attainable if one goal is not successfully pursued and achieved. In comparing the first

Sustainable Development Goals Report from 2016 and the recent SDGs Report from 2023, it

has become apparent that the contemporary events in the world impacts the indicators of the

targets with each goal. With the United Nations efforts, most of the primary policies and

strategies for the SDGs are adopted by countries mostly through involving the governments and

organizations. It is expected that striving for these SDGs are global team effort. It cannot be

achieved alone.
In my quest to identify my position to contribute in these goals, I’ve chosen one of the

obvious goals that are interconnected which are the Climate Action, Life Below Water, and Life

On Land. These goals are not just in the literal sequence which are Goal 13, Goal 14 and Goal

15 respectively, but their relationships with each other in terms of mitigating the effects of

climate change is important. Since the concept of climate change and our responsibility as

stewards of our environment was introduced, I have been familiar with some best practices that

I can contribute as an individual. My ways to support in achieving these SDGs can be seen in

three categories: Sustainability, Development, and Goals.

Sustainability. As I try to understand the intention of the word “sustainable” in the aspect

of environmental challenges, one of the most consistent and effective effort is to educate myself.

Aside from researches from printed materials, subscribing to educational channels and websites

can be beneficial that can continuously give update regarding climate change and/or land and

water situation. The knowledge on this matter can be increased through joining related seminars

or webinars. Gaining information about these subjects can also be cross-examined on my

current studies to be able to relate the topics discussed.

Another classic answer is to adapt the sustainable practices in my lifestyle for a more

consistent contribution in the conservation of resources and taking action against climate

change. The most helpful guide in these practices is from the United Nations article “The Lazy

Person’s Guide to Saving the World” which provides some practical and tangible suggestions

that can be incorporated in my own lifestyle according to different levels. An example for a Level

1 suggestion is to calculate my own carbon footprint which promotes my awareness on my daily

routine and offers an estimation of my impact on earth. In terms of lifestyle, my self-

responsibility is on the highlight. There are more things listed from the article that are grouped

into different levels depending on the range of the effort which I aim to achieve. The Target 14.1

from the Life Below Water Goal states that it aims to reduce marine pollution particularly those
from land-based activities. These man-made garbage affects the quality of soil and also the

bodies of water. I would like to continue adopting the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ mindset and

give effort to properly segregate my own garbage. Trying to reduce my own consumption and

eating fresh produce as much as possible and composting food scraps are also a few

suggestions from the UN article. There are various ways to recycle my trash which I currently

practice so continuing this would be impactful. Aside from garbage management, I intend to

practice urban farming while incorporating the recycle and composting aspect which helps in my

own resources but also contributes to the decrease of pollution in our environment. Another

responsibility that I can achieve with myself and my family is disaster preparedness as also

stated in Goal 13, Target 13.1 in our resilience against climate-related hazards. Incorporating

preparedness in my lifestyle can also improve our quality of life. This lifestyle doesn’t end in my

own home and space but also my social responsibility. Since I am also part of the youth who

enjoys visiting some natural places, the correct discipline and etiquette on my impact while I’m

in these places must be continuously observed. This can be achieved through bringing my own

garbage bag and ensuring not to disturb the natural landscapes.

This ecotourism is also another complicated matter which calls for balance in different

aspects. To conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for

sustainable development (Goal 14), the materials near these areas must be properly regulated.

This careful consideration must also be applied in order to protect, restore and promote

sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,

halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss (Goal 15). As an individual, although

I can’t directly improve the access for small producers to resources and markets (Target 14.b), I

have the capability to promote the local products, and recommend local vendors, farmers and

fishers to my circle.
As an agriculture student, I can also gather and consolidate data from my own

community regarding land and water use and other aspects connected to it in terms of

sustainability. I am also interested in restoring degraded land as mentioned in Target 15.3. One

of the points of interest in this topic is India’s effort for their lands through the traditional method

of Dhuns. This can be incorporated to the Philippine lands or in my locality then adjust to the

needs of the community. The rediscovery of traditional methods can help in improving

suggestions to the local community, more importantly those who work close to these


Development. Every sustainable practice must continuously develop to increase its

effectiveness. Our own efforts must also go through development. So as an individual, I see the

need for my self-responsibility to go further in my close circle. Even with the simple efforts of

sharing the materials which I educated myself with, is another step in spreading correct

information regarding climate change. The digestible informative publication materials through

social media even through different forms like memes could be helpful among the bountiful

information exchanged through it. Aside from informing other people, I can support or participate

in some activities or charities around me. Documenting about these events from my first-hand

records can pique the interest of other people. Although I cannot frequently donate actively

through monetary means, I can share about these efforts or offer in-kind donations or participate

as volunteer instead.

Goals. I have various personal goals regarding these three SDGs. I would like to be

more in action in my own ways. I’d like to be an agriculture student who practices sustainable

agriculture in land, in water, and for the earth. And in the future, in this industry, I can be one of

those agriculturists who practice and promote sustainable agriculture consciously. With my

knowledge and experience, I can also try to coordinate and propose to my local community on
some of my observations and strategies in improving our land and water bodies. I aim to

advocate in striving for environmentally-friendly practices and make a positive change.

My participation in aiding the achievement of the SDGs may be a just a droplet in a vast

ocean of the vision of a world in a sustainable future but I believe that the amalgamation of

these small efforts from everyone can create a wave of change that enriches ourselves and the

future generation. Overall, I realized that I am not alone in this fight, and with that I am more

motivated to accomplish my vision in supporting and contributing to the different targets of the

SDGs Climate Action, Life Below Water, and Life On Land. Now that I found my place in this

efforts, I can only go forward along with everyone.


Dpicampaigns. (2021, March 29). The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the world - United

Nations Sustainable Development. United Nations Sustainable Development.

Hicks, R. (2022, September 30). Google searches suggest people are still confused by the

meaning of “sustainability.” Eco-Business.


United Nations. (n.d.). THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development.

United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainability | United Nations.

Vox. (2021, November 24). Why you don’t hear about the ozone layer anymore [Video].


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