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How can nature help us achieve the UN SDGs in my community

SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals. As what I had read, they are
numbers of sustainable development goals. This includes, no poverty, zero hunger, good
health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation,
affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, climate action, life below
water, etc. The founder of this project is United Nations which has been established on 2015.
In my point of view, a person can contribute to Sustainable Development Goals in
variety ways. As for example, not wasting food, not wasting water, offering new job
opportunities for the jobless people, avoiding the use of products that can be harmful to the
environment, recycling, and buying energy-efficient appliances, etc.
For this essay, I would like to talk on how can nature support the achievement of the
SDGs in Malaysia. We really take serious on the importance of implementing SDGs at the
local level. This is in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As far
as I concern, Malaysia is on track to meet the SDG targets. Of course, there are still a lot
more to imply and improve.
First of all, it should be started at school level. The ministry of education plays the
main role to move the people that are working in their agency to launch awareness
campaigns. This is to ensure that people aware about SDGs and their importance. At the same
time helps in educating the students so that they will have awareness in what to do.
We should make good use of technology by introducing the students to environmental
issues. For example, we can create a video making competition on how nature support the
achievement of SDGs. We can use social media as one of the platforms to give awareness
since people nowadays spend much on their time scrolling mobile phone or computer. It can
be vary based on the needs. This might include, for example, video on dealing with single-use
plastics, exploring green jobs, understanding food insecurity, etc.
At the same time, the education sector should use SDGs to guide in curriculum and practices.
Teachers especially those who teaches in remote areas can tap into nearby nature to see how their
learning can be used to improve or support innovation right where they stay. They can embed this
process in the curriculum learning. As for example, integrating environment-based budgeting into
math or working on advocacy skills in writing. This approach to learning is suitable for all grade
All in all, it is very important to offer context and reassurance to students that what they are
doing can make a big difference.

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