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NAMA: Aditya Yulian Saputra


Text 1

“Instruction Burning CD with two CD trays”

1. Insert the CD, from which you want to burn the file, into the computer’s CD tray.
2. Insert a blank CD you want to copy the files to, into the second CD tray on your computer.
3. Open “Windows Media Player” and wait for it to read the CD.
4. At the top of Windows Media Player, click “Burn”.
5. Drag the files you want to burn into the area on the right side called “Burn List”.
6. Choose the blank CD that you want to burn your files onto from the top of the “Burn List”
7. After you choose all the files you want to burn, click “Start Burn”. Wait for the computer
to finish and then take out both of your CDs.


1. What is the topic of the text? Burning CD with two CD trays.

2. What should we do after we click the “Burn”? Drag the files you want to burn into the area
on the right side called “Burn List”.
3. What is the purpose of the text? Explane readers the steps how to burning CD with two CD

Text 2

“How to Make Brownies”

1. Butter: 150 grams
2. Chocolate powder: 150 grams
3. Eggs: 4
4. Flour: 300 grams
5. Sugar: 600 grams
6. Vanilla extract: 1 tablespoon

1. First, melt the chocolate with butter.

2. Then, mix the eggs with sugar and the vanilla extract. Stir.
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Next, you have to combine the mixes you made. Add the flour and stir.
5. Grease a brownie tin. Add a little flour to cover the container.
6. Add the brownie dough.
7. Bake for 10-30 minutes.
8. You can put a knife in the mix to check the brownies. The knife must be moist if the mix
was right.
9. Take out the brownies from the oven, and eat them after 15 minutes for a better eating


1. What should we do before we combine the mix? Preheat the oven at low temperature.
2. How much chocolate powder do we need to make brownies? 150 grams

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