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Who is the employer of Squall Leonhart?

Ragnarok Airlines is the employer of Squal Leonhart.
Under the law, employee-employer relationship exists when the person for the
services are performed reserved the right to control not only the end to achieved but
also the manner and means used to achieve that end.
Here, He was also interviewed by Cid Kramer, the head attendant of Ragnarok before
she was hired by the Company. After which, Due to his weight, he was transferred as
ground attendant by the Company with the same salary. The Ragnarok Airlines then
has the control over Squall whether she should be hired or fired and where should be
she assigned as the Company has the power to transfer her. Therefore, because of
these circumstances, Ragnarok is the employer of Squall Leonhart.

Is Squall Leonhart a probationary employee on day 1?*

No, Squall Leonhart is not a probationary employee.
Under the law, when an employee will be put on probationary status, the employer
shall make known to the employee the standard under which he will be qualify to
become regular because where no standards are made known to the employee at
that time, he shall be deemed a regular employee.
Here, Squall was immediately deployed after few orientations only about the basic
duties and responsibilities for the job without informing him any standards that he
need to attain for regularization. Hence, Squall was be deemed to have been hired
from day 1 as regular employee not probationary considering that he was informed of
the standard qualification to become regular at the time of his engagement.

Is Squall Leonhart a fixed term employee on day 1?*

Yes, Squall Leonhart is a fixed term employee on day 1.
Under the law, a fixed term employment is an employment wherein an employee is
hired for a fixed period, whose work may be necessary or desirable to the usual
business of the employer, and the termination of which occurs upon the expiration of
said period irrespective of the existence of just cause and regardless of the activity
the employee is called upon to perform.
Here, Squall Leonhart was deployed as project-based flight attendant in Ragnarok
Airlines for a fixed-term of 12 months. Thus, 12 months is a term which is certain on
both parties and that his deployment will end after 12months to reckoned from the
commencement of his employment. Hence, Squall is a fixed term employee on day 1.
Is Squall Leonhart a project employee on day 1?*
Yes. Squall Leonhart is a project employee on day 1.
Under the, to be considered as a project employee, a project must exist which will be
the specific work or service to be performed by the worker and the specific duration of
engagement must be determinable and such agreement must be clear to the
employee at time of hiring.
Here, Squall Leonhart was hired by Final Fantasy VII Manpower to be deployed as
project-based flight attendant in Ragnarok Airlines for a fixed-term of 12 months. He
was informed of that his employment was a project-based with a determinable
duration of 12 months and that his specific work or service to be done is being a flight
attendant which is specific, distinct and separate from the main business of Ragnarok
Airlines. Hence, Squall Leonhart is not a project employee on day 1

Is the company manual on maintaining a healthy weight


NO. The company manual on maintaining a healthy weight is not discriminatory.

Under the law, it is the management prerogative of the employer to regulate the
aspects employment according to his own discretion to include working regulations.
Here, one regulation of the company under its company manual provides that flight
attendants should maintain a healthy weight. As long as the prerogative is exercised
is good faith and does not defeat or circumvent the right of the employees under the
laws. Such prerogative is not discriminatory. Hence, maintaining a healthy weight is
not discriminatory as it did not violate the right of Squall being a flight attendant.

Assuming that Final Fantasy VII is the legitimate employer of Squall

and he is a regular employee, can he be placed in floating status after
the end of the 12 month period if the employer did not renew the
Yes. He can be placed in floating status after the end of the 12 month period if
Fantasy did not renew the contract. This is lawful when there is yet no assignment to
be given to him but such floating status should not exceed 6 months so that it could
not be considered as having been dismissed.
Is the transfer valid?

Yes. The transfer was valid.

Under the law, the employer is allowed under its management prerogative to
transfer or assign its employees from one office to another area of operation
provided there is no demotion in rank, diminution of salary, benefits and
other privileges and such transfer is not motivated with bad faith or evil
motive. Meaning the transfer is with sufficient cause. Here, he was
transferred as ground attendant with the same rank and salary by reason of
his weight. This is a part of management prerogative. There is no diminution
of salary in this case neither his benefits nor other privileges was reduced.
Hence, the transfer was valid.

Mid Term Exam

Squall Leonhart, a fresh graduate from Balamb Garden University, is hired by Final Fantasy VII
Manpower to be deployed as project-based flight attendant in Ragnarok Airlines for a fixed-term
of 12 months with 6 months probationary period. During his application, he filled-out a form with
the letter head of Ragnarok and interviewed by both recruiters of Final Fantasy VII and
Ragnarok. He was also interviewed by Cid Kramer, the head attendant of Ragnarok. He was
immediately deployed after few orientations only about the basic duties and responsibilities for
the job without informing him any standards that he need to attain for regularization. After 3
months, due to stress eating, he became obese. The company manual provides that flight
attendants should maintain a healthy weight. Due to his weight, he was transferred as ground
attendant with the same rank and salary. Answer the questions with brief explanation.
Answers without explanation will be given minimal weight.
Copy Paste answers will be marked zero. Switch account

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* Indicates required question

Full Name*

Your answer

Who is the employer of Squall Leonhart?*

10 points
Your answer

Is Squall Leonhart a probationary employee on day 1?*

20 points

Your answer

Is Squall Leonhart a fixed term employee on day 1?*

20 points

Your answer

Is Squall Leonhart a project employee on day 1?*

20 points

Your answer

Is the company manual on maintaining a healthy weight

10 points

Your answer
Is the transfer valid?*
10 points

Your answer

Assuming that Final Fantasy VII is the legitimate employer of Squall

and he is a regular employee, can he be placed in floating status after
the end of the 12 month period if the employer did not renew the

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