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Caring and Preservation of our Environment


Nowadays, many kinds of Pillution runs around in our Enviromments. Air Pollution, Water
Polution, Land Pollution including Noise Pollution are engaged to be controlted. This essay tackles on
how to care and preserve our environments to save our future preneration.

Body paragraph 1: Caning and Maintaining Cleanliness.

Joining in programs like Clean and Geen movement. lessen such Poliution in our community or
enviromment. Younth's usually implements these as their contributions to our society in order to
maintain and preserve our life sources and not to be gone.

Body paragraph 2: Ecosystem Growing Ground

We grow and being raised in our environment since bith, As we grow as a person, we noticed that
pollution grow too as human does. So we need a greater prevention through if.

Body praragraph 3: Environment Sustains life

Taking actions and implementing rules given by the goverment is a must. Because our Environiment
gives life to people. We need to bare in mind that resources preservation and care must be done
always.We must practice self discipline, teamwork or unity matched with our own initiativity for us to
have a clean and beautiful world or enviromment.


We caint prevent people who are bias who gives conflict to all movements to be obeyed by people
thencelyes, One may say "It's not necessary for me to participate because youth's should do those for it
is their benefits to wards future and we are nofincluded if we ave old now." or some words such as
"leance it to them because it's their responsibility".

Therefore I conclude that all people should care nurture ard preserve our environment. Everybody is
responsible in conserving our ecocystem for betterment of current or present to feuture
we go on also to our future undertaking in life as our environment does too.

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